Louis Fredrick Myers
Lena Hargens
Lucille Catherine Myers


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Elmer J. Bellamy

Lucille Catherine Myers

  • Born: 27 Aug 1915, Cairo, Hall Co., Nebraska
  • Died: 3 Nov 2001, Cairo, Hall Co., Nebraska at age 86

bullet  General Notes:

"Larry's mother, Lucille died November 3, 2001 at home after a 7 month battle of reoccuring cancer. Elmer is doing okay, just very sad and he really misses Lucille. They would have celebrated their 64th anniversary on December 23rd. We have hired Home Care and Companions and they send out 2 women to cook, clean and spend time with him during the day. We still spend a lot of time there so it keeps us quite busy. Lucky that he is close and that we can keep him at home." - Alice Bellamy Dec.26, 2001


Lucille married Elmer J. Bellamy, son of Bert Herbert Bellamy and Elsie Whitefoot.

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