Is my home or property connected to the Town's sanitary sewers? If
you feel there is a question of whether your home or business is connected to
the sewer system, please call the Sewer Department at 784-5282.
I need to know where the Town's sanitary sewers are? If you need to
know where the sanitary sewers are because excavation work is being
planned call
UFPO/Dig Safe at 811. If you need to know the location
of sanitary sewers for any other reason call the Sewer Department at 784-5282.
Who do I call if I have a sewer backup? Call the Town of Brighton
Sewer Department at 784-5282 where personnel are on call 24 hours a day. If a
Dispatcher is not inside the building, a telephone answering service will take
any messages and forward it to a Sewer employee. The employee will return your
call and respond to the problem.
Can you recommend a plumber to clean out my sewers? The Town of
Brighton does not recommend or endorse any plumber. It is advised to call
around and get a few estimates for any work you need done. We do have a list
of plumbing contractors that are licensed with the City of Rochester and have
also taken out a license to work in the Town of Brighton.
Click on this link
List of
licensed plumbers!
If any new connections, additions to, or repair work is needed to
the storm or sanitary sewer system, Permits are required. See
permit section for details Click Here (coming soon)
Or call our office 784-5282
Is there a charge if I call the Sewer Department about a sewer backup
and it is determined that there is not a problem with the public sewer?
There is no charge whether there is a problem found with the public sewer or
not. If any problems are found with the property owners plumbing, it will be
the owners responsibility to have it repaired at their own expense.
Who do I call about odor problems? If the odor is outside or inside
contact Sewer Department at 784-5282. A frequent cause for inside odors is a
dry trap. Pouring a quart of water into all sinks, showers/tubs and floor
drains may correct this problem. If it is felt that the odor may be of an
explosive nature (Natural Gas) leave the building immediately and call 911
from a neighbors house.
My stool just blew up! What happened? Water being
splashed out of the toilet may occur when the Sewer Department is cleaning
sewers. This sometimes happens when there is a problem with the plumbing
inside your house. Contact Sewer Department at 784-5282 who will determine if
your problem occurred when the sewer main was being cleaned.
Why are there flags in my yard? It is generally because
there is excavation work being planned in the area and the person, company or
utility planning the work has requested "locations" through
Safe. The flags mark the
location of buried utility lines. Before the Sewer Department would do any
major excavation work (backhoe type work) on your property you would be
contacted unless an emergency situation occurs.
Why did you put that manhole in my yard while I was at work? When
manholes are built the tops of the manholes are left accessible. Later when
homes and businesses are built manholes are occasionally buried in yards and
driveways. The Sewer Department Routine Cleaning Crew usually locates these
"lost" manholes when they clean the sewers. The buried manholes are then
turned over to the Repair Crew that adjusts the manholes to grade so they are
accessible again. Manholes can be adjusted using the 16 inches of allowable
adjustment between the manhole cone and frame.
What can I dump down the sewers or my drains? Please print this
Click Here, or contact the Sewer
Department at 784-5282
Who do I call about storm sewer problems? Street flooding, catch
basins that are in dis-repair, standing water, or other storm related water
problems, contact the Highway
Department at 784-5280.