- Born: 11 Feb 1811, Connecticut 197
- Marriage: Harriet Riley
General Notes:
August 24, 1857, Lorenzo Hurd bought land in Tuscola County, Michigan, Township 11 North, Range 10 East Section 3 and section 4. (p. 170, History of Tuscola County) A village was named after him. "This village lies on both sides of the line between the towns of Dayton and Wells. Its origin as a village was in the general merchandise store of George Sorter. He was succeeded in business by Lorenzo Hurd, from whom the name of the village was derived. A glimpse of Hurd's Corners in the fall of 1867 may be obtained from the following sketch written at that time: Hurd's Corners is located between the townships of Dayton and Wells, on the south line of the latter township, and on the Port Sanilac and Bridgeport State Road. Three years ago there was but a single residence at this place, that of Mr. Hurd's, from whom the appellation (Hurd's Corners) is derived. Now there are a number of buildings, some of them valuable, substantial, and a thriving little business is sustained. G. W. Sorter has a fine store, 40x20, two stories high, which is adorned with a finer appearing front than any building in the county, and is claimed to be one of the best stores this side of Saginaw. It is well stocked with a good general assortment of goods. This past summer Mrs. Curtis Hall erected a substantial hotel 56x42 feet, with a hall above, 42x20 feet. Franklin Goodale, a soldier in the late war who lost a leg in his country's service, is doing a living business in a boot and shoe store. A company, just in from Ohio, have erected a portable sawmill at the Corners which is now in complete operation. The mill owners intend to erect several dwelling-houses the coming summer. Another store, built by J. Johnson, which has heretofore been occupied as a dry goods and gracery store, is now vacated, but will doubtless soon be used again. This store is 30x18 feet. A fine white school-house is close at hand, and altogether the place wears the appearance of a healthy prosperity. The post office is as yet called 'East Dayton', but we understand that it is the purpose of the inhabitants to have it changed to the name of the place. G. W. Sorter is postmaster, and the office is in his store. Being comparatively remote from railroad communication, and therefore not being a point of shipment nor to any considerable extent of manufacture, Hurd's Corners is simply a point of supply for the adjacent country, to which it also furnishes mail facilities." !Records of Merrible Myers Ravenna, Ohio Paul Linderman 77 Aircraft St. Layton, Utah Sheet sent in by John Bradley Hurd Gooding, Idaho We have just recently heard of a younger brother Eugene
Lorenzo married Harriet Riley. (Harriet Riley was born on 6 Aug 1816 in Aurora, Portage, Ohio 198.)