My Reenactor's Krag Model 1896 Carbine

Spanish-American War reeancting is a way of teaching a time period that many have never heard of or have long forgotten. I have always been interested in the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry, "Rough Riders", and portraying a member of this fine unit is a way to get in touch with the past. One vital part of putting together an impression for the 1st USV Cavalry was to have a Model 1896 Krag Carbine. As many of you know the Model 1896 Carbine is very expensive and rare. Even the alternative is not a cheap venture. By putting together my "Reenactor's Model 1896 Krag Carbine" it is not my intent to pass it off as an original carbine but to portray the 1st USV Cavalry as accurately as possible. I am very pleased with the way my project has turned out and would welcome an comments that you might have.



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