Frontier Hosted Email Manager

The administrator of the account can log in and has access to:

  1. Browse to http://admin.<domain>. (Example:
  2. E-mail Address: postmaster@<domain>
  3. Password: Administrative Password
  4. Click "Log In".



Frontier Hosted E-Mail Manager

Click on any of the options in red below for specific screenshots.

Mailbox: Will list the postmaster (administrative account) and all additional mailboxes under the domain.
Display/Full Name: The owner's full name of that specific account.
E-mail Forwarding Address: An optional feature and will forward your mail to another e-mail account.
Is Catch-All: The 'default' and will accept mail fro any address at that domain that does not have an individual account set up. Selecting "Make Catch-All" will make a different account the "Catch-All" account.
[Change]: Gives you the option to modify the username, password, display/full name, and forwarding address for that account.
[Remove]: Removes that particular account.
Create New Mailbox: You can create additional mailbox accounts up to the allowed amount.
(Example: (2 out of 20 used), You are currently utilizing 2 out of the 20 allowed mailboxes. In this case, you can create up to 18 additional mailboxes.)


The Modify Mailbox window is displayed.

  1. Modifications can be made to the Username, Password, Display/Full Name, and E-mail Forwarding Address.

  2. Click "Modify Mailbox".



Changes made successfully.



Catch-All mailbox selected successfully.



Create New Mailbox

 You can create additional mailbox accounts up to the allowed amount.
(Example: (2 out of 20 used), You are currently utilizing 2 out of the 20 allowed mailboxes.
In this case, You can create up to 18 additional mailboxes.)

  1. Enter the pertinent information:
    Username: The first part of the users e-mail address before the @ symbol.
    Password: Users password
    Display/Full Name: Enter the name you would like to be displayed when you sent e-mail.
    E-mail Forwarding Address: Enter the e-mail address you would like your mail forwarded to; this field is optional.

  2. Click "Create New Mailbox".


username@<domain> had been created.



username@<domain> has been removed.


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