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Valentine Blasius
Elizabeth Berry
John Sevener Or Siebenhaar
Mary Ulmschneider
George C. Blasius
Elizabeth Adelaide Sevener Or Siebenhaar
Bernice G. Blasius


Family Links

Mabel Irene Kivel

Bernice G. Blasius

  • Born: 27 Sep 1900, Mount Morris, Genesee, Michigan, USA
  • Marriage: Mabel Irene Kivel in 1927 in Michigan 282
  • Died: 21 May 1979, Almer, Tuscola, Michigan at age 78

bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Census, 15 Apr 1930, Mayville, Tuscola Co., Michigan. 282 #157 BELLAMY, George L., head, owned home, $1100 value of home, not a farm, m,w, age 49 married, age 28 at 1st marriage, bron Michigan, father born Canada, mother born NY
BELLAMY, Elizabeth, wife, f,w, age 62, married, age 28 at 1st marriage, born NY, parents born Germany
BLASIUS, Bernice G, stepson, m,w, age 29, married age 26 at 1st marriage, born Mich, parents born NY
BLASIUS, Mabel Irene, step dau-in-law, f,w, age 21, married, age 18 at 1st marriage, born Mich, parents born Michigan
BELLAMY, Lena, dau, f,w, age 18, single, born Mich, father Nebraska, mother NY
BLASIUS, Berniece I., step grand-dau, f,w, 2-9/12, born Mich, parents born Mich


Bernice married Mabel Irene Kivel in 1927 in Michigan.282 (Mabel Irene Kivel was born in 1908 in Michigan.)

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