John Bellamy
Mrs. Mary Bellamy
(Abt 1715-)
Samuel Becket
John Bellamy
Elizabeth Becket
William Bellamy


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William Bellamy

  • Born: 1761, Laughterton, Kettlethorpe, Lincolnshire, England
  • Christened: 19 Feb 1761, Kettlethorpe, Lincolnshire, England
  • Died: 9 Dec 1836, Laughterton, Kettlethorpe, Lincolnshire, England at age 75
  • Buried: 20 Dec 1836, Kettlethorpe, Lincolnshire, England

bullet  General Notes:


"the last will and testament of me WILLIAM BELLAMY of laughterton in the parish of kettlethorpe
in the county of lincoln.
i give and bequeath to SARAH BELLAMY of laughterton ;widow of my late brother thomas
-two hundred pounds for her life to go to her childrenat her decease. i also leave to my late
brother thomas's childrenas follows:-
to JOHN; ten pounds. to THOMAS; twenty pounds. to JAMES; ten pounds. to HENRY ten pounds.
and to ELIZABETH fourty - five pounds to be recieved by them at my death.
i leave to my sister MARY WATSON of east kirkby in the county of lincoln one hundred pounds
to go to her grand children at her decease.
i leave to my nephew JOHN BELLAMY of sleaford and to my nephew WILLIAM BELLAMY
of laugderville and to my niece ANN RINDER of wrangle one hundred pounds to be
equally divided amoungst them .
i leave to my brother CHRISTOPHER BELLAMY one hundred and sixty pounds for him to recieve
the interest of it during his life and to go to his children at his decease but if the parish should
claim any part of it - from him as being a pauper i then leave it to his children
JOHN: WILLIAM: THOMAS & MARY to remain in trust for them till they come to the age
of twenty one years - each to recieve an equal share at reaching that age.
and to "LINCOLN COUNTY INFIRMARY" i leave the sum of five pounds
and i do appoint THOMAS BELLAMY of laughterton and JOHN BELLAMY of sleaford
my nephews to be the EXECUTORS of this my last will.
and i further wish that if there not be sufficient property left above the legasies to pay the expences
of my funeral and proving my will that they be discharged by an equal rate per cent on the said
witness my hand this twenty fifth day of september one thousand eight hundred and twenty four

" on the 25th day of april 1837 the executors within named were duly sworn and also made oath
that the whole of the personal estate and effects of the deceased at the time of his death
(within the diocese of lincoln) did not amount to the sum of eight hundred pounds
before me R GARVEY

the probate dated the 2nd day of may 1837

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