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FALLER DESCENDANTS - Descendants of Thomann Faller and Gertraud Tuffner (Duffner)

Updated:June 2, 2006 (6/2/2006). All dates are expressed as Month/Day/Year.
Additions/Changes: About 30 new family units from "Z," starting with 06mz00 and going down to generation 12.

This is really not as complicated as the rules make it appear. They are more for me to follow when constructing the file. (Intermarriages complicate things considerably.)


This file system is organized by generation, with Thomann and Gertraud Faller arbitrarily called Generation 0. Each numbered generation has a set of family units, but the family units are not in any order. A "family unit" consists of all the marriages and children of a descendant from the previous generation (the primary descendant) and also the marriages of anyone to whom the primary descendant was married and so on. Please see Rule 5 on multiple marriages for an explanation, and note that this file therefore contains individuals who are not Faller descendants.

Each marriage and each child is assigned a unique key. A "record" consists of the key, the marriage or child, and any optional notes. A family unit may include one or more marriage records and zero or more child records. If I knew that a marriage was childless, I noted that fact. However, the omission of child records is more often the result of my not knowing of any children. A family unit may include children born out of wedlock, in which case the marriage record omits the spouse's name.

The "key" consists of a basic six characters and possibly a suffix for multiple marriages. The basic key XXYYZZ consists of:
XX, a number counter (00, 01, 02, ...) indicating generation.
YY, a letter counter (aa, ab, ac, ...) indicating family unit. This counter is arbitrarily reset at the beginning of each generation to allow for insertion of data.
ZZ, a number counter (01, 02, 03, ...) indicating child in birth order. In marriage records the child counter appears as 00.
Note that the last four characters (YYZZ) make a record unique, and the generation (XX) is for convenience only.

To print this file, I suggest you use your word processor to replace space-#-space ( # ) and space-*- space ( * ) with tabs in order to line up the fields. To move around in the file, search on an individual's name and then use his or her YYZZ key to locate the marriage record, if any, which is USUALLY further on in the file. Be careful about upper and lower case characters in the keys. In generation 10, I switch to upper case for the first letter of the family key YY. After exhausting family keys aa-zz and Aa-Zz, I will switch to keys aA-zZ. To adapt this file system to include the ancestors of Generation 0, I suggest calling the previous generation Generation 99 and then work backwards, 98, 97, and so on, serializing family units in Gen. 99 with AA-ZA, Gen. 98 with BA-BZ, and so on.


1. FAMILY UNITS (within a generation) are not in any logical order, but are numbered (or, more precisely, lettered) in the order in which they were entered by me. Occasionally, I will need to reassign a key.

2. MARRIED CHILDREN: Children who marry are listed along with their unique key in a marriage record in the following generation (see below for exception). Children for whom I do not know of a marriage are obviously not listed in a marriage record. However, if I do know that a person never married, that fact (or early death, celibacy, etc.) is noted.

3. IN A MARRIAGE RECORD, the descendant's name is listed first regardless of gender. His or her unique key (yyzz) is in parentheses after the name. Marriage year is shown after the symbol "oo."

4. INTERMARRIAGES: Marriages between descendants are generally listed under the husband's generation, with the husband's name first.

(4/2/99) Note that the discovery that a husband of a descendant is also a descendant IN A DIFFERENT GENERATION will affect the family unit key and the keys of any descendants of that family unit. I will make that modification to ensure internal consistency.

5. MULTIPLE MARRIAGES within a family unit are listed in chronological order. (They may be out of order when the dates are not known to me.) Each marriage, including the first, has a number suffix added to its key. For example, 01bb01-2 is the key for the second marriage for family unit bb.

The symbol "2oo" or "3oo" refers to the second or third marriage of the person on the LEFT of the symbol. Note that this may not necessarily be the second or third marriage in the family unit, indicated by the number after the hyphen (dash) in the marriage record. Also note that the first marriage in a family unit may not necessarily involve any Faller descendants.

(4/11/99) Note that WIDOWED (or divorced) female descendants who marry another (male) descendant will have a marriage record showing their previous spouse(s), in the family unit of the male descendant they eventually marry, immediately above the applicable marriage record. For example, see 07pv00- 2.

(4/11/99) If a family unit includes marriages of more than one male descendant, the family unit is entered in the generation of the first (based on marriage date) male descendant in the family unit. There is an example of this case somewhere in the file, but I've lost track of it.

(11/26/99) As a corollary to rules 4 and 5, note that when searching the file for the marriage of a descendant, the marriage record(s) may be before OR after the child record of the descendant. Therefore, such searches should be run from the top of the file.

6. CHILD RECORDS: All children are numbered in order of birth, although some may not be Faller descendants. When additional children are discovered and listed, they are inserted in birth order. This may result in renumbering of individuals from one version of this list to another but will not affect the assignment of family unit keys.

7. (11/3/99) NAMES: To aid in searches, most last names, other than contemporary variations of Faller and other surnames, have been standardized using the index of names in the Gutenbach history. These include: Beha, Duffner, Fehrenbach, Furtwangler (omitting umlaut), Ganter, Heitzmann, Hummel, Kammerer, Kern, Ketterer, Kienzler, Kirner, Loffler (omitting umlaut), Rombach, Schatzle (omitting umlaut), Scherzinger, Schildecker, Wehrle and Winterhalder. Female surnames are listed without the suffix "in." I usually omit diacritical marks over German and French vowels. In the course of standardizing, I may have inadvertently changed the spelling of a surname in contemporaneous use, and I would appreciate being informed about it so I can correct it.

(5/21/01) For first names, I have kept the various spellings (Gertruda/Gertraud/Getrude, Bertha/Berta, etc.) but have tried to standardize the beginning letters (Catherine instead of Katherine), to aid in searches. Use as few letters as you can: "cath" will pick up Catharine, Catherine, and Catharina. But I am not always consistent in applying these rules, especially when names may have been modified upon immigration. Therefore, you need to search both Jacob and Jakob, Veronica and Veronika, Xaver and Xavier, etc. Other names of interest are Colestin (male), Colestine or Colestina (female), Kreszens and Crescentia (are these gender variations?), Apollonia, and Ottilia. I will be adding notes on the meaning of these and other names in the future. "Nicknames," such as Thebus, Stoffel, Madlen may or may not have been changed to their formal equivalents. I will standardize and/or document these changes as soon as time permits. When in doubt, search on as many variations as reasonable.

8. DATES: Since this system is not a true genealogy database, I chose only to include years in all date fields. Birth and death years are shown on the individual's child record. For spouses, the years are shown on the marriage record, except for female spouses who are also descendants--they have their unique key listed on the marriage record rather than their birth and death years, which can be found on their child record.

9. NOTES are preceded by an asterisk (*) and space. Notes are generally listed for males with the child record and for females with the marriage record, since the females' notes more often refer to their husbands' occupations. Numbered farms and farmers are from the Neukirch and Gutenbach histories. The number of the farm (chapter) is followed by the number of the farmer/owner. The abbreviation "Gut." refers to numbered farms in the Gutenbach history (see MAPS). "Neuk." refers to numbered farms in the Neukirch history. "Furt." refers to numbered farms in the Furtwangen history. The number before the colon is the farm chapter number; the number after the colon is the farm owner number. The web site has a list of the names and numbers of the farms. "PMF ancestor" denotes a direct ancestor of me (Patricia Margaret Faller), and is for my own use.

10. A single question mark (?) is a place-saver for an unknown datum. A double question mark (??) indicates a questionable datum such as conflicting sources.


00aa00 # Thomann Faller oo (before 1540) Gertraud Tuffner (Duffner) * Neuk.1:3
00aa01 # Catherine Faller
00aa02 # Magdalena Faller
00aa03 # Clara Faller
00aa04 # Adam Faller
00aa05 # Margaret Faller
00aa06 # Theis (Mathias ??) Faller * PMF ancestor


01ba00 # Catherine Faller (aa01) oo (before 1564) Wendel Kammerer * Gut.10:6
01ba01 # Adam Kammerer
01ba02 # Martin Kammerer
01ba03 # Gertrude Kammerer
01ba04 # Margaretha Kammerer

01bb00-1 # Theis Faller (aa06) oo (~1570) Veronica Marckh (or Mark) * Neuk.1:4
01bb01 # Thoma Faller (1575-) * Oberfallengrund, PMF ancestor
01bb02 # Hans Faller (~1576-1629) * Wildgutach, Innkeeper
01bb03 # Waldburg Faller (~1579-1630) * Burned as witch
01bb04 # Catherine Faller (~1581-)
01bb05 # Rosina Faller (~1583-1615)
01bb06 # Gertrud Faller (~1585-1643)
01bb07 # Madlen Faller (~1587-1625)
01bb08 # Adam Faller (~1589-1589) * died early
01bb09 # Paul Faller (~1591-) * Waldkirch, butcher
01bb10 # Jacob Faller (~1592-1667) * worker on Kirnerhof, PMF ancestor
01bb11 # Maria Faller (~1593-1630)
01bb12 # Bartle Faller (~1595-1636) * PMF ancestor
01bb00-2 # Veronica Marckh 2oo (before 1609) Urban Dold * U.D. Neuk.1:5
01bb13 # Unknown son of Urban, died 5 weeks after Urban


02ca00 # Thoma Faller (bb01) oo Catherine Hummel
02ca01 # Jacob Faller (~1620-1667) * PMF ancestor

02cb00 # Hans Faller (bb02) oo Rosina Rombach (~1580-) * H.F. from Wildgutach (??)
02cb01 # ? Faller (~1610-)

02cc00 # Waldburg Faller (bb03) oo Hans Walter

02cd00 # Catherine Faller (bb04) oo (1600) Theis Hummel (~1581-) * Gut.20:7
02cd01 # Theis Hummel (1611-1696)
02cd02 # Anna Hummel (~1613-1642)
02cd03 # Maria Hummel (~1615-)

02ce00-1 # Rosina Faller (bb05) oo Ulrich Kammerer (~1550-) * Gut.13:8,9
02ce01 # Eva Kammerer (~1608-)
02ce02 # Magdalena Kammerer (~1609-1661)
02ce00-2 # Rosina Faller 2oo (1612) Simon Fehrenbach (-1656) * Gut.14:6
02ce03 # Brid Fehrenbach
02ce04 # Veronica Fehrenbach
02ce00-3 # Simon Fehrenbach 2oo (1616) Barbara Rombach * B.R. from Furt.36:6
02ce05 # Thoma Fehrenbach
02ce06 # Martin Fehrenbach
02ce07 # Jacob Fehrenbach (1619-)
02ce08 # Salome Fehrenbach (1621-)
02ce09 # Tobias Fehrenbach (1623-1635)
02ce10 # Rosina Fehrenbach (1626-)
02ce11 # Jacob Fehrenbach (1628-1635)
02ce12 # Philipp Fehrenbach (1632-) * PMF ancestor
02ce13 # Maria Fehrenbach
02ce14 # Martin Fehrenbach (1635-)
02ce00-4 # Simon Fehrenbach 3oo (1637) Barbara Schildecker
02ce15 # Hans Fehrenbach (1638-)
02ce16 # Christa Fehrenbach (1639-)
02ce17 # Lucia Fehrenbach (1641-)
02ce18 # Catherine Fehrenbach (1643-)
02ce19 # Elisabetha Fehrenbach (1643-)
02ce20 # Claus Fehrenbach (1644-)
02ce21 # Salome Fehrenbach (1646-)
02ce22 # Georg Fehrenbach (1650-)
02ce23 # Catherine Fehrenbach (1651-1661)
02ce24 # Christoph Fehrenbach (1655-)

02cf00 # Gertrud Faller (bb06) oo (1604) Jacob Dold * Obersimonswald, mason

02cg00 # Madelan Faller (bb07) oo (1600) Bartlin Fehrenbach * Furt., Innkeeper of 'Ochsen'

02ch00 # Jacob Faller (bb10) oo (1618) Rosina Wagner (~1587-1663) * Kirnerhof in Neuk. (??)
02ch01 # Maria Jacobea Faller (1619-1670)
02ch02 # Salome Faller (1621-1645)
02ch03 # Catherine Faller (1622-)
02ch04 # Christoph (Stoffel) Faller (1624-1708) * Neuk.1:11, Gut.7:8, PMF ancestor
02ch05 # Elisabeth Faller (1627-)

02ci00-1 # Maria Faller (bb11) oo Hans Faller * Hans was cousin from Furt.-Schutzenbach, Rotebauernhof
02ci00-2 # Hans Faller 2oo Elisabeth Scherzinger
02ci01 # Georgius Faller (1638-1714) * b Grimmelsbach d Epfig

02cj00-1 # Bartle Faller (bb12) oo (1621) Anna Fehrenbach (-1635) * Neuk.1:6
02cj01 # Maria Jacoba Faller (1621-)
02cj02 # Johann Jacob Faller (1622-) * murdered, PMF ancestor
02cj03 # Georg Faller (1624-after 1673)
02cj04 # Maria Faller (1629-)
02cj00-2 # Bartle Faller 2oo (1636) Ursula Hummel (~1611-1695)
02cj05 # Johann Faller (1637-)
02cj00-3 # Ursula Hummel 2oo (1638) Bartle Winterhalder * Artistic sculptor, Neuk.1:7, later at Oberfallengrund
02cj06 # Susanne Winterhalder (1639-)
02cj07 # Johann Konrad Winterhalder (1640-) * sculptor, Kirchzar
02cj08 # Mathias Winterhalder(1643-)
02cj09 # Agnes Winterhalder (1644-1685)
02cj10 # Joseph Winterhalder (1647-)
02cj11 # Constantin Winterhalder(1649-)
02cj12 # Christina Winterhalder (1655-)


03ea00-1 # Georg Faller (cj03) oo (~1654) Catherine Winterhalder (-1675) * Neuk.1:8
03ea01 # Anna Faller (1655-)
03ea02 # Jacob Faller (1661-1740)
03ea03 # Daniel Faller (1664-)
03ea04 # Maria Faller (1664-)

03eb00-1 # Johann Jacob Faller (cj02) oo Gertrud Faller
03eb01 # Bartle Faller (1646-1714) * Neuk.1:10, bought Neuk.1 from Georg Faller (1:8), PMF ancestor
03eb00-2 # Johann Jacob Faller 2oo Brigitte Fackler (-1707)
03eb00-3 # Brigitte Fackler 2oo (~1650) Thebus (Matheus) Beha (1622-1692) * weaver, Neuk.1:9, farmed for his stepson Bartle Faller
03eb02 # Barbara Beha
03eb03 # Maria Beha (1654-1743)
03eb04 # Brigitte Beha (1655-1724)
03eb05 # Catherine Beha (1660-)
03eb06 # Michel Beha (1662-) * Schonwald
03eb07 # Magdalena Beha (1663-1741)
03eb08 # Hans Beha (1664-) * Schonwald

03ec00-1 # Stoffel Faller (ch04) oo (1652) Agatha Winterhalder (1635-1697) * Neuk.1:11, Gut.7:8
03ec01 # Mathias Faller (1653-1710) * b Neuk., Carpenter, PMF ancestor
03ec02 # Anna Maria Faller (1653-1704) * b Gut./Neuk. ??
03ec03 # Catherine Faller (1656-1695) * b Gut./Neuk. ??
03ec04 # Maria Lucia Faller (1658-1685) * b Gut.
03ec05 # Josef Faller (1662-1710) * b Gut.
03ec06 # Salomea Faller (1663-) * b Gut., single
03ec07 # Jacob Faller (1666-1740) * b Gut., worker
03ec08 # Andreas Faller (1669-1736) * b Gut., worker
03ec09 # Michel Faller (1671-before 1708) * b Gut., single
03ec10 # Georg Faller (1674-1674) * b Gut.
03ec11 # Rosina Faller (1674-1708) * b Gut.
03ec12 # Georg Faller (1675-1748) * b Gut. PMF ancestor
03ec00-2 # Stoffel Faller 2oo (1698) Rosina Achermann

03ed00-1 # Magdalena Kammerer (ce02) oo (1625) Hans Fehrenbach (~1600-1635) * Gut.13:10, see Furt.4:15
03ed01 # Mathias Fehrenbach (1629-)
03ed02 # Rosina Fehrenbach (1632-)
03ed03 # Eva Fehrenbach (1633-1670)
03ed00-2 # Magdalena Kammerer 2oo (~1635) Bartle Kirner (-1668) * Gut.13:10
03ed04 # Maria Kirner (1636-)
03ed05 # Thomas Kirner (1639-)
03ed06 # Mathias Kirner (1641-)
03ed07 # Joseph Kirner (1642-) * Kirnerhof in Neuk.
03ed08 # Caspar Kirner (1645-)
03ed09 # Johann Kirner (1647-) * Kirnerhof in Neuk.
03ed10 # Clemens Kirner (1650-)
03ed11 # Brigitte Kirner (1652-)

03ee00 # Theis Hummel (cd01) oo Gertrud Kirner (~1616-) * Gut.20:8, G.K. from Kirnerhof in Neuk.
03ee01 # Sebastian Hummel (1637-)
03ee02 # Philipp Hummel (1638-)
03ee03 # Rosina Hummel (1639-)
03ee04 # Catherine Hummel (1640-)
03ee05 # Georg Hummel (1642-)
03ee06 # Jacob Hummel (1644-)
03ee07 # Caspar Hummel (1646-)
03ee08 # Maria Hummel (1647-)
03ee09 # Johann Hummel (1649-)
03ee10 # Christoph Hummel (1651-) * re Gut.3:7 ?
03ee11 # Lorenz Hummel (1652-1721)
03ee12 # Magdalena Hummel (1655-)
03ee13 # Anna Hummel (1657-)
03ee14 # Agatha Hummel (1658-)
03ee15 # Thomas Hummel (1659-)
03ee16 # Gabriel Hummel (1661-)

03ef00-1 # Georgius Faller (ci01) oo Marie Magdalena Clausmann (1635-1707)
03ef01 # Mathias Faller (-1740)
03ef02 # Christina Faller (-1754)
03ef03 # Joannes Faller
03ef04 # Anna Maria Faller (1679-1691)
03ef05 # Salome Faller (-1717)
03ef00-2 # Georgius Faller 2oo (1712) Elisabeth Fischler

03eg00-1 # Jacob Faller (ca01) oo (1640) Brigitte Fehrenbach (1620-1684) * Kilpenhof, Gut.4:7, Gut.4:8
03eg01 # Thoma Faller (1640-)
03eg02 # Johann Faller (1642-) * PMF ancestor
03eg03 # Maria/Magdalena (?? two sources differ) Faller (1644-)
03eg04 # Rosina Faller (1646-1698) * PMF ancestor
03eg05 # Veronica Faller (1648-)
03eg06 # Catharina Faller (1649-)
03eg07 # Thomas Faller (1652-)
03eg08 # Salome Faller (1653-)
03eg09 # Philipp Faller (1655-1736) * "Lips", PMF ancestor
03eg10 # Jacob Faller (1657-)
03eg11 # Maria Faller (1659-)
03eg12 # Agatha Faller (1662-)
03eg00-2 # Brigitte Fehrenbach 2oo (1668) Bartle Waidmann

03eh00-1 # Philipp Fehrenbach (ce12) oo (1657) Anna Kern (1639-1693) * Gut.14:7, A.K. from Gut.9:5
03eh01 # Brigitte Fehrenbach (1658-)
03eh02 # Adam Fehrenbach (1660-)
03eh03 # Martin Fehrenbach (1662-)
03eh04 # Joseph Fehrenbach (1664-1738) * PMF ancestor
03eh05 # Simon Fehrenbach (1667-1703)
03eh06 # Maria Fehrenbach
03eh07 # Bartholomaus Fehrenbach (1670-)
03eh08 # Barbara Fehrenbach (1672-)
03eh09 # Magdalena Fehrenbach (1675-)
03eh10 # Margarita Fehrenbach (1680-)
03eh11 # Georg Fehrenbach (1684-)
03eh12 # Anna Fehrenbach (1687-)
03eh00-2 # Philipp Fehrenbach 2oo (1697) Susanna Winterhalder (1655-1726)

03ei00-1 # Anna Hummel (cd02) oo (1638) Matheus Loffler (~1613-1684) * Gut.16:9
03ei01 # Catherine Loffler (1639-)
03ei02 # Jacob Loffler (1641-1724)
03ei00-2 # Matheus Loffler 2oo (1642) Maria Beha * M.B. maybe from Gut.2:6
03ei03 # Rosina Loffler (1643-)
03ei04 # Brigitte Loffler (1645-)
03ei05 # Margaretha Loffler (1647-)
03ei06 # Sabina Loffler (1649-)
03ei07 # Mathias Loffler (1651-)
03ei00-3 # Matheus Loffler 3oo (1655) Anna Ganter

03ej00 # Maria Jacobea Faller (ch01) oo (1638) Lorenz Hummel
03ej01 # Johannes Hummel (1645-1702) * need to check that he is their son

03ek00 # Salome Faller (ch02) oo (1638) Johann Muckle

03el00 # Johann Konrad Winterhalder (cj07) oo (1661) ? * wife was widow of Johann Georg Hauser

03em00 # Christina Winterhalder (cj12) oo (1683) Joseph Hormann Buhl * "bei der Segen"

03en00 # ? Faller oo (~1625) Bartle Fehrenbach (~1580-) * B.F. from Furtwangen
03en01 # Georg Fehrenbach (~1627-) * b Furtwangen


04ga00 # Bartle Faller (eb01) oo (1668) Maria Ketterer (1648-1702) (1645(??)-) * Neuk.1:10, M.K. from Gut.19:7. [Z had same dates (1648-1702) as myself for Maria K.]
04ga01 # Elisabeth Faller (1671-1753) * Z had d-date as 1695
04ga02 # Clara Faller (1674-)
04ga03 # Mathias Faller (1677-) * not in Z's db
04ga04 # Maria Faller (1678-1708) * d-date from Z
04ga05 # Magdalena Faller (1680-)
04ga06 # Catherine Faller (1682-)
04ga07 # Kaspar Faller (1684-)
04ga08 # Johann Jacob Faller (1686-)
04ga09 # Jacob Faller (1687-1763) * b Rilpenbach valley, PMF ancestor
04ga10 # Anna Maria Faller (1692-)

04gb00 # Christina Faller (ef02) oo Mathias Hubrecht

04gc00 # Mathias Faller (ec01) oo (1680) Catherine Scherzinger
04gc01 # Christopher Faller (1681-1708)
04gc02 # Maria Faller (1683-)
04gc03 # Johann Faller (1684-)
04gc04 # Michael Faller (1686-)
04gc05 # Magdalena Faller (1687-)
04gc06 # Jacob Faller (1689-)
04gc07 # Franciskus Faller (1692-) * PMF ancestor
04gc08 # Mathias Faller (1694-)
04gc09 # Salome Faller (1696-)
04gc10 # Andreas Faller (1681-)

04gd00 # Anna Maria Faller (ec02) oo Johann Jacob Fehrenbach * Locksmith

04ge00-1 # Georg Kern (1652-1733) oo (1669) Anna Humler (1648-1676/77) * Gut.9:7
04ge01 # Maria Kern (1672-)
04ge02 # Margaritha Kern (1674-)
04ge03 # Martin Kern (1676-)
04ge00-2 # George Kern 2oo (1677) Catherine Faller (ec03)
04ge04 # Thomas Kern (1678-)
04ge05 # Elisabeth Kern
04ge06 # Anna Kern
04ge07 # Magdalena Kern (1693-)
04ge00-3 # Georg Kern 3oo (1696) Elisabeth Beha (1667-1710) * E.B. from Gut.2:7
04ge08 # Georg Kern (1698-)
04ge09 # Catherine Kern (1703-)
04ge10 # Johann Georg Kern (1708-)
04ge00-4 # Georg Kern 4oo (1710-) Clara Ketterer (1673-)
04ge11 # Petrus Kern (1712-)
04ge00-5 # Clara Ketterer 2oo (1737) Hans Scherzinger

04gf00 # Maria Faller (ec04) oo (1681) Adam Hummel

04gg00-1 # Josef Faller (ec05) oo Maria Fehrenbach
04gg00-2 # Josef Faller 2oo Maria Beuerle

04gh00 # Jacob Faller (ec07) oo (1699) Anna Loffler (hd01) * ?? see 04gt
Neuk.1 (Fallengrund) has both Jacob's marrying Anna Loffler in 1699.

04gi00-1 # Andreas Faller (ec08) oo (1699) Christine Kern
04gi01 # Maria Faller (1702-) * Neuk. at Oberfallengrund
04gi02 # Anna Faller (1702-) * Neuk. at Oberfallengrund
04gi03 # Agatha Faller (1706-) * Neuk.
04gi04 # Gertrud Faller (1709-) * Neuk.
04gi05 # Georg Faller (1713-) * Neuk. at Oberfallengrund
04gi06 # Blasius Faller (1715-) * Fallgrund
04gi00-2 # Andreas Faller 2oo (1723) Maria Heitzmann

04gj00-1 # Georg Faller (ec12) oo (1700) Susanne Wehrle (-1702) * Neuk.1:12
04gj00-2 # Georg Faller 2oo (1702) Barbara Furtwangler (1679-1734) * "The Good Furtwangler"
04gj01 # Maria Faller (1703-1767)
04gj02 # Anna Faller (1705-1748)
04gj03 # Mathias Faller (1707-1791) * Famous sculptor
04gj04 # Magdalena Faller (1709-1778) * PMF ancestor
04gj05 # Jacob Faller (1711-) * Moshof farmer
04gj06 # Christoph Faller (1714-1796) * Oberfallengrund
04gj07 # Agatha Faller (1716-before 1734)
04gj08 # Johann Faller (1717-)
See Gut.20:13. That Johannes Faller may NOT be this Johann Faller. Crossed out changes.
04gj09 # Andreas Faller (1720-)
04gj00-3 # Georg Faller 3oo (1734) Magdalena Hoch (1699-by 1748)
04gj10 # Anton Faller (1735-) * died early
04gj11 # Barbara Faller (1737-1811)
04gj12 # Jerg Faller (1741-) * died early

04gk00 # Mathias Faller (ef01) oo Ossilia Spitzin
04gk01 # Franciscus Mathias Faller (1699-1771)
04gk02 # Bernardus Faller (1704-1717)
04gk03 # Maria Helena Faller (1708-1708)
04gk04 # Johannes Michael Faller (-1754)
04gk05 # Leonardus Faller (-1739)
04gk06 # Marcus Thomas Faller
04gk07 # Bartholomaus Faller * b Epfig, source Pierre Faller

04gl00 # Johann Faller (er02) oo ? Holzaphelin

04gm00-1 # Philipp Faller (eg09) oo (1681) Elisabeth Hebdinger (1658-1709) * Kilpenhof, Gut.4:9
04gm00-2 # Philipp Faller 2oo (1709) Catherine Heitzmann (1681-1768)
04gm01 # Jacob Faller (1710-1779) * PMF ancestor
04gm02 # Johann Faller (1712-)
04gm03 # Elisabeth Faller (1714-1777)
04gm04 # Philipp Faller (1715-)
04gm05 # Johann Faller (1717-)
04gm06 # Catherine Faller (1719-)
04gm07 # Brigitte Faller (1722-)
04gm08 # Christian Faller (1724-1772) * from Rilpenbach (??), PMF ancestor
04gm09 # Maria Faller (1727-1797)
04gm10 # Maria Magdalena Faller (1730-1801)
04gm11 # Catherine Heitzmann 2oo (1737) Andreas Trenkle * A.T. from Simonswald

04gn00-1 # Rosina Faller (eg04) oo (1668) Martin Schildecker (1644-1688) * Gut.8:9
04gn01 # Maria Schildecker (1669-)
04gn02 # Brigitte Schildecker (1671-)
04gn03 # Johanna Schildecker (1672-)
04gn04 # Jacob Schildecker (1675-)
04gn05 # Magdalena Schildecker (1677-)
04gn06 # Salome Schildecker (1679-)
04gn07 # Philipp Schildecker (1681-1761) * PMF ancestor
04gn08 # Johannes Schildecker (1683-)
04gn09 # Brigitte Schildecker (1686-)
04gn10 # Martin Schildecker (1688-)
04gn00-2 # Rosina Faller 2oo (1688) Abraham Clausmann * A.C. from Rohrhardsberg

04go00 # Veronica Faller (eg05) oo Georg Ketterer * Furt.45:10

04gp00 # Maria Faller (eg11) oo Matheis Beirle * Furt.24:12

04gq00 # Johann Faller (eg02) oo (1671) Rosina Ganter (1643-)
04gq01 # Magdalena Faller (1673-)
04gq02 # Maria Faller (1675-1743)
04gq03 # Jacob Faller (1677-)
04gq04 # Brigitte Faller (1678-1723)
04gq05 # Sebastian Faller (1681-) * PMF ancestor
04gq06 # Jacob Faller (1683-)
04gq07 # Johann Faller (1686-)

04gr00 # Joannes Faller (ef03) oo (1695) Catharine Holzaepfel

04gs00 # Salome Faller (ef05) oo (1696) Michael Schneider

04gt00 # Jacob Faller (ea02) oo (1699) Anna Loffler (hd01) * ?? see 04gh
Neuk.1 (Fallengrund) has both Jacob's marrying Anna Loffler in 1699.

04gu00 # Maria Kirner (ed04) oo Mathis Hummel * M.H. from Nonnenbach

04gv00-1 # Eva Fehrenbach (ed03) oo (1650) Georg Scherzinger (1630-1653) * Gut.13:11
04gv01 # Maria Scherzinger (1653-)
04gv00-2 # Eva Fehrenbach 2oo (1654) Adam Ganter (~1630-1659) * Simonswald
04gv02 # Georg Ganter (1656-)
04gv03 # Hans Ganter (1657-)
04gv04 # Regina Ganter (1660-)
04gv00-3 # Eva Fehrenbach 3oo (1660) Christoph Kern (1637-1709) * Schonwald
04gv05 # Jordanus Kern (1663-)
04gv06 # Theodorus Kern (1664-)
04gv07 # Thomas Kern (1667-)
04gv08 # Joseph Kern (1669-)
04gv00-4 # Christoph Kern 2oo Rosina Ketterer (1650-1721) * Wolfsgrund
04gv09 # Martinus Kern (1671-)
04gv10 # Catherine Kern (1672-)
04gv11 # Johann Georg (1673-)
04gv12 # Joseph Kern (1675-)
04gv13 # Sibilla Kern (1676-)
04gv14 # Christina Kern (1677-)
04gv15 # Magdalena Kern (1679-)
04gv16 # Michael Kern (1680-)
04gv17 # Maria Magdalena Kern (1682-)
04gv18 # Zepherinus Kern (1683-)
04gv19 # Mathaus Kern (1684-)
04gv20 # Bartholomaus Kern (1685-)
04gv21 # Clara Kern (1687-)
04gv22 # Felix Kern (1688-)
04gv23 # Johann Conrad Kern (1690-)
04gv24 # Rosina Kern (1693-)

04gw00 # Simon Fehrenbach (eh05) oo (1697) Catherine Beha (1671-1703) * Gut.14:8
04gw01 # Michael Fehrenbach (1698-1757)
04gw02 # Maria Fehrenbach (1701-)
04gw03 # Anna Fehrenbach (1703-)

04gx00-1 # Joseph Fehrenbach (eh04) oo (1691) Maria Ketterer (1669-1714) * Gut.9:8, Gut.14:9, M.K. from Gut.19:9
04gx01 # Catherine Fehrenbach (1692-)
04gx02 # Bartle Fehrenbach (1695-)
04gx03 # Martin Fehrenbach (1697-)
04gx04 # Philipp Fehrenbach (1701-1790) * PMF ancestor
04gx05 # Anna Fehrenbach (1704-)
04gx06 # Jacob Fehrenbach (1708-)
04gx07 # Christian Fehrenbach (1710-)
04gx08 # Jacob Fehrenbach (1712-)
04gx00-2 # Joseph Fehrenbach 2oo (1714) Brigitte Faller (gq04)
04gx09 # Maria Fehrenbach (1716-)
04gx00-3 # Joseph Fehrenbach 3oo (1724) Agatha Hoch * A.H. from Furt.8:10
04gx10 # Joseph Fehrenbach (1725-)
04gx11 # Magdalena Fehrenbach (1726-)
04gx12 # Barbara Fehrenbach

04gy00 # Margarita Fehrenbach (eh10) oo (1703) Mathias Hummel * Gut.14:10
04gy01 # Barbara Hummel (1704-)
04gy02 # Maria Hummel (1706-)
04gy03 # Christian Hummel (1707-)
04gy04 # Jacob Hummel (1709-)
04gy05 # Georg Hummel (1711-)
04gy06 # Anna Hummel (1713-)
04gy07 # Johann Hummel (1715-)
04gy08 # Joseph Hummel (1716-)
04gy09 # Mathias Hummel (1718-)
04gy10 # Catherine Hummel (1719-)

04gz00 # Rosina Hummel (ee03) oo Mathaus Duffner * Sattlerhof in Schonwald

04ha00 # Maria Hummel (ee08) oo Christian Fehrenbach * C.F. from Furt.

04hb00 # Agatha Hummel (ee14) oo Martin Grieshaber * Furt.27:10

04hc00 # Lorenz Hummel (ee11) oo Maria Scherzinger (1644-) * Gut.20:9
04hc01 # Mathias Hummel
04hc02 # Catherine Hummel (1677-)
04hc03 # Abraham Hummel (1679-1721)
04hc04 # Magdalena Hummel (1681-)
04hc05 # Elisabeth Hummel (1682-)
04hc06 # Regina Hummel (1684-)
04hc07 # Blasius Hummel (1686-)
04hc08 # Salome Hummel (1687-)
04hc09 # Barbara Hummel (1689-)
04hc10 # Agnes Hummel (1692-)

04hd00 # Jacob Loffler (ei02) oo (between 1675-77) Maria Schwab (1650-) * Gut.16:10, M.S. from Rohrbach
04hd01 # Anna Loffler (1678-)
04hd02 # Georg Loffler (1680-)
04hd03 # Thomas Loffler (1681-)
04hd04 # Catherine Loffler (1683-)
04hd05 # Clara Loffler (1685-)
04hd06 # Johann Loffler (1687-)
04hd07 # Mathias Loffler (1689-) * Father of Black Forest clock makers ?
04hd08 # Margaretha Loffler (1691-)
04hd09 # Jacob Loffler (1694-)
04hd10 # Joseph Loffler (1697-1735)

04he00 # Barbara Beha (eb02) oo (before 1677) Hans Kaltenbach * Rainerhof, Schonwald

04hf00 # Johannes Hummel (ej01) oo (1674) Maria Beha (eb03) * Gut.7:9, Gut.7:10
04hf01 # Mathias Hummel (1675-) * Obergutenhof, Schonwald
04hf02 # Jacobea Hummel (1676-1751)
04hf03 # Catherine Hummel (1678-)
04hf04 # Joseph Hummel (1680-1751)
04hf05 # Martin Hummel (1681-)
04hf06 # Michael Hummel (1683-)
04hf07 # Georg Hummel (1686-)
04hf08 # Magdalena Hummel (1687-)
04hf09 # Anna Hummel (1688-)
04hf10 # Maria Hummel
04hf11 # Georg Hummel (1692-) * Bauer ouf dem Stalter in Waldau
04hf12 # Barbara Hummel (1694-)
04hf13 # Mathaus Hummel (1696-1780)
04hf14 # Lucia Hummel (1701-)

04hg00 # Brigitte Beha (eb04) oo (1679) Josef Hummel * Vogtshansenhof, Gutenbach

04hh00 # Magdalena Beha (eb07) oo Jacob Tilger Kajetanshof


05ja00 # Elisabeth Faller (ga01) oo (1693) Johann Scherzinger * Lehmannsgrund

05jb00 # Jacob Faller (ga09) oo (1725) Catherine Fehrenbach (1694-1775)
05jb01 # Maria Faller (1725-1800) * PMF ancestor
05jb02 # Johannes Faller (1728-)
05jb03 # Francisca Faller (1730-)
05jb04 # Andreas Faller (1734-1807) * d-date from Z
05jb05 # Margaretha Faller (1738-)

05jc00 # Maria Faller (gj01) oo (1727) Josef Garter * Schwarzenbach, Margruthof

05jd00 # Anna Faller (gj02) oo Anton Winterhalder

05je00 # Mathias Faller (gj03) oo (1747) Maria Fehrenbach (-1759) * M.F. famous sculptor

05jf00-1 # Philipp Fehrenbach (gx04) oo (1732) Magdalena Faller (gj04) * Gut.9:9
05jf01 # Mathias Fehrenbach (1734-)
05jf02 # Mathaus Fehrenbach (1735-)
05jf03 # Gallus Fehrenbach (1737-1816) * PMF ancestor
05jf04 # Joseph Fehrenbach (1740-)
05jf05 # Gertruda Fehrenbach (1742-)
05jf06 # Franziska Fehrenbach (1744-)
05jf07 # Maria Fehrenbach (1746-)
05jf08 # Magdalena Fehrenbach (1750-)
05jf00-2 # Philipp Fehrenbach 2oo Sabina Keller (1722-)

05jg00 # Christoph Faller (gj06) oo (1745) Maria Muller
05jg01 # Maria Faller (1751-) * b.Fallengrund
05jg02 # Margaritha Faller (1755-) * b.Fallengrund
05jg03 # Jacob Faller (1757-) * b.Oberfallengrund
05jg04 # Martin Faller (1759-1830) * d Spital in Triberg

05jh00 # Andreas Faller (gj09) oo (1742) Brigitte Faller (gm07) * Neuk.1:13
05jh01 # Gertrud Faller (1745-)
05jh02 # Georg Faller (1747-)
05jh03 # Maria Faller (1749-1797)
05jh04 # Anna Faller (1752-1797)
05jh05 # Brigitte Faller (1754-1758)
05jh06 # Eva Faller (1755-1838)
05jh07 # Scholastika Faller (1758-1799)
05jh08 # Wendelin Faller (1759-1768)
05jh09 # Josef Faller (1762-)
05jh10 # Helena Faller
05jh11 # Mathaus Faller (1765-)

05ji00 # Anna Hummel (hf09) oo Mathis Hug * Prefect in Wildgutach

05jj00 # Bartholomeas Faller (gk07) oo (1740) Maria Margaritha Jund (1734-)
05jj01 # Francois Joseph Faller (1741-1814) * b Barr, Tanner
05jj02 # Ignace Antoine Faller (1745-1824) * Tanner
05jj03 # Jean Jacques Faller (1749-1801) * Bell founder

05jk00 # Marcus Thomas Faller (gk06) oo (1738) Maria Magdalena Gerber
05jk01 # Anna Marie Faller (1740-)
05jk02 # Maria Magdalena Faller (1745-1747)
05jk03 # Maria Anna Faller (1848-1752)
05jk04 # Franciscus Antonius Faller (1752-)

05jl00 # Jacob Faller (gm01) oo (1737) Anna Schildecker (jt07) * Kilpenhof, Oberlehmannsgrundhof, Gut.4:10, Gut.8:13
05jl01 # Anna Faller (1738-)
05jl02 # Magdalena Faller (1740-1780)
05jl03 # Philipp Faller (1742-)
05jl04 # Johann Faller (1743-)
05jl05 # Georg Faller (1745-)
05jl06 # Anna Faller (1747-)
05jl07 # Simon Faller (1750)
05jl08 # Mathias Faller (1752-)
05jl09 # Johann Faller (1754-)
05jl10 # Anna Maria Faller (1756-)
05jl11 # Benedikt Faller (1758-) * Furt.13:13, PMF ancestor
05jl12 # Maria Faller (1760-)
05jl13 # Catherine Faller (1763-)

05jm00-1 # Christian Faller (gm08) oo (1750) Maria Faller (jb01) * Kilpenhof, Gut.4:11, Gut.4:12
05jm01 # Jacob Faller (1750-)
05jm02 # Nicolaus Faller (1751-)
05jm03 # Catherine Faller (1753-)
05jm04 # Maria Faller (1756-1812)
05jm05 # Johann Faller (1758-)
05jm06 # Theresia Faller (1759-)
05jm07 # Helena Faller (1764-)
05jm08 # Magdalena Faller (1766-)
05jm09 # Christian Faller (1769-1846) * PMF ancestor
05jm00-2 # Maria Faller 2oo (1772) Josef Heim (1719-1810)

05jn00 # Elisabeth Faller (gm03) oo (1737) Andreas Furtwangler (1711-1758) * Gut.12:18
05jn01 # Gertrud Furtwangler (1738-)
05jn02 # Johann Furtwangler (1740-)
05jn03 # Franziska Furtwangler (1741-)
05jn04 # Ferdinand Furtwangler (1743-)
05jn05 # Joseph Furtwangler (1746-)
05jn06 # Agatha Furtwangler (1750-)
05jn07 # Jacob Furtwangler (1753-)
05jn08 # Catherine Furtwangler (1755-)

05jo00 # Catherine Faller (gm06) oo (1743) Mathis Scherzinger * Furt.3a:13

05jp00-1 # Jacob Duffner (1657-1721) oo (1695) Maria Winterhalder (1674-1699) * Gut.2:10, no children
05jp00-2 # Maria Faller (gq02) oo (1699) Jacob Duffner
05jp01 # Franziska Duffner (1701-1775)

05jq00-1 # Jacobea Hummel (hf02) oo (1694) Andreas Kienzler (1668-1734) * Gut.3:8, no children
05jq00-2 # Jacobea Hummel 2oo (1735) Christian Scherzinger (~1691-1755) * Gut.5:10, no children
05jq00-3 # Christian Scherzinger 2oo (1752) Maria Furtwangler (1727-)
05jq01 # Philipp Scherzinger (1753-1817)
05jq00-4 # Maria Furtwangler 2oo (1755) Joseph Kaltenbach (~1737-1797) * Gut.5:11, J.K. from Schonwald

05jr00 # Catherine Hummel (hf03) oo Johann Schneider * Kunzlerhansenhof, Schonwald

05js00 # Johanna Schildecker (gn03) oo Georg Fehrenbach

05jt00-1 # Philipp Schildecker (gn07) oo (1704) Maria Ketterer (1679-1734) * M.K. from Gut.12:12
05jt01 # Bartholomaus Schildecker (1705-)
05jt02 # Brigette Schildecker (1707-)
05jt03 # Elisabetha Schildecker (1709-)
05jt04 # Maria Schildecker (1711-)
05jt05 # Barbara Schildecker (1715-)
05jt06 # Catherine Schildecker (1717-)
05jt07 # Anna Schildecker (1720-1798) * PMF ancestor
05jt00-2 # Philipp Schildecker 2oo (1734) Maria Scherzinger (-1757)
05jt08 # Johannes Schildecker (1735-) * died early
05jt00-3 # Philipp Schildecker 3oo (1757) Agatha Kuss (1721-1787)
05jt09 # Bartholomaus Schildecker (1758-)

05ju00 # Maria Faller (ga04) oo (1708) Bartle Kirner

05jv00 # Franciskus Faller (gc07) oo (1720) Brigitte Kern (1694-1770)
05jv01 # Michael Faller (1721-1812) * bought Bachhof in 1753, PMF ancestor
05jv02 # Catherine Faller (1724-)
05jv03 # Jacob Faller (1728-)

05jw00 # Sebastian Faller (gq05) oo (1715) Barbara Commer
05jw01 # Magdalena Faller (1716-)
05jw02 # Mathaus Faller (1717-)
05jw03 # Maria Faller (1718-)
05jw04 # Mathias Georg Faller (1720-)
05jw05 # Jacob Faller (1722-)
05jw06 # Franziska Faller (1724-1791) * PMF ancestor
05jw07 # Catherine Faller (1725-)
05jw08 # Maria Eva Faller (1728-)

05jx00 # Johannes Michael Faller (gk04) oo Maria Edighoffer
05jx01 # Franciscus Jacobus Faller (1725-1732)
05jx02 # Joannes Michael (1729-1732)

05jy00 # Franciscus Mathias Faller (gk01) oo Maria Elisabetha Kohlmann
05jy01 # Anna Maria Faller (1743-)
05jy02 # Franciscus Josephus Faller (1745-)
05jy03 # Josephus Antonius Faller (1747-)
05jy04 # Joannes Baptista Faller (1748-)
05jy05 # Johannis Petrus Faller (1750-1750)
05jy06 # Johannes Petrus Faller (1751-)
05jy07 # Franciscus Mathias Faller (1754-)
05jy08 # Franciscus Mathias Faller (1756-)
05jy09 # Johannes Petrus Faller (1758-)
05jy10 # Franciscus Ludovicus Faller (1762-1764)

05jz00-1 # Blasius Faller (gi06) oo (1742) Catharina Kirner * Fallgrund
05jz01 # Elizabeth Faller (1744-) * (Death noted on birth entry) Neuk.
05jz02 # Petrus Faller (1746-) * Neuk.
05jz03 # Rosa Faller (1748-) * Neuk.
05jz04 # Susanna Faller (1750-) * Neuk.
05jz05 # Catharina Faller (1752-) * Oberen Fallgrund
05jz06 # Andreas Faller (1754-) * Oberen Fallgrund
05jz07 # Verena Faller (1757-) * Oberen Fallgrund

05ka00 # Salome Schildecker (gn06) oo (1698) B. Fehrenbach * unclear, handwritten

05kb00 # Christina Kern (gv14) oo Hans Faller

05kc00 # Martinus Kern (gv09) oo Magdalena Hepting * M.H. from Furt.14:10

05kd00 # Catherine Kern (gv10) oo Hans Krauss

05ke00-1 # Thomas Kern (gv07) oo (1695) Magdalena Ketter (1670-1730) * Gut.13:13, M.K. from Gut.6:11
05ke01 # Maria Kern (1696-)
05ke02 # Eva Kern (1697-)
05ke03 # Ottilia Kern (1698-1763)
05ke04 # Agnes Kern (1701-)
05ke05 # Florentin Kern (1702-)
05ke06 # Theresia Kern (1704-1731)
05ke07 # Agatha Kern (1707-)
05ke08 # Barbara Kern (1708-)
05ke09 # Christian Kern (1711-)
05ke00-2 # Thomas Kern 2oo (1731) Agatha Wolf (-1750) * A.W. from Neuk.

05kf00 # Anna Fehrenbach (gx05) oo Moises Faller * Furt.31:8

05kg00-1 # Michael Fehrenbach (gw01) oo (1718) Catherine Scherzinger (1696-1721) * Gut.14:11
05kg01 # Andreas Fehrenbach (1719-1765)
05kg00-2 # Michael Fehrenbach 2oo Catherine Hoch (1696-1738) * C.H. from Hochbauernhof Furt.
05kg02 # Franz Fehrenbach (1723-)
05kg03 # Paul Fehrenbach (1724-)
05kg04 # Kunigunda Fehrenbach (1725-)
05kg05 # Ambrosius Fehrenbach (1727-)
05kg06 # Bruno Fehrenbach (1729-)
05kg07 # Johannes Fehrenbach (1732-)
05kg08 # Esther Fehrenbach (1734-)
05kg00-3 # Michael Fehrenbach 3oo (1738) Anna Duffner (1709-) * A.D. from Furt.29:11
05kg09 # Maria Fehrenbach (1739-)
05kg10 # Ignaz Fehrenbach (1741-)
05kg11 # Monika Fehrenbach (1744-)
05kg12 # Judith Fehrenbach (1747-)
05kg00-4 # Anna Duffner 2oo (1758) Josef Fehrenbach (-1796)

05kh00-1 # Abraham Hummel (hc03) oo (1708) Maria Hebdinger (1682-) * Gut.20:10, M.H. from Furt.13:8
05kh01 # Jacob Hummel (1709-)
05kh02 # Catherine Hummel (1710-)
05kh03 # Franz Hummel (1711-)
05kh04 # Maria Hummel (1712-)
05kh00-2 # Abraham Hummel 2oo (1714) Magdalena Schildecker (1688-1761)
05kh05 # Mathias Hummel (1715-1787)
05kh06 # Anna Hummel (1716-)
05kh07 # Johann Hummel (1717-)
05kh08 # Barbara Hummel (1718-)
05kh09 # Joseph Hummel (1720-)
05kh10 # Joseph Hummel (1721-)

05ki00 # Joseph Loffler (hd10) oo (1720) Maria Schwer (-1746) * Gut.16:11, M.S. from Nussbach
05ki01 # Mathias Loffler (1722-)
05ki02 # Ignace Loffler (1724-)
05ki03 # Catherine Loffler (1725-)
05ki04 # Maria Loffler (1727-)
05ki05 # Joseph Loffler (1729-)

05kj00-1 # Johann Faller (gj08) oo (1748) Gertrud Humler (1724-1799) * Gut.20:13
Gut.20:13 has many crossed out notes on Johann. Can't be sure if he is gj08.
05kj01 # Peter Faller (1748-)
05kj02 # Andreas Faller (1749-)
05kj03 # Mathias Faller (1752-)
05kj04 # Bernhard Faller (1753-)
05kj05 # Franziska Faller (1755-)
05kj06 # Mathias Faller (1757-)
05kj07 # Maria Faller (1759-)
05kj08 # Mechthildis Faller (1761-)
05kj09 # Magdalena Faller (1763-)
05kj10 # Joseph Faller (1766-)
05kj11 # Johann Baptist Faller (1768-)
05kj12 # Gertrudis Faller (1771-)
05kj00-2 # Gertrud Humler 2oo (1784) Mathias Pfaff * M.P. from Furt.

05kk00 # Joseph Hummel (hf04) oo (1711) Catherina Bihrler (1693-) * Gut.11:9
05kk01 # Mathias Hummel (1712-)
05kk02 # Maria Hummel (1714-)
05kk03 # Johann Hummel (1715-)
05kk04 # Ignaz Hummel (1718-)
05kk05 # Johann Hummel (1721-)
05kk06 # Lorenz Hummel (1723-)
05kk07 # Joseph Hummel (1726-)
05kk08 # Maria Magdalena Hummel (1727-)
05kk09 # Barbara Hummel (1730-)
05kk10 # Franziska Hummel (1735-)

05kl00 # Maria Hummel (hf10) oo Andreas Pfaff * Bauer auf dem Felderhanisenhof, Schonwald

05km00 # Mathaus Hummel (hf13) oo (1730) Catherine Hermann (1693-1779) * Gut.7:11
05km01 # Joseph Hummel (1731-)
05km02 # Johann Hummel (1732-)
05km03 # Martin Hummel (1733-)
05km04 # Ignatius Hummel (1737-)
05km05 # Mathias Hummel (1739-)
05km06 # Catherine Hummel (1740-)
05km07 # Catherine Hummel (1741-)
05km08 # Andreas Hummel (1742-1823)


06ma00 # Gertrud Faller (jh01) oo (1765) Andreas Fehrenbach * Unterfallengrundhof

06mb00 # Maria Faller (jh03) oo (1773) Bartle Hepting * Heptinghof

06mc00 # Anna Faller (jh04) oo (1775) Josef Muller * Rohrbach

06md00 # Eva Faller (jh06) oo (1778) Mathias Dilger * Schweizerhof
06md01 # Bernard Dilger (1779-1780) * Fahlgrund
06md02 # Rosina Cymana Dilger (1780-) * Fahlgrund
06md03 # Eva Dilger (1781-) * Fahlgrund
06md04 # Maria Dilger (1783-) * Fahlgrund
06md05 # Philipp Jacob Dilger (1784-death noted on birth entry) * Schweitzerhof
06md06 # Regina Dilger (1785-) * Neuk.
06md07 # Martin Dilger (1786-) * Neuk.
06md08 # Fidelis Dilger (1788-) * Neuk.
06md09 # Crescentia Dilger (1790-death noted on birth entry) * Neuk.
06md10 # Brigitta Dilger (1791-1794) * Neuk.
06md11 # Mathias Dilger (1793-1795) * Neuk.
06md12 # Georgius Dilger (1795-) * Neuk.
06md13 # Bernard Dilger (1796-death noted on birth entry) * Neuk.
06md14 # Magdalena Dilger (1798-1873) * Neuk.
06md15 # Michael Dilger (1799-) * Neuk.
06md16 # Christina Dilger (1801-death noted on birth entry) * Neuk.

06me00 # Scholastika Faller (jh07) oo (1782) Thomas Kaiserin Schomach * Schonwald, Felderhanissenhof

06mf00-1 # Mathaus Faller (jh11) oo (1785) Genovefa Kienzler (1764-1833) * Neuk.1:14
06mf01 # Mathaus Faller (1786-1786)
06mf02 # Martin Faller
06mf03 # Georg Faller (1789-) * died early
06mf04 # Kreszens Faller (1790-1866)
06mf05 # Alois Faller (1792-1854) * Watchmaker
06mf06 # Catherina Faller (1794-1866)
06mf07 # Nicolaus Faller (1795-1828) * died in France
06mf08 # Johann Faller (1797-) * married in France
06mf09 # Genovefa Faller (1799-)
06mf10 # Raimund Faller (1803-) * missing in France in 1828
06mf11 # Josef Faller (1804-1845)
06mf00-2 # Mathaus Faller 2oo (1837) Maria Faller (1792-)
06mf00-3 # Maria Faller 2oo Blasius Winterhalder

06mg00-1 # Francois Joseph Faller (jj01) oo (1766) Richard Maria Meyblum (1741-1814)
06mg01 # Marta Richardis Faller (1767-1785) * Barr
06mg02 # Franciscus Josephus Faller (1769-1769)
06mg00-2 # Francois Joseph Faller 2oo Maria Anna Schauffler (1753-1810)
06mg03 # Margaritha Catharina Faller (1771-)
06mg04 # Maria Francisca Theresia Faller (1773-1789)
06mg05 # Francois Joseph Xavier Faller (1775-1857)
06mg06 # Maria Elisabeth Ursula Faller (1777-1778)
06mg07 # Louis Henry Faller (1780-1805) [?? 1779-]
06mg08 # Maria Josepha Faller (1781-1786)
06mg09 # Joseph Ignace Aloise Faller (1787-1850)
06mg10 # Marie Louise Faller ?? (-1810)

06mh00 # Ignace Antoine Faller (jj02) oo Anne Catherine Spitz
06mh01 # Anne Catherine Faller (1769-1842)
06mh02 # Marie Genevieve Faller (1771-1841)
06mh03 # Ignace Antoine Faller ?? (1773-1777)
06mh04 # Francisca Victoria Faller (1775-1778)
06mh05 # Ludovicus Henricus Faller (1776-1776) * Tanner
06mh06 # Henri Antoine [?? Ignace Henri] Faller (1777-1853) * Tanner ?
06mh07 # Maria Francisca Victoria Faller (1777-1778)
06mh08 # Josephus Antonius Faller (1780-)
06mh09 # Maria Josephina Faller (1782-1782)
06mh10 # Ludovicus Edmundu Faller (1783-)
06mh11 # Martin Florent Faller (1784-1860)

06mi00-1 # Jean Jacques Faller (jj03) oo Anna Maria Tohler
06mi01 # Franciscus Ignatius Faller (1774-1778)
06mi00-2 # Jean Jacques Faller 2oo Anne Marie Zaepfel
06mi02 # Maria Margaritha Faller (1777--1779)
06mi03 # Catharina Barbara Faller (1778-)
06mi04 # Maria Caroline Faller (1781-1783)
06mi05 # Franciscus Ludovicus Augustinus Faller (1784-1789)
06mi06 # Maria Juliana Faller (1787-1787)
06mi07 # Maria Juliana Faller (1787-1787)
06mi08 # Henricus Josephus Aloisius Faller (1789-1838)
06mi00-3 # Jean Jacques Faller 3oo Catherine Frantz
06mi09 # Henricus Maximinus Faller
06mi10 # Louise Faller
06mi11 # Catherine Angelique Faller (1800-1815)

06mj00 # Franciscus Antoine Faller (jk04) oo Maria Barbara Margot (1752-)
06mj01 # Maria Sophia Faller (1781-1781) * Epfig
06mj02 # Franciscus Antonius Faller (1782-) * Epfig
06mj03 # Maria Magdalena Faller (1785-1785) * Epfig
06mj04 # Cecilia Faller (1790-) * Epfig
06mj05 # Simon Faller (1799-) * Epfig

06mk00 # Christian Faller (jm09) oo (1792) Maria Fehrenbach (mt04) * Unterlehmannsgrundhof, Gut.9:11, C.F. was son of Gut.4:11 but that farm passed from Faller ownership and Christian took over Unterlehmannsgrundhof through marriage.
06mk01 # Mathias Faller (1796-)
06mk02 # Gertrud Faller (1798-)
06mk03 # Joseph Faller (1799-) * married in Hildesheim (Prussia?)
06mk04 # Veronica Faller (1802-)
06mk05 # Anastasia Faller (1803-1874) * PMF ancestor
06mk06 # Franz Sales Faller (1804-) * married in Rio de Janeiro
06mk07 # Magdalena Faller (1807-)
06mk08 # Colestin Faller (1809-) * clock merchant in Brazil
06mk09 # Theresia Faller (1811-1892)
06mk10 # Johann Baptist Faller (1813-1902)
06mk11 # Barbara Faller (1816-)

06ml00 # Philipp Scherzinger (jq01) oo (1780) Barbara Wehrle (1755-1834) * B.W. from Simonswald
06ml01 # Philipp Scherzinger (1781-)
06ml02 # Martin Scherzinger (1782-)
06ml03 # Johann Georg Scherzinger (1785-)
06ml04 # Maria Scherzinger (1787-)
06ml05 # Agatha Scherzinger (1790-)
06ml06 # Magdalena Scherzinger (1792-)
06ml07 # Philipp Scherzinger (1795-)
06ml08 # Alois Scherzinger (1798-)
06ml09 # Jacob Scherzinger (1801-1883)

06mm00 # Nicolaus Faller (jm02) oo (1776) Juliana Humler

06mn00-1 # Maria Faller (gm09) oo (1745) Philipp Ketterer (1724-1748) * Gut.19:13
06mn01 # Mathias Ketterer
06mn00-2 # Mathias Hummel (kh05) oo (1748) Maria Faller * Gut.19:14
06mn02 # Maria Magdalena Hummel (1750-)
06mn03 # Philipp Hummel (1752-)
06mn04 # Gertrud Hummel (1755-)
06mn05 # Andreas Hummel (1757-)
06mn06 # Georg Hummel (1759-)
06mn07 # Johann Baptist Hummel (1762-)
06mn08 # Catherine Hummel (1764-)
06mn09 # Joseph Hummel (1769-)

06mo00 # Theresia Faller (jm06) oo (1794) ?

06mp00 # Magdalena Faller (jm08) oo (1793) ?

06mq00 # Benedikt Faller (jl11) oo (1780) Maria Faller (mu06) * Oberlehmannsgrundhof, Gut.8:14
06mq01 # Benedikt Faller (1781-)
06mq02 # Urban Faller (1782-)
06mq03 # Joseph Faller (1784-)
06mq04 # Clara Faller (1785-)
06mq05 # Georg Faller (1787-)
06mq06 # Theresia Faller (1788-)
06mq07 # Philipp Faller (1790-1870)
06mq08 # Margaritha/Maria (??) Faller (1791-)
06mq09 # Lorenz Faller (1793-)
06mq10 # Maria Faller (1795-)
06mq11 # Anastasia Faller (1796-1829)
06mq12 # Mathaus Faller (1797-)
06mq13 # Jacob Faller (1798-1845) * PMF ancestor
06mq14 # Maria Faller (1801-)

06mr00 # Maria Fehrenbach (jf07) oo Johann Fehrenbach

06ms00 # Magdalena Fehrenbach (jf08) oo Jacob Duffner

06mt00 # Gallus Fehrenbach (jf03) oo Apollonia Scherzinger (1741-1827) * Gut.9:10
06mt01 # Joseph Fehrenbach (1770-)
06mt02 # Joseph Fehrenbach (1771-)
06mt03 # Mathias Fehrenbach (1772-)
06mt04 # Maria Fehrenbach (1775-1836) * PMF ancestor
06mt05 # Gallus Fehrenbach (1777-)
06mt06 # Dominicus Fehrenbach (1780-)
06mt07 # Crescentia Fehrenbach (1785-1833)

06mu00-1 # Michael Faller (jv01) oo (1751) Franziska Faller (jw06) * Gut.11:10
06mu01 # Anton Faller (1751-) * Neuk. Fernhof
06mu02 # Gerg Faller (1753-) * Neuk. Fernhof
06mu03 # Barbara Faller (1754-1818)
06mu04 # Mathias Faller (1756-1825)
06mu05 # Philipp Faller (1757-1837)
06mu06 # Maria Faller (1759-1814) * PMF ancestor
06mu07 # Catherine Faller (1760-)
06mu08 # Michael Faller (1761-)
06mu09 # Martin Faller (1762-)
06mu10 # Catherine Faller (1765-)
06mu00-2 # Michael Faller 2oo (1792) Maria Scherzinger * no children

06mv00 # Joannes Baptista Faller (jy04) oo Maria Ottilia Frey
06mv01 # Maria Ottilia Elisabeth Faller (1778-1779)
06mv02 # Maria Ottilia Faller (1780-)
06mv03 # Maria Anna Faller (1782-)
06mv04 # Joannes Baptista Benjamin Faller (1783-1828)
06mv05 # Maria Barbara Faller (1785-1855)

06mw00 # Franciscus Josephus Faller (jy02) oo Barbara Zimmermann
06mw01 # Barbara Elisabeth Faller (1778-1857)
06mw02 # Simon Franciscus Josephus Faller (1780-1857)
06mw03 # Johannes Baptista Faller (1782-1828)
06mw04 # Franciscus Faller (1785-)
06mw05 # Maria Anna Faller (1787-1857)
06mw06 # Josephus Antonius Faller (1790-1829)
06mw07 # Barbe Faller

06mx00 # Johannes Petrus Faller (jy09) oo Magdalena Grorod
06mx01 # Petrus Nicolaus Faller (1787-)
06mx02 # Magdalena Faller (1788-)
06mx03 # Petrus Faller (1790-)
06mx04 # Lucovicus Faller (1792-)
06mx05 # Anna Marie Faller (1794-1853)

06my00 # Anna Marie Faller (jk01) oo Josephus Dietsch

06mz00 # Andreas Faller (jb04) oo (1774) Catharina Kuss (1744-1824) * Source = Z. All places are Gutenbach unless otherwise noted.
06mz01 # Michael Faller (1774-1774)
06mz02 # Andreas Faller (1775-1860)
06mz03 # Maria Faller (1778-1861) * d in Wildgutach
06mz04 # Agatha Faller (1780-1862)
06mz05 # Johann Faller (1783-1829) * d in Russia
06mz06 # Clemens Faller (1786-)
06mz07 # Lorenz Faller (1789-)

06na00 # Franziska Duffner (jp01) oo (1720) Mathias Dorer (1692-1759) * Gut.2:11
06na01 # Franz Xaver Dorer (1723-)
06na02 # Maria Theresia Dorer (1725-)
06na03 # Johann Jacob Dorer (1726-)
06na04 # Joseph Dorer (1727-)
06na05 # Hans Michael Dorer (1728-1794)
06na06 # Maria Magdalena Dorer (1731-)
06na07 # Maria Dorer (1732-)
06na08 # Maria Theresia Dorer (1735-)
06na09 # Maria Eva Dorer (1736-)
06na10 # Gertrud Dorer (1739-)
06na11 # Catharina Dorer (1741-)
06na12 # Franziska Dorer (1744-1801)

06nb00 # Andreas Hummel (km08) oo (1774) Rosina Dorer (1748-1808) * R.D. from Gut.6:15
06nb01 # Maria Hummel (1775-)
06nb02 # Sebastian Hummel (1777-1846)
06nb03 # Magdalena Hummel (1778-)
06nb04 # Luitgard Hummel (1780-)
06nb05 # Matheus Hummel (1782-)
06nb06 # Philipp Hummel (1784-)
06nb07 # Catherine Hummel (1786-)
06nb08 # Theresia Hummel (1790-)

06nc00-1 # Helena Faller (jm07) oo (1794) Franz Furtwangler (1772-1847)
06nc01 # Helena Furtwangler (1796-)
06nc02 # Roman Furtwangler (1798-1872)
06nc03 # Waldburga Furtwangler (1800-1871)
06nc04 # Martha Furtwangler (1802-1843)
06nc05 # Thekla Furtwangler (1806-1806)
06nc00-2 # Franz Furtwangler 2oo (1831) Theresia Scherzinger (1781-1855)

06nd00 # Martin Faller (jg04) oo Maria Fehrenbach (1774-1818) * M.F. daughter of Georg Fehrenbach
06nd01 # Mathaeus Faller (1798-1880) * clockmaker in Zimber-Guetle, aka Stoffeldiewis
06nd02 # Benedikt Faller (1801-)
06nd03 # Andreas Faller (1809-)

06ne00 # available

06nf00 # available

06ng00 # available

06nh00 # Brigette Schildecker (jt02) oo Mathaus Fehrenbach * Furt.31:9

06ni00 # Elisabetha Schildecker (jt03) oo Josef Fehrenbach

06nj00 # Maria Schildecker (jt04) oo Jacob Dold * J.D. from Urach

06nk00 # Barbara Schildecker (jt05) oo Mathias Loffler

06nl00 # Catherine Schildecker (jt06) oo Jacob Fehrenbach * Furt.8:16

06nm00 # Mathias Faller (jl08) oo Rosina Tritschler

06nn00-1 # Ottilia Kern (ke03) oo (1721) Johann Georg Dold (1696-1743) * Gut.3:9,10, Dold from Gut.18:9
06nn01 # Mathias Dold (1722-)
06nn02 # Maria Dold (1724-)
06nn03 # Catherine Dold (1725-)
06nn04 # Ursula Dold (1727-)
06nn05 # Anton Dold (1730-)

06nn06 # Magdalena Dold (1731-)
06nn07 # Agatha Dold (1734-)
06nn08 # Anna Dold (1735-)
06nn09 # Barbara Dold (1736-)
06nn10 # Susanna Dold (1738-)
06nn11 # Johann Georg Dold (1740-1763)
06nn12 # Philipp Dold (1742-1820)

06no00 # Christian Kern (ke09) oo (1739) Jacobea Kaltenbach (1718-1794) * Gut.13:14,15
06no01 # Juliana Kern (1740-)
06no02 # Antonius Kern (1741-1832)
06no03 # Urban Kern (1742-)
06no04 # Johannes Kern (1742-)
06no05 # Thoma Kern (1744-)
06no06 # Catherine Kern (1746-)
06no07 # Maria Kern (1747-)
06no08 # Martin Kern (1749-)
06no09 # Philipp Kern (1751-) * Furt.1:19
06no10 # Christian Kern (1752-)
06no11 # Andreas Kern (1754-1830)
06no12 # Gertrud Kern (1756-1826)
06no13 # Monika Kern (1757-)
06no14 # Magdalena Kern (1758-)
06no15 # Theresia Kern (1759-)

06np00 # Monika Fehrenbach (kg11) oo (1770) Mathias Hattich * Furt.15:17

06nq00-1 # Andreas Fehrenbach (kg01) oo (1748) Anna Duffner (1724-) * Gut.14:12, A.D. from Gut.15:12
06nq01 # Maria Fehrenbach (1749-)
06nq02 # Catherine Fehrenbach (1751-)
06nq03 # Franziska Fehrenbach (1753-)
06nq04 # Andreas Fehrenbach (1754-)
06nq05 # Matheus Fehrenbach (1756-)
06nq06 # Johann Fehrenbach (1759-)
06nq07 # Helena Fehrenbach (1761-)
06nq08 # Christian Fehrenbach (1765-)
06nq00-2 # Anna Duffner 2oo (1765) Martin Loffler (1728-1804) * Gut.14:13, M.L. from Neuk.
06nq09 # Martin Loffler (1769-)

06nr00 # Theresia Kern (ke06) ooo (not married) Franciscus Anton Ketterer (1705-)
06nr01 # Catharina Ketterer (1730-)


07pa00 # Kreszens Faller (mf04) oo (1832) Stefan Winterhalder * Watchmaker

07pb00 # Alois Faller (mf05) oo 1817) Judith Furtwangler

07pc00 # Catherina Faller (mf06) oo (1823) Quirin Kienzler * Triberg clockshop

07pd00-1 # Josef Faller (mf11) oo (1828) Anna Dorer (1802-1828) * Neuk.1:15
07pd01 # Engelbert Faller (1828-)
07pd00-2 # Josef Faller 2oo (1829) Verena Loffler (1805-1830)
07pd02 # Adelheid Faller (1829-1891)
07pd00-3 # Josef Faller 3oo (1831) Apollonia Kern (1806-1870)
07pd03 # Balbina Faller (1833-1838)
07pd04 # Richard Faller (1834-) * married in Sona City, IA, US
07pd05 # Leander Faller (1835-1836)
07pd06 # Genofeva Faller (1836-1837)
07pd07 # Josef Faller (1839-1906)
07pd08 # Colestine Faller (1840-1865)
07pd09 # Salomon Faller (1841-1841)

07pe00 # Francois Joseph Xavier Faller (mg05) oo Marie Josephine Franc. Mertian (1788-1857)
07pe01 # Joseph Francois Xavier (1816-1839)
07pe02 # Louis Clement Faller (1819-1901) * d Paris
08pe03 # Marie Josephine Faller (1827-1850)

07pf00 # Marie Genevieve Faller (mh02) oo Nani Francois Claude Cauflieb

07pg00 # Florent Martin Faller (mh11) oo Barbere Helen Mertian * B.M. from Ribeauville
07pg01 # Francois Joseph Faller (1812-1891)
07pg02 # Antoine Clement Faller (1814-1897)
07pg03 # Marie Louis Ambroise Faller (1817-1900) * Tanner
07pg04 # Bernard Faller (1822-1889) * emig. from Barr, Alsace to Illinois
07pg05 # Eduard Faller (1824-)
07pg06 # Meinrad Augustin Faller (1825-1834)
07pg07 # Tridor Faller (1827-)
07pg08 # Helene Faller (1829-)
07pg09 # Peirre Faller (1831-1843)
07pg10 # Francois Xavier Faller (1834-)
07pg11 # Thomas Albert Faller (1838-1910)

07ph00 # Simon Faller (mj05) oo Breidel ?
07ph01 # Alexander Faller (1827-)
07ph02 # Etienne Faller (1836-)

07pi00 # Philipp Faller (mq07) oo (1812) Maria Wehrle (1792-1864) * Oberlehmannsgrundhof, Gut.8:15, M.W. from Obersimonswald
07pi01 # Colestine Faller (1813-)
07pi02 # Magdalena Faller (1815-)
07pi03 # Helena Faller (1816-)
07pi04 # Xaver Faller (1818-1881)
07pi05 # Theresia Faller (1820-)
07pi06 # Genovefa Faller (1821-)
07pi07 # Maria Faller
07pi08 # Agatha Faller (1825-1878)
07pi09 # Balbina Faller (1826-)
07pi10 # Adelheid Faller (1828-1860)
07pi11 # Barbara Faller (1829-)
07pi12 # Anastasia Faller (1831-)
07pi13 # Philipp Faller (1832-1911)
07pi14 # Waldburga Faller (1835-)

07pj00 # Sebastian Hummel (nb02) oo (1808) Crescentia Fehrenbach (mt07) * Gut.7:13
07pj01 # Martina Hummel (1810-)
07pj02 # Augustin Hummel (1811-) * clock merchant in Rio de Janeiro
07pj03 # Severin Hummel (1813-) * clock merchant in Rio de Janeiro
07pj04 # Leo Hummel (1815-) * clock merchant in Rio de Janeiro
07pj05 # Mathias Hummel (1817-) * clock merchant in Rio de Janeiro
07pj06 # Theresia Hummel (1818-)
07pj07 # Friedrich Hummel (1821-) * clock merchant in Rio de Janeiro
07pj08 # Josef Hummel (1824-1898)
07pj09 # Friedericka Hummel (1827-)
07pj10 # Roman Hummel (1828-)

07pk00 # Veronica Faller (mk04) oo Georg Kienzler * m Neuk.
07pk01 # Walburga Kienzler (1835-1891)
assuming Walburga is daughter of these parents. See Gut.17:15.

07pl00 # Anastasia Faller (mk05) oo (1822) Joseph Kienzler (1797-1872) * m Gut., Lloyd Faller's file had a different Anastasia (mq11) marrying J.K.
07pl01 # Veronica Kienzler (1830-1894) * PMF ancestor

07pm00 # Johann Baptist Faller (mk10) oo (1838) Maria Faller (1810-1869) * Unterlehmannsgrundhof, Gut.9:12
07pm01 # Franz Sales Faller (1839-)
07pm02 # Adria Faller (1842-)
07pm03 # Johann Baptist Faller (1845-1928)

07pn00 # Maria Scherzinger (ml04) oo Anton Ganter

07po00 # Jacob Faller (mq13) oo Maria Dold (1798-1858)
07po01 # Leo Faller (1832-1886) * aka Schwert Leo or Leo Faller am bach, PMF ancestor

07pp00 # Ignace Henri [??] Faller (mh06) oo Marie Jeanne Mertian * MM = sister of Barbere Mertian
07pp01 # Marie Henriette Faller (1806-1826)
07pp02 # Louis Henri Donat Faller (1810-1881)
07pp03 # Henri Aloise Faller (1810-1840)
07pp04 # Ignace Leon Edmond Faller (1811-1876)
07pp05 # Marianne Monique Faller (1814-1862)
07pp06 # Anne Marie Josephine Faller

07pq00 # Rosina Dilger (md02) oo (1805) Michael Kleiser (1784-1834) * clockmaker, Schweitzergrund
07pq01 # Martin Kleiser (1806-1807)
07pq02 # Eva Kleiser (1807-)
07pq03 # Laurenz Kleiser (1809-)
07pq04 # Niklaus Kleiser (1810-)
07pq05 # Iloysius Kleiser (1812-)
07pq06 # Franziska Kleiser (1814-)
07pq07 # Scholastika Kleiser (1816-)
07pq08 # Franz Xaver Kleiser (1817-)
07pq09 # Theresia Kleiser (1819-)
07pq10 # Mechtild Kleiser (1821-) * female
07pq11 # Kunigunda Kleiser (1827-) * female

07pr00 # Simon Franciscus Josephus Faller (mw02) oo Marie Jeanne Breidel
07pr01 # Alexandre Faller (1827-1906)
07pr02 # Caroline Faller (1829-1900)
07pr03 # Etienne Faller (1836-1907)
07pr04 # Jeannette Faller
07pr05 # Elise Faller
07pr06 # Anna Faller

07ps00 # Henricus Josephus Aloisius Faller (mi08) oo Maria Magdalena Baumery
07ps01 # Joseph Henri Faller (1812-1847)
07ps02 # Georges Faller (1815-1841)
07ps03 # Charles Faller (1817-1890)
07ps04 # Magdeleine Faller (1819-1830)
07ps05 # Augustine Faller (1823-1829)
07ps06 # Caroline Faller (1826-1835)
07ps07 # Auguste Faller (1833-1834)
07ps08 # Auguste Faller (1836-1878)

07pt00 # Andreas Faller (mz02) oo (1800) Catharina Fehrenbach (1774-1857) * Source = Z. All locations are Gutenbach unless otherwise noted.
07pt01 # Maria Faller (1802 1863) * Z had birthdate as 24 Jan 1802 ??
07pt02 # Mathias Faller (1802-1878) * Z had birthdate as 23 Feb 1802 ??
07pt03 # Barbara Faller (1805-1857)
07pt04 # Helena Faller (1807-1888)
07pt05 # Theresia Faller (1809-)
07pt06 # Gottfried Faller (1811-)
07pt07 # Andreas Faller (1813-)

07pu00-1 # Franziska Dorer (na12) oo (1767) Michael Dorer * Gut.6:16
07pu01 # Theresia Dorer (1768-)
07pu02 # Maria Dorer (1770-)
07pu03 # Sebastian Dorer (1771-)
07pu04 # Anton Dorer (1774-)
07pu05 # Anna Maria Dorer (1775-)
07pu06 # Johann Michael Dorer (1777-)
07pu07 # Augustinus Dorer (1782-) * clockmaker, Furt.9:15
07pu08 # Johann Dorer (1787-1829) * d Stettin
07pu00-2 # Franziska Dorer 2oo (1791) Peter Loffler (1748-1811)

07pv00-1 # Antonius Kern (no02) oo Barbara Faller (1767) (gj11) * Gut.20:14
07pv01 # Anna Maria Kern (1768-)
07pv02 # Jacob Kern (1771-)
07pv03 # Anna Kern (1773-)
07pv04 # Philipp Jacob Kern (1775-1775)
07pv05 # Helena Kern (1776-1751)
07pv06 # Johann Baptist Kern (1778-1844)
07pv07 # Antonius Kern (1781-)
07pv08 # Mathias Kern (1783-1869)
07pv00-2 # Maria Faller (jm04) oo Martin Heim * M.H. from Schonwald
07pv00-3 # Antonius Kern 2oo (1811) Maria Faller
07pv00-4 # Agatha Reichenbach (1755-1827) oo Franz Hummel
07pv00-5 # Antonius Kern 3oo (1812) Agatha Reichenbach

07pv00-6 # Antonius Kern 4oo (1828) Franziska Dilger (1779-1837) * F.D. from Ilbenhof

07pw00 # Jacob Scherzinger (ml09) oo (1835) Ursula Schonhard (1813-1859) * U.S. from Obersimonswald, Gut.5:14
07pw01 # Amalia Scherzinger (1836-)
07pw02 # Primus Scherzinger (1837-)
07pw03 # Gerson Scherzinger (1839-)
07pw04 # Prima Scherzinger (1841-)
07pw05 # German Scherzinger (1842-1919)
07pw06 # Rosina Scherzinger (1846-)

07px00 # Mathaeus Faller (nd01) oo (1825) Magdalena Heim (1796-1880) * M.H. daughter of Jacob Heim [source Joerg]
07px01 # Kornelius Faller (1826-)
07px02 # Caecilia Faller (1827-)
07px03 # Amandus Faller (1828-)
07px04 # Catharina Faller (1829-)
07px05 # Prisca Faller (1831-)
07px06 # Veronika Faller (1832-)
07px07 # Salomon Faller (1834-)
07px08 # Leo Faller (1835-) * aka BreiteckerLeo
07px09 # Martha Faller (1837-)
07px10 # Luithgart Faller (1838-)
07px11 # Rufina Faller (1839-)

07py00 # Barbara Faller (mu03) oo Thomas Scherzinger (1749-1831) * Gut.11:12
07py01 # Theresia Scherzinger (1781-)
07py02 # Bonifaz Scherzinger (1784-)
07py03 # Thomas Scherzinger (1785-) * Furt.10:14
07py04 # Genovefa Scherzinger (1787-1860)
07py05 # Agatha Scherzinger (1788-)
07py06 # Magdalena Scherzinger (1789-)
07py07 # Wenzeslaus Scherzinger (1790-1852)
07py08 # Barbara Scherzinger (1791-1862)
07py09 # Joseph Scherzinger (1795-)
07py10 # Anton Scherzinger (1796-1853)
07py11 # Notburga Scherzinger (1800-)

07pz00 # Gertrud Kern (no12) oo (1782) Joseph Heim

07qa00 # Andreas Kern (no11) oo (1779) Anna Maria Dorer (qc01) * Gut.13:16
07qa01 # Johann Michael Kern (1780-)
07qa02 # Anastasia Kern (1782-)
07qa03 # Gertrud Kern (1784-1848)
07qa04 # Joseph Kern (1786-)
07qa05 # Christian Kern (1788-)
07qa06 # Maria Kern (1791-)
07qa07 # Lorenz Kern (1794-1795)
07qa08 # Joseph Kern (1797-1798)
07qa09 # Johann Kern (1799-1882)

07qb00-1 # Christian Fehrenbach (nq08) oo (1792) Maria Fehrenbach (-1795) * Gut.14:14
07qb01 # Joseph Fehrenbach (1893-)
07qb02 # Georg Fehrenbach (1795-)
07qb00-2 # Christian Fehrenbach 2oo (1795) Magdalena Dorer (qc08) * Gut.14:15
07qb03 # Magdalena Fehrenbach (1796-)
07qb03 # Maria Fehrenbach (1797-)
07qb03 # Judith Fehrenbach (1799-)
07qb03 # Joseph Fehrenbach (1800-)
07qb03 # Paul Fehrenbach (1802-)
07qb03 # Benedikt Fehrenbach (1804-)
07qb03 # Fidel Fehrenbach (1806-)
07qb03 # Ottilia Fehrenbach (1807-)
07qb03 # Peter Fehrenbach (1810-)
07qb03 # Christian Fehrenbach (1811-)
07qb03 # Agatha Fehrenbach (1814-)

07qc00 # Hans Michael Dorer (na05) oo (1755) Maria Magdalena Faller (gm10) * Gut.2:12
07qc01 # Anna Maria Dorer (1756-1831)
07qc02 # Margaritha Dorer (1757-1826)
07qc03 # Johann Baptist Dorer (1759-1835)
07qc04 # Mathias Dorer (1762-)
07qc05 # Helena Dorer (1764-)
07qc06 # Peter Dorer (1766-1843)
07qc07 # Anna Dorer (1768-)
07qc08 # Magdalena Dorer (1770-)
07qc09 # Anna Dorer (1775-)

07qd00-1 # Philipp Faller (mu05) oo (1785) Margaritha Dorer (qc02) * Gut.11:11
07qd01 # Catherine Faller (1785-1843)
07qd02 # Joseph Faller (1787-)
07qd03 # Genovefa Faller (1787-)
07qd04 # Maria Faller (1789-)
07qd05 # Crescentia Faller (1792-)
07qd06 # Christian Faller (1793-)
07qd07 # Maria Faller (1795-)
07qd08 # Agatha Faller (1798-)
07qd00-1 # Philipp Faller 2oo (1826) Franziska Kern (1772-1848) * F.K. from Schonwald

07qe00-1 # Philipp Dold (nn12) oo (1763) Magdalena Faller (jl02) * Gut.3:11
07qe01 # Philipp Dold (1764-1847)
07qe02 # Catherine Dold (1765-)
07qe03 # Maria Dold (1767-)
07qe04 # Johann Georg Dold (1769-1774)
07qe05 # Agatha Dold (1771-)
07qe06 # Hellena Dold (1773-)
07qe07 # Gertruda Dold (1775-)
07qe08 # Magdalena Dold (1778-)
07qe00-2 # Philipp Dold 2oo (1780) Agatha Werler (1746-1796) * of Simonswald
07qe09 # Sebastian Dold (1781-)
07qe10 # Johann Dold (1782-)
07qe11 # Barbara Dold (1783-)
07qe12 # Johann Dold (1785-)
07qe13 # Jacob Dold (1786-)
07qe14 # Lorenz Dold (1789-)
07qe00-3 # Philipp Dold 3oo (1797) Maria Kuss (1762-1837)
07qe15 # Urban Dold (1799-)
07qe16 # Elisabeth Dold (1800-)
07qe17 # Augustin Dold (1802-)

07qf00 # Catharina Ketterer (nr01) oo (1754) Bernard Hepting (1731-)
07qf01 # Anna Hepting (1755-)
07qf02 # Anton Hepting (1757-)
07qf03 # Catharine Hepting (1760-)
07qf04 # Gertrud Hepting (1763-)
07qf05 # Theresia Hepting (1765-)

07qg00 # Maria Faller (mz03) oo (1806) Sebastian Grieshaber (1781-1825) * Source = Z. S.G. died in France.
07qg01 # Catharina Grieshaber (1802-1886) * Z had surname as Faller
07qg02 # Kunigund Grieshaber (1807-1832)
07qg03 # Virgil Grieshaber (1813-) * Z had surname as Faller
07qg04 # Wolfgang Grieshaber (1815-) * Z had surname as Faller
07qg05 # Maria Grieshaber (1818-)
07qg06 # Andreas Grieshaber (1820-)

07qh00 # Agatha Faller (mz04) oo (1815) Mathias Fehrenbach (1786-1835) * Source = Z.
07qh01 # Theresia Fehrenbach (1815-1888)

07qh02 # Josef Fehrenbach (1820-1848)
07qh03 # Ludwig Fehrenbach (1823-1835)

07qi00 # Johann Faller (mz05) oo (1804) Barbara Dufner (1782-1885) * Source = Z.
07qi01 # Theres Faller (1805-1827) * d Furtvangen
07qi02 # Genovefa Faller (1807-1830)


08sa00 # Adelheid Faller (pd02) oo (1849) Mathias Fehrenbach (1821-1902) * Gut.12:30
08sa01 # Engelbert Fehrenbach (1859-) * Unterfallengrundhof
08sa02 # Weibert Fehrenbach (1862-1862)
08sa03 # Friedrich Fehrenbach (1868-)

08sb00-1 # Germann Scherzinger (pw05) oo (1864) Colestine Faller (pd08) * Gut.5:15
08sb01 # Wilhelmine Scherzinger (1865-)
08sb00-2 # Germann Scherzinger 2oo (1865) Cecilia Eschle * C.E. from Schonwald
08sb02 # Rosalia Scherzinger (1866-)
08sb03 # Emilie Scherzinger (1868-)
08sb04 # Adelheid Scherzinger (1871-)
08sb05 # Reinhard Scherzinger (1872-1933)

08sc00 # Louis Clement Faller (pe02) oo (1852) Amelie Pauline Longuemare (1834-1889) * in St. Louis, USA
08sc01 # Eugenie Emilie Faller (1853-1895)
08sc02 # Edmond Xavier Faller (1855-1905) * b NYC, d Montigny, France
08sc03 # Antoine Arnaud Faller (1857-1898)

08sd00-1 # Francois [Francis] Joseph Faller (pg01) oo (before 1842) Maria Anna O'Neill (about 1822- 1848)
* changed name to Fallier at some point.
08sd01 # Florent Faller (1842-1854)
08sd02 # Peter Robert Faller (1844-)
08sd03 # Anna Faller (-1846)
08sd04 # Helena Faller (-1848)
08sd00-2 # Francois Joseph Faller 2oo (1849) Therese Angeline Theriac (1830-1860) * m Vincennes, IN
08sd05 # Clemens Francis Faller (1854-about 1909) * b Sainte Marie, IL
08sd06 # Maria Margarita Faller (1857-)
08sd07 # Eugene Faller (1860-1921) * changed name to Fallier
08sd00-3 # Francois Joseph Faller 3oo (1861) Mary Gander * m Knox

08se00 # Marie Louis Ambroise Faller (pg03) oo Marie Therese Loescher
08se01 # Marie Felicite Faller (1861-)
08se02 # Florent Faller (1863-)
08se03 # Marie Eugenie Faller (1864-1924)
08se04 # Louise Faller
08se05 # Lucien Faller
08se06 # Marie Louis Faller
08se07 # Joseph Faller
08se08 # Genevieve Faller
08se09 # Rosalie Faller

08sf00 # Bernard Faller (pg04) oo (1853) Elizabeth Theriac (1836-1927) * Newton, IL
08sf01 # Anthony [Anton] Bernard Faller, M.D. (1854-1883)
08sf02 # Jacob [Jacque] Edward Faller (1855-1922)
08sf03 # Francis [Franz] Xavier Faller (1857-1857)
08sf04 # Henry Ambrose [Henrich Amboise] Faller (1858-)
08sf05 # Thomas Flagch [?? Flaget] Faller (1860-1894)
08sf06 # Florent Faller (1862-1946)
08sf07 # Louis C. Faller (1864-1951)
08sf08 # Francis [Franz] Valentine Faller (1865-1955) * b/d Newton IL
08sf09 # Josephine Franzisca Faller (1868-1921)
08sf10 # Helene Carolina Faller (1870-)
08sf11 # Charles [Karl] Albert Faller (1872-1942)
08sf12 # Bernard Hubert Faller (1875-1900)
08sf13 # Maria Estella Faller (1878-1920)
08sf14 # Herbert Augustin Faller (1881-)

08sg00 # Thomas Albert Faller (pg11) oo Julie Bohn (1838-1910)
08sg01 # Jeanne Faller (1869-1953) * b Itterswiller
08sg02 # Henri Faller (1872-1934)
08sg03 # Adolf Faller (1874-1949)
08sg04 # Eduard Faller (1877-1960)
08sg05 # Maria Faller (1883-1976)
08sg06 # Anne Faller (18?-19?)

08sh00 # Magdalena Faller (pi02) oo Adam Grieshaber * from Niederwasser

08si00 # Xaver Faller (pi04) oo (1843) Maria Pfaff (1820-1892) * Oberlehmannsgrundhof, Gut.8:16, no children

08sj00-1 # Adelheid Faller (pi10) oo (1850) Dominikus Schatzle (1820-1900) * Oberlehmannsgrundhof, Gut.8:17, A.F. was the sister of Gut.8:16.
08sj01 # Adelbert Schatzle (1851-)
08sj02 # Engelbert Weibert Schatzle (1855-1945)
08sj03 # Julius Schatzle (1856-)
08sj04 # Karolina Schatzle (1858-)
08sj05 # Karolina Schatzle (1860-)
08sj00-2 # Dominikus Schatzle 2oo (1860) Rufina Dold (tl04)
08sj06 # Maria Adelheid Schatzle (1862-)
08sj07 # Eduard Schatzle (1867-)
08sj08 # Adolf Schatzle (1869-1873)

08sk00 # Johann Baptist Faller (pm03) oo (1869) Zazilia Kienzler (1846-1923) * Unterlehmannsgrundhof, Gut.9:13, Z.K. of Schonwald, The farm of Unterlehmannsgrundhof was sold in 1885.
08sk01 # Maria Faller (1870-)
08sk02 # Joseph Faller (1871-1871)
08sk03 # Theresia Faller (1875-1955)
08sk04 # Cecilia Faller (1878-)
08sk05 # Wilhelmina Faller (1879-)
08sk06 # Prima Faller (1881-)
08sk07 # Primus Faller (1883-)
08sk08 # Bertha Faller (1886-)
08sk09 # Albert Faller (1887-1887)
08sk10 # Edwine Faller (1889-)

08sl00 # Amalia Scherzinger (pw01) oo Karl Sorg

08sm00-1 # Catherine Faller (qd01) oo (1809) Georg Grieshaber (1782-1867) * Gut.17:14, clockmaker
08sm01 # Catherine Grieshaber (1809-)
08sm02 # Balbina Grieshaber (1811-)
08sm03 # Justina Grieshaber (1812-)
08sm04 # Karoline Grieshaber (1814-)
08sm05 # unnamed Grieshaber (1815-)
08sm06 # Hieronymus Grieshaber (1816-)
08sm07 # Barbara Grieshaber (1817-)
08sm08 # Rufina Grieshaber (1820-)
08sm09 # Cornelius Grieshaber (1821-)
08sm10 # Severin Grieshaber (1823-1886)
08sm11 # Rosalia Grieshaber (1825-)
08sm00-2 # Georg Grieshaber 2oo (1855) Catherine Saum (1797-1871) * C.S. from Neukirch

08sn00 # Genovefa Scherzinger (py04) oo Jakob Dold (1785-1859) * Brother of Mathaus Dold (08tl)
08sn01 # Wilhelm Dold (1815-1848)
08sn02 # Mathaus Dold (1816-1883)
08sn03 # Katharina Dold (1821-)
08sn04 # Maria Dold (1822-)
08sn05 # Leo Dold (1826-)
08sn06 # Balbina Dold (1828-)
08sn07 # Cacilia Dold (1829-)

08so00 # Leo Faller (po01) oo (1857 ??) Veronica Kienzler (pl01)
08so01 # Ernst Faller (1856-)
o8so02 # Emma Faller (1857-)
08so03 # Friedrich Faller (1861-) * went to US suddenly and adopted the name Kern, said to be buried in Peru, IL
08so04 # Prima Faller (1865-)
08so05 # Ernest August Faller, Sr. (1870-1948) * Inventor, fire alarm expert, PMF ancestor

08sp00 # Philipp Faller (pi13) oo (1857) Hortensia Dorer (1835-1922) (??) * Gerda's file has H.D. as b 1838
08sp01 # Samuel Faller (1858-) * went to England
08sp02 # Karolina Faller (1859-)
08sp03 # Maria Faller (1860-1901) * d Voehrenbach
08sp04 # Engelbert Faller (1861-)
08sp05 # Robert Faller (1862-)
08sp06 # Karl Faller (1864-)
08sp07 # Hermann Faller (1865-)
08sp08 # Emil Faller (1867-)
08sp09 # Johann Baptist Faller (1869-)
08sp10 # Hermine Faller (1870-)
08sp11 # Emilie Faller (1872-1872)
08sp12 # Edelbert Faller (1873-)
08sp13 # Lydia Faller (1876-1955)
08sp14 # Agatha Faller (1878-1971) * b Gut., d Thomaston, CT
08sp15 # Bertha Faller (1880-)

08sq00 # Josef Faller (pd07) oo (1861) Colestine Dold (1841-1928) * Neuk.1:16
08sq01 # Adolf Faller (1862-1942) * emigrated to US
08sq02 # Wilhelmine Faller (1863-1944) * came to US before or with Adolf, d Wethersfield (Hartford) CT
08sq03 # Emilie Faller (1864-1903)
08sq04 # Friedrich Faller (1866-1869)
08sq05 # Josef Faller (1867-1868)
08sq06 # Albert Faller (1869-1951) * d Huefingen, clockmaker in Furtwangen & Hornberg
08sq07 # Friedrich Wilhelm Faller (1872-1908)
08sq08 # Josefine Faller (1874-1883)
08sq09 # Prima Faller (1876-1940) * d Gutenbach
08sq10 # Emma Faller (1880-1941) * d Freiburg

08sr00 # Ignace Leon Edmond Faller (pp04) oo (1832) M. Madeleine Braun
08sr01 # Henri Leon Faller (1833-1889) * Ribeauville
08sr02 # Monique Madeleine Faller (1834-)
08sr03 # Jacques Henri Faller (1836-1877)
08sr04 # Bruno Faller (1837-1869)
08sr05 # Louise Faller (1839-1839)
08sr06 # Anne Marguerite Faller (1841-1864)
08sr07 # Marie Rosalie Faller (1843-1857)
08sr08 # Joseph Victor Faller (1845-1867)
08sr09 # Marie Eugenie Faller (1847-1848)

08ss00 # Louis Henri Donat Faller (pp02) oo Marie Madeleine Edel
08ss01 # Marie Henriette Faller (1838-1877) * religious sister
08ss02 # Xavier Eugene Faller (1840-1901)
08ss03 # Marie Louise Faller (1842-1915)

08st00-1 # Theresia Kleiser (pq09) oo (1846) Mathias Rombach (1816-1863) * M.R. b St. Maergen, sprocket maker and mayor
08st01 # Emmanuel Rombach (1846-)
08st02 # Joseph Rombach (1848-)
08st03 # Bolestina Rombach (1850-1850)
08st04 # August Rombach (1854-)
08st00-2 # Mathias Rombach 2oo (1856) Colestina Tritscheler (pt02) * M.R. married two descendants
08st05 # Rosamunda Rombach (1858-1936) * Neuk., emigrated to England, jeweller and watchmaker
08st06 # Secunda Rombach (1862-) * Neuk.

08su00-1 # Alexandre Faller (pr01) oo Catherine Jacober
08su00-2 # Alexandre Faller 2oo Therese Beck

08sv00 # Etienne Faller (pr03) oo Louise Walter

08sw00 # Francois Xavier Faller (pg10) oo (1860) Elizabeth Boos * m Jasper Cty. IL. Daughter (?) of Joseph Boos, who was partner of Bernard Faller.
Unsure if these children are valid:
[08sw01 # son * Chicago]
[08sw02 # daughter * Benedictine]
[08sw03 # Monika Faller]

08sx00 # Mathias Kern (pv08) oo (1807) Victoria Furtwangler (1787-1873) * Gut.20:15
08sx01 # Martina Kern (1808-)
08sx02 # Maria Kern (1811-)

08sy00-1 # Johann Dorer (pu08) oo (1803) Gertrud Kern (qa03) * Gut.6:1
08sy01 # Benedikt Dorer (1804-)
08sy02 # Balbina Dorer (1806-)
08sy03 # Colestin Dorer (1808-)
08sy04 # Benedikt Dorer (1812-1883)
08sy00-2 # Gertrud Kern 2oo (1830) Sebastian Dorer (1792-) * Gut.1:19

08sz00 # Theresia Hummel (pj06) oo Raimund Dorer * clock maker

08ta00-1 # Josef Hummel (pj08) oo (1847) Primitivia Fehrenbach (1824-1867) * Gut.7:14 & Burgermeister
08ta01 # Edwina Hummel (1847-1912)
08ta02 # Amanda Hummel (1851-)
08ta03 # Augusta Hummel (1855-)
08ta04 # Albert Hummel (1862-)
08ta00-2 # Josef Hummel 2oo (1868) Adelhaid Brugger (1830-1899) * Adelhaid b Neustadt
08ta05 # Josef Adolf Hummel (1870-)
08ta06 # Maria Prima Hummel (1870-)

08tb00 # Wenzeslaus Scherzinger (py07) oo (1816) Helena Fehrenbach (1791-1864) * Gut.11:13, Gut.11:14
08tb01 # Maria Scherzinger (1817-)
08tb02 # Ezechiel Scherzinger (1818-) * Furt.
08tb03 # Wenzeslaus Scherzinger (1819-1910) * Schonwald
08tb04 # Franz Sales Scherzinger (1821-) * Rohrbach
08tb05 # Theresia Scherzinger (1822-)
08tb06 # Joseph Scherzinger (1824-) * clock maker in Gut., clock merchant in England
08tb07 # Seraphina Scherzinger (1825-)
08tb08 # Anton Scherzinger (1826-)
08tb09 # Zazilia Scherzinger (1827-)
08tb10 # Bernardin Scherzinger (1829-)
08tb11 # Emanuel Scherzinger (1830-) * clock maker in Gut.
08tb12 # Adelheid Scherzinger (1831-)
08tb13 # Maximilian Scherzinger (1833-1928)
08tb14 # Helena Scherzinger (1834-)

08tc00 # Johann Kern (qa09) oo (1822) Maria Anna Kuner (1799-1864) * Gut.13:17, M.K. from Schonwald
08tc01 # Sigismund Kern (1823-)
08tc02 # Martha Kern (1824-)
08tc03 # Edelburga Kern (1825-)
08tc04 # Gerson Kern (1826-)
08tc05 # Joseph Kern (1828-)
08tc06 # Anastasia Kern (1829-)
08tc07 # Balbina Kern (1832-)
08tc08 # Colestin Kern (1833-)
08tc09 # Gerson Kern (1834-1924)
08tc10 # Leo Kern (1836-)
08tc11 # Adelheid Kern (1838-)

08td00 # Anton Scherzinger (py10) oo (1823) Maria Duffner (tj01) * Gut.15:15,16
08td01 # Maria Scherzinger (1824-)
08td02 # Karolina Scherzinger (1826-)
08td03 # Salomon Scherzinger (1828-1905)
08td04 # Anton Scherzinger (1830-)
08td05 # Konstantin Scherzinger (1832-)
08td06 # Gerson Scherzinger (1832-)
08td07 # Catherine Scherzinger (1837-)
08td08 # Adelheid Scherzinger (1839-1906)
08td09 # Joseph Scherzinger (1841-)

08te00 # Paul Fehrenbach (qb03) oo (1833) Balbina Dorer (sy02) * Gut.14:16
08te01 # Karoline Fehrenbach (1835-)
08te02 # Maria Fehrenbach (1837-)
08te03 # Martina Fehrenbach (1839-)
08te04 # Eduard Fehrenbach (1841-1918)
08te05 # Colestin Fehrenbach (1842-)
08te06 # Leo Fehrenbach (1844-)
08te07 # Kornelius Fehrenbach (1846-)
08te08 # Martha Fehrenbach (1848-)

08tf00-1 # Philipp Dold (qe01) oo Theresia Beha (1775-1814) * Gut.3:12
08tf01 # Mathias Dold (1795-)
08tf02 # Michael Dold (1796-)
08tf03 # Magdalena Dold (1798-)
08tf04 # Johann Dold (1800-) * m Schonwald
08tf05 # Agatha Dold (1802-)
08tf06 # Andreas Dold (1803-) * Clock merchant in America
08tf07 # Vinzenz Dold (1806-1856) * Gut.3:13
08tf08 # Juliana Dold (1807-)
08tf09 # Salomon Dold (1810-)
08tf10 # Helena Dold (1814-)
08tf00-2 # Philipp Dold 2oo (1815) Helene Scherzinger (1774-1817)
08tf11 # Apollonia Dold (1815-)
08tf00-3 # Philipp Dold 3oo (1820) Monika Winterhalder (1777-1846) * from Schonwald

08tg00 # Johann Baptist Dorer (qc03) oo (1790) Catherine Faller (mu10)
08tg01 # Rosa Dorer (1792-1861)
08tg02 # Johann Michael Dorer (1794-1798)
08tg03 # Maria Dorer (1795-1898) (! ??)
08tg04 # Andreas Dorer (1796-1798)
08tg05 # Anastasia Dorer (1798-1798)
08tg06 # Johann Dorer (1799-1874)
08tg07 # Theresia Dorer (1800-1846)
08tg08 # Philipp Dorer (1803-1806) * rheumatic illness
08tg09 # Gertrud Dorer (1806-1883)

08th00 # Anna Dorer (qc09) oo Georg Kauss * Furt.11:14

08ti00 # Peter Dorer (qc06) oo (1788) Barbara Burgler * Gut.2:13
08ti01 # Anastasia Dorer (1790-1847)
08ti02 # Johannes Dorer (1793-)

08tj00 # Catherine Dold (qe02) oo (1787) Anton Duffner (1760-1836) * Gut.15:14
08tj01 # Maria Duffner (1800-)

08tk00 # Helena Dold (qe06) oo (1796) Bartholomaus Furtwangler

08tl00 # Barbara Scherzinger (py08) oo Mathaus Dold (1790-1859) * Brother of Jakob Dold (08sn)
08tl01 # Severin Dold (1822-1858)
08tl02 # Maria Dold (1824-1838)
08tl03 # Johann Baptist Dold (1825-1910)
08tl04 # Rufina Dold (1827-1901)
08tl05 # Rosalia Dold (1828-1828)
08tl06 # Veronika Dold (1829-)
08tl07 # Adelheid Dold (1831-)
08tl08 # Karolina Dold (1835-1919)
08tl09 # Mathaus Dold (1838-1929)

08tm00-1 # Leo Faller (px08) oo Sara Buerkle (1837-1880) * S.B. daughter of Jacob Buerkle of Neukirch [source Joerg]
08tm01 # Eduard Faller (1858-)
08tm02 # Berta Faller (1862-)
08tm03 # Otto Faller (1863-)
08tm04 # Emil Faller (1864-)
08tm05 # Emilie Faller (1864-)
08tm06 # Emma Faller (1865-)
08tm07 # Adolf Faller (1867-)
08tm08 # Wilhelmine Faller (1870-1951) * b Gutenbach
08tm09 # Prima Faller (1871-)
08tm10 # Frida Faller (1874-)
08tm11 # Albin Faller (1877-1877)
08tm12 # Eduard Faller (1879-)
08tm00-2 # Leo Faller 2oo Edwina Hummel (ta01) * E.H. daughter of Josef Hummel
08tm13 # Robert Faller (1882-1918) * clockmaker
08tm14 # Hermann Faller (1886-)
08tm15 # Ernst Faller (1887-)
08tm16 # Charlotte Faller (1889-)

08tn00 # Anton Hepting (qf02) oo (1778) Catharina Faller (jz05)
08tn01 # Anton Hepting (1780-) Death noted on birth entry
08tn02 # Gertrud Hepting (1781-)
08tn03 # Nothburga Hepting (1784-)
08tn04 # Catharina Hepting (1785-1786)
08tn05 # Petrus Hepting (1786-)
08tn06 # Joseph Hepting (1788-) Death noted on birth entry
08tn07 # Crescentia Hepting (1789-)
08tn08 # Joann Baptiste Hepting (1790-)
08tn09 # Genofeva Hepting (1791-)
08tn10 # Fidel Hepting (1793-)
08tn11 # Wendelin Hepting (1794-)
08tn12 # Affra Hepting (1795-1879)
08tn13 # Sebastian Hepting (1798-1870)
08tn14 # Maria Hepting (1804-)

08to00 # Theresia Fehrenbach (qh01) oo (1844) Christian Haberstroh (1810-) * Source = Z.

08tp00 # Josef Fehrenbach (qh02) oo (1848) Maria Agatha Martin (1800-) * Source = Z.

08tq00 # Barbara Faller * Source = Z.
08tq01 # Leonard Faller (1832-1868)

08tr00 # Mathias Faller (pt02) oo (1830) Petronella Winterhalder (1803-1883) * Source = Z. Some dates may be in error.
08tr01 # Kunigunde Faller (1828-1904)
08tr02 # Gerson Faller (1830-1830)
08tr03 # Chris Faller (1830-)
08tr04 # Gordian Faller (1830-1891)
08tr05 # Latus Faller (1832-1904)
08tr06 # Eduard Faller (1833-1919)
08tr07 # Amon Faller (1834-1921)
08tr08 # Gerson Faller (1835-)
08tr09 # Gregor Faller (1835-)
08tr10 # Bernhard Faller (1837-1837)
08tr11 # Hortensia Faller (1841-1885)
08tr12 # Pius Faller (1843-)
08tr13 # Lazar Faller (1845-1858)
08tr14 # Joseph Faller (1847-1847)
08tr15 # Herrmann Faller (1849- 1849)
08tr16 # Katharina Faller (1850-1928)

Sorry, generations 9-13 are not available on-line.

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