John Berlin


Family Links

Augusta Grossmann

John Berlin 387

  • Born: 13 May 1853, Germany
  • Marriage: Augusta Grossmann
  • Died: 7 Feb

bullet  General Notes:

Augusta Berlin
Home in 1900: Fremont, Tuscola, Michigan
Age: 39
Estimated birth year: abt 1861
Birthplace: New York
Relationship to head-of-house: Wife
Spouse's name: John
Race: White
Occupation: View image

Household Members:
Name Age
John Berlin 47
Augusta Berlin 39
Lissa Berlin 16
John Berlin 18
Edith Berlin 10


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Immigrated, 1871. 1900 census says he was naturalized and had been in the US 29 yrs., immigrated 1871


John married Augusta Grossmann. (Augusta Grossmann was born on 24 Dec 1861 in New York and died on 25 Jan 1921.)

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