Fred Wichman
Isabelle Slthonsi
Randolph Frederick Wichman


Family Links

Jennie Armstrong

Randolph Frederick Wichman 12

  • Born: 1 Sep 1882, Ashton, Sherman County, Nebraska
  • Marriage: Jennie Armstrong on 1 Sep 1908 in Howard County, Nebraska

bullet  General Notes:

The gentleman above named is prominently known as one of the leading
business men and worthy citizens of Scotia, Nebraska, having been
connected with mercantile and banking business; and he is one of the
public spirited men of this section of the country.
Frederick Wichman, as the subject of this review is known, was born in
Ashton, Sherman County, Nebraska, September 1, 1882, and was the only
child of Fred and Isabelle Wichman. Mr. Wichman is a Nebraska boy born
and bred, growing up on the home farm until his sixteenth year, receiving
a good common school education. In his eighteenth year he attended
business college in St. Paul, Nebraska and after completing his education
he worked for the Keystone Lumber company at Ashton, later was in the
employ of the general mercantile firm of Taylor at Ashton, and Hayden at
Omaha; and until 1904 was an employee of Hayden Brothers of Omaha.
In 1905 Mr. Wichman went to Farwell, Howard County, and became connected
with his uncle, Joseph Wichman, in the mercantile business, and remained
there for two years. On May 15, 1908, the First State Bank of Scotia,
Greeley county, was organized with the following officials: N. J. Paul,
president; W. L. Little, vice president; R. F. Wichman, cashier and
resident manager. The bank was sold in February 1911, since which time
Mr. Wichman has been the local representative of the International Land
Company of Omaha.
Mr. Wichman is a young man of splendid business ability and is a
progressive man along all lines. The Wichman family is well known in
central Nebraska. Grandfather and Grandmother Wichman reside in Farwell,
Nebraska, the oldest couple in point of years in this section of the
state; Grandfather Wichman is in his ninety-fifth year, and his wife in
about her ninetieth year. They are still active and enjoying life to its
fullness. Our subject's father died in 1905, in Nebraska, and the mother
is now a resident of California.
Randolph Frederick Wichman, the principal subject of this sketch, was
married to Miss Jennie Armstrong, daughter of Irvine and Annie (Welsh)
Armstrong, at the Armstrong home, September 1, 1908. A son, Frederick
Irvin Wichman, was born May 18, 1911. Mrs. Wichman was born in Howard
County, and her parents are old settlers of Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs.
Wichman enjoy the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends by whom
they are surrounded in their pleasant home. They are members of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Wichman is a republican; he
is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Independent Order of Odd


Randolph married Jennie Armstrong, daughter of Irwin G. Armstrong and Eliza Anna Welsh, on 1 Sep 1908 in Howard County, Nebraska. (Jennie Armstrong was born on 16 Apr 1889 in Howard County, Nebraska and died on 6 Dec 1960.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Married Home Of Irvine Armstrong, Howard County, Nebraska

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