A great repeater system does not happen without sweat and equity. There is ongoing maintenance and monthly electric bills. We can only recommend a donation, perhaps at a level equal to what you would pay for just one month of home Internet, cable or cell phone service. If you find you use the system more and like it’s performance, please feel free to contribute accordingly. You can donate easily and securely below, or by simply sending a check to 145.11 Repeater, 2776 Avon-Geneseo Rd., Avon, NY 14414. All funds stay in an escrow account and 100% goes towards the operation of maintaining the 145.11 repeater system! |
If you enjoy the services 145.11 provides and would like to help us stop bleeding green, please feel free to donate at any level you’re comfortable at. Ultimately, our goal is to raise enough funds to go off the power grid completely! Thank you and we really appreciate your support this year. |
Donation via Credit Card or PayPal |
Support 145.11 |
To contact us call:1.585.275.4810 |
145.11 REPEATER |
145.11 Repeater 2776 Avon-Geneseo Rd. Avon, New York 14414
To contact us: |
Phone: 585.275.4810—Mike Phone: 585.475.2768—Jim E-mail: wr2ahl<at>gmail.com