Thomas Dunlop
Mrs. Ann Dunlop
Thomas Dunlop


Family Links

Elizabeth Moncrief

Thomas Dunlop 151

  • Born: 28 Jan 1844, Ontario, Canada 151,371
  • Marriage: Elizabeth Moncrief on 9 Nov 1870 in Cavan Twp., Northumberland., Ontario, Canada 151


Thomas married Elizabeth Moncrief, daughter of George Moncrief and Sarah Clark, on 9 Nov 1870 in Cavan Twp., Northumberland., Ontario, Canada.151 (Elizabeth Moncrief was born on 23 Apr 1848 in Ontario, Canada 371,420.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924 Ontario, Canada Marriages, 1857-1924
Name: Elizabeth Moncrief
Birth Place: Canada
Age: 22
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1848
Father Name: George Moncrief
Mother Name: Sarah Moncrief
Spouse Name: Thomas Dunlop
Spouse's Age: 26
Spouse Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Spouse Birth Place: Canada
Spouse Father Name: Thomas Dunlop
Spouse Mother Name: Ann Dunlop
Marriage Date: 9 Nov 1870
Marriage Place: Northumberland and Durham
Marriage County: Northumberland and Durham
Family History Library Microfilm: MS932_3

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