St. James Evangelical Lutheran School Parent Teacher League
Every parent is automatically a member of the PTL. If you have a child, or children, in K-8 grade at St. James, you are automatically a member of the PTL. There are no dues, and we welcome your support at our meetings, and on our committees. Our main objective to foster Christian education. Through this organization our school has been able to establish better home-school relationships and to provide parents help in their all-important task of training Christian children.
We meet multiple times during the school year. Two or three meetings are devoted to a topic relevant to Christian Education. This school year, the PTL will be meeting on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church basement. Each family also serves on one of five committees. Each committee is responsible for one of the main events held through the school. This year's committees are listed in the linked file below. 2008 - 2009 PTL Committee Groups
St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church and School 108 S. James Street PO Box 315 Northrop, MN 56075-0315 507 - 436 - 5289 (office) - 507 - 436 - 5547 (fax) e-mail: webmaster |