A Short Biography
of Anne Wakefield-Leck
[last updated 27 September
2012] ©2012
was little choice! Anne Wakefield was born into a horse family. She
was about two years old when her parents gave her a pony. It was a
black and white pinto named Starlight. By the age of ten she
was "riding to the hounds" on this pony. Shortly after, she was
going over fences. Before she was fifteen she earned her colors from
the Long Lake Hounds. Also, by that age, she had ridden hunters at
every major horse show in North America, piling up trophies from
every corner of the country.

Anne (1995) sitting
on the box of her Park Drag
with whip and ribbons in hand
It was at those horse shows (Madison
Square Garden, Devon and Toronto) that Anne
would see the huge Park Coaches driven to four-in-hands. She was
particularly fascinated by the high steppers. Standing by the rail,
watching the driving classes, a glimmering of an idea began. By
1980, Anne owned her own Park Coach(manufactured
in 1882 by the famous Brewster & Company), a set of Freedman
four-in-hand harness, and a four of chestnut Hackney Horses. Within
two months of purchasing her four, teaching herself to drive by
examining how-to-do-it manuals, she drove her four and coach at the
prestigious Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. It was a
Cinderella dream come true. Shortly after, she flew to England to
study under the world's most renown woman whip, Cynthia Haydon.
Though now retired from active
driving, Anne has,
in the past, driven at all the continent's major driving shows and
pleasure driving marathons. The former breeding operation at her
farm has helped to repopulate the once dwindling number of Hackney
Horses. She also developed a bay cross-bred driving horse that she
and her husband drove as often as they did their Hackneys. Anne had
become recognized as one of the nation's most accomplished whips and a
leading authority
on driving-safety and harnessing. She has led dozens of seminars and
clinics on the subjects. In
place of competitive driving, Anne has become far more active
judging at pleasure shows from one end of the country to the other. In
addition, she is now certified by the American Driving Society as a
pleasure driving judge and
coaching judge. She has judged pleasure driving classes at
the most prestigious shows in America -- Walnut Hill, Devon, and the
National Horse Show.
Anne served for over four years as a
Director of the American Driving Society and spent three years on
its Executive Committee. She also spent eight years as a Director of
the Carriage Association of America and
continues now as an Honorary Director. She
was on the Advisory Committee to the Carriage Collection at the
Museums at Stony Brook, now
known as the The Long Island Museum,on Long Island, NY. She
was a member of the Advisory Committee of the 1993 World Pairs
Driving Championships that were held in Gladstone, New Jersey. She
is a former Director of the Minnesota Whips and Wheels, a local
driving organization. She is a
former President of the World Coaching Club, an organization
she helped found in 1982. And finally, Anne is a former member of
The Board of Governors of the United States Pony Clubs.
Her children are
grown now and living in their own homes while Anne and her husband
live in a home on her farm, about 25 miles
west of Minneapolis. In the wider community she's well known for her
contributions to charitable and civic organizations. She has served
on the boards of several community charitable and cultural
institutions. Off
the farm, her favorite activities are enjoying the wonderfulTyrone
Guthrie Theatre, in Minneapolis, and the concerts of the Minnesota
Orchestra. She also thinks that her church, Plymouth
Church, is one of the finest organizations ever set upon
Earth. She also remains very loyal to the Ethel
Walker School and
carries wonderful memories with her about her time there. It might
not be difficult to guess that this boarding school has a wonderful
horse program and it is why Anne and her family chose it for Anne's
high school years.
Her family was still deeply involved
in horses. Her late father, Lyman Wakefield, rode nearly every day
and rode to the hounds at most every meet through his 85th year.
Anne's younger sister, Louise still competes in open jumping and
hunt shows around the country and
in Europe. Anne's husband, Charles, before retiring from the
sport, also drove four and is a former member of the Coaching Club
of New York City.
Anne was raised in Minnesota as a
child She
lived for a very short time in California and in Sweden as a young
mother, but found her way back to the state she loves so dearly.
Here, at Sheepy Hollow, she supervises the management of a flock of
over 150 sheep and lambs. This program produces large amounts of
both wool and meat.In addition to graduating from
The Ethel Walker
School, in Simsbury Connecticut, she studied
chemistry both at the University
of Minnesota and
at Stanford
University. Anne also holds an Associate
Degree in Applied Sciences from the College of Saint Catherine in
St. Paul, Minnesota. She
is a licensed Physical Therapy Assistant who specializes in
geriatric physical therapy.
Summary Résumé
Pleasure Driving Judge and
Coaching Judge
Certified by
the American Driving Society as a Pleasure Driving Judge and
Coaching Judge
Past Director
of the American Driving Society
Former Member
of the Executive Committee of the American Driving Society
Past Director
of the Carriage Association of America
Former Honorary
Director of the Carriage Association of America
Former President and
a founder of the
World Coaching Club
Former Director
of the United States Pony Club
Member of the
American Tandem Society
Member of the
American Horse Shows Association
Judged at many
pleasure driving competitions, including:
National Horse Show
Devon Horse Show
Hill Farm Driving Competition
Angeles State Fair
The Canadian Carriage Classic
State Fair Horse Show
Minnesota Morgan Horse Show
Competed at
many driving shows, including:
National Horse Show
Devon Horse Show
Agricultural Winter Fair Horse Show (Toronto)
Hill Farm Driving Competition
Canadian Carriage Classic
Louis Carriage Driving Competition
Barrington (IL) Horse Show