James Irvine
Janet Locke
James Irvine Jr.


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Margaret Jane (Maggie) Welsh

James Irvine Jr. 12

  • Born: 7 Oct 1846, Kirkhill Village, Lauderdale, Scotland
  • Marriage: Margaret Jane (Maggie) Welsh on 27 Nov 1876 in Howard County, Nebraska
  • Died: 16 Nov 1933, St. Paul, Howard County, Nebraska at age 87

bullet  General Notes:

"He came to America landing at Montreal, Canada, on 6 Jun 1869 and went to Kalamazoo, Michigan, and then to Iowa and later to Omaha. Then, with his brother, George Irvine, and James Baxter, went to Howard Co., Nebraska, arriving there on April 1, 1871, where they filed homestead claims, his being on Oak Creek in Kelso Precinct. In 1900, he and his wife moved to a farm north of St. Paul where they lived until they moved into St. Paul in 1921.

The name of Irvine is a familiar one to all who have passed any length of time in Howard county, in that this family is among the very earliest settlers of that part of Nebraska, and the gentleman above mentioned has passed through all the ups and downs of pioneer life, ever taking a prominent part in the upbuilding of his county and state.
James Irvine is a native of Lauderdale, Kirkhill village, Scotland, born on October 7, 1846. He was the second child in a family of nine, consisiting of seven boys and one girl. His parents were James and Janet. (Lock) Irvine, both of whom were born and reared in Lauderdale. Mr. Irvine grew up in his native country, leaving there for the United States in 1869, and landing in New York on June 8th. His first location was at Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he remained for several months, then went to Cascade, Iowa. There he engaged in farming, but after only one year in the vicinity came on to Nebraska, stopping at Omaha. He was accompanied by his brother George, and two friends, James Baxter and Alex Lamb, arriving in Howard county about the first of April, 1871. Our subject filed homestead rights in southeast quarter, section twenty-four, township fourteen, range twelve, proved up on one hundred and sixty acres, and later sold the land. About 1899 he purchased his present farm which is situated on section sixteen, of which about two hundred and sixty acres are under cultivation. In the fall of 1909; Mr. Irvine purchased
three hundred and twenty acres, which was the west half of section nine, and in February, 1910, added to it three hundred and twenty acres adjoining it, lying in section eight, so he is now owner altogether of nine hundred and sixty acres in Logan and Fairdale precincts. He engages in mixed farming and stock raising; running a large bunch of high grade Shorthorn cattle, also raises a herd of hogs each year which he disposes of at the nearby markets. His place is completely equipped with substantial buildings and improvements of all kinds, and he is classed among the progressive and well-to-do residents of Howard county.
Mr. Irvine was joined here in 1873 by his father, mother and two brothers, other members of the family coming here prior to that time, so that all were early settlers in the locality. Mr. James Irvine, senior, died here November 13, 1906, while the mother passed away in 1881. On November 28, 1876, our subject was united in marriage to Margaret Jane Welsh, daughter of Peter Welsh, who is an early settler of Howard county, the ceremony taking place at the home of her parents in Kelso precinct. Mrs. Irvine's family were natives of Canada, settling in Howard county about 1876, and both her mother and father died here. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Irvine, namely: Martha Jane, Adelaide B., George L., Glenn W., and Clarence S., the first two married, while the three others are single.
During 1884 to 1890 inclusive, Mr. Irvine was county commissioner of Howard county, and at other times held precinct office. Politically he is a democrat.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• immigrated to Canada, 6 Jul 1869, Montreal, Canada.

• Arrived Howard County, 1 Apr 1871, Howard County, Nebraska. "Then with his brother George Irvine and James Bzxter went to Howard Co., Ne. arriving there on April 1, 1871 where they filed homestead claims, his being on Oak Creek in Kelso Precinct."

• Moved to farm, 1900, Howard County, Nebraska. "They moved to a farm north of St. Paul where they lived until they moved to St. Paul in 1921."

• moved into town, 1921, St. Paul, Howard County, Nebraska.


James married Margaret Jane (Maggie) Welsh, daughter of Peter Welsh and Jane Moncrief, on 27 Nov 1876 in Howard County, Nebraska. (Margaret Jane (Maggie) Welsh was born on 13 Jul 1855 in Brussels, Huron Co., Ontario, Canada and died on 9 Jan 1941 in Nelson, Nebraska.)

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Witnessed by George Irvine of Kelso and Mary Magdaline Svoboda of Warsaw,
Performed by Geo W Newell, Minister of the Gospel.
On November 28, 1876, was united in marriage to Margaret Jane Welsh,
daughter of Peter Welsh, who is an early settler of Howard County, the
ceremony-taking place at the home of her parents in Kelso precinct.

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