US Army Nike AA Missile Base
Bristol, Rhode Island

Photos from Kenneth Wayne Sanborn

  1961    Ron Gelinas’  1959 Triumph TR3

Lon Bonczek, Richard Mielstrap, Willy Judkins,
Wayne Sanborn and Bill Churchill helping Ron park it

.        Looking at the barracks from        1962  Indian Museum. House in foreground
.       the HIPAR catwalk                                    used to be Old Soldiers Home. 2 or 3
.                                                       families living there now.

1962 Views south from HIPAR catwalk
Break in tree line was cliff down to beach and
2nd view is part of HIPAR bldg roof and TTR

.      1962  View towards Fall River                     View up the "Hill" from Battery street
from HPAR tower                                                                              .

One of the few times a helicopter landed on the "hill'. This very well
could be delivering a much needed part that we had to have in a hurry.



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