Heart Centered Living of New York


Heart Centered Group

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Heart Centered Events that bring open minded people together to explore, share and experience different avenues of spiritual expression which fosters healing ourselves, our community and our planet.
  • Heart Centered Group
  • Retreats
  • Fairy Tea Parties
  • Solstice Celebrations
The Heart Centered Group provides a safe place for people in the community looking to explore thier own expansion of consciousness as they connect with the wisdom and openness of thier hearts. This group of like-minded people come together weekly for meditaiton, prayer and healing on all levels.

Retreats that encourage relaxation, reflection and time out for you to create harmony within.

Fairy Tea Parties for kids and kids at heart. This fun interactive workshop is for kids & kids at heart in a fairy tale atmoshere. Learn what different types of fairies there are & how to work with each one to bring you insight, wisdom & joy.

Solstice celebrations that honor and respect the cycles and seasons of life. These usually include intention, ritual, music, food and drink. The roots of these celebrations come from our ancestors of the native american tradtion.

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