Highlights from the 1997 International Worship Insititute

Chirstian worshipers from over sixty countries ade inquires to attend the International Worship Institute in Dallas, Texas, June 30 - Jun 4, to be equipped, refreshed, and empowered in their worship This eleventh annual worship intensive was the largest in the IWI's history.

Over 100 workshops and general sessions were taught by Dennis Jernigan, David Baroni, Todd Farley, LaMar Boschman, Morris Chapman, Mike & Terry Kinard, David & Antonia Lawrence, Alvin & Debra Paris, Tyrone Williams, and many others.

International delegates attended from Argentina, Australia, Costa Rica, El Salvidor, Guatemala, Mexico, Namibia, Nicaragua, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, and the Caribbean Islands.

Mainline, Charismatic, Liturgical, Pentecostal, and Evangelical churches were represented at the Institute this year. Pastors, as well, found the IWI life changing and ministry empowering. A senior pastor insisted, "I want our church learship to come! I want our congregation to become better worshipers!"

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