Welcome to the
Rochester Tehillim Group
founded by Brenda Sokoloff in 1990.
This website is dedicated in memory of:
Yisroel Yitzchok ben Mordechai Menachem
Malka Baila bas Menachem
Moshe Yisroel ben Eliezer Dovid
Dena bas Moshe Avraham
If you would like to be assigned a Perek of Tehillim to recite every day,
please send an email to Brenda Sokoloff.
Link here for a list of current available Perakim.
Need a change? You can also request to switch your old Perek for an available one.
The format of this Tehillim list is changing in the very near future. For additional information please contact Alan Entenberg.Related Links:
Link here for prayer for Israeli soldiers.
Link here for free Tehillim from the Artscroll website.
Link here for Sefer Tehillim on-line from Midrash Ben Ish Hai.
Link here for "Please Daven" website.
►Click here for a printer friendly version of our Cholim list.
Note: You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the above file.
Link here to download a free copy of the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader
Last update: July 20, 2010
Link here for Yehi Ratzon to be recited in conjunction with the list below.
Cholim List:
Menachem Shalom ben Miriam...............................
Eyal Chaim HaCohen ben Chaya Devorah..........
Gilad Hillel ben Racha Mirel.....................................
Assaf ben Shoshana................................................
Shmuel Yeruchum ben Leah...................................
Posted: 2/2/10 (t)
writer.at.heart415@gmail.com Posted: 2/12/10 (dl)
dlieberman@gficap.com Posted: 9/23/09 (carolsolm)
RePosted: 11/1/09 (carolsolm) recheck in 6 mo
Posted: 9/23/09 (bs)
Yehuda Tzvi Hersh ben Susha...............................
Yaacov ben Mutas Yahu...........................................
Posted: 9/23/09 (ee) "Erenthal, Eli" <EliE@beachcamera.com> Posted: 9/23/09 (carolsolm)
Yoel Zev ben Mirel Rissa Chava (Japanese prisoner)....
Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel (Japanese prisoner)..................
Yosef ben Itta Rivka (Japanese prisoner)..........................
Posted: 2/27/09 (rn) remove when released
Posted: 2/27/09 (rn) remove when released
Posted: 2/27/09 (rn) remove when released
Dovid ben Baila...........................................................
Tinok ben Shira Leah.............................................
RePosted: 9/23/09 (cz) recheck in 6 mo Rabbio65@aol.com
RePosted: 9/23/09 (bs)
Mordechai Tzemach ben Mazal Tov.......................
Avrohom ben Devorah...........................................
RePosted: 11/1/09 (lc) HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu, former Chief Sefardic Rabbi of Israel
RePosted: 9/23/09 (Rav Kanarek) recheck in 6 mo
Yosef Zvi ben Rochel Pessel .................................
Daniel Reuven ben Sara.......................................
Moshe Yonatan ben Sara.....................................
Yerachmiel Gavriel ben Rochel.............................
RePosted: 7/31/09 (bb) (Joey Azar)
RePosted: 7/20/10 (as)
RePosted: 7/20/10 (as)
RePosted: 7/20/10 (as)
Gilad ben Aviva (((Gilad Shalit)))..............................
Posted: ****** (missing soldier) remove when released
Yehonatan ben Malka...............................................
Yissachar Dov ben Nechama..................................
Eliezer Leib ben Naomi............................................
Ariel ben Devorah.....................................................
RePosted: 11/1/09 (lc) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 11/1/09 (lc) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 11/1/09 (lc) recheck in 6 mo
Posted: ****** (ariel sharon)
Mendel Beryl ben Fayga..........................................
Aryeh Leib ben Liza.................................................
Moshe Baruch ben Fraida Raizel...........................
Y'chezkel ben Evelyn.............................................
Elisha Natan ben Shoshana Adina.........................
Avraham Mordechai ben Alta Chaya....................
RePosted: 9/23/09 (lf) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 9/23/09 (rn) recheck in 6 mo
Posted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
Posted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
Posted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
Chaim ben Rachel....................................................
Yosef ben Chaya Lebe............................................
RePosted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
Pessi bas Feige .......................................................
Tzipora bas Sara......................................................
Tzipora bas Sara Rivka ..........................................
Tzipora bas Shusha Raizel Yocheved................
Breindel bas Chana Raizel ...................................
Leah Aviva bas Raitza Bryna...............................
Devorah bas Chaya Sara Malka ...........................
Shalva Yakira bas Yardena Meira..........................
Chana Sara Rochel bas Malka...............................
Sarah Leah bas Maya Elanit....................................
Posted: 2/2/10 (t)
writer.at.heart415@gmail.com Posted: 2/2/10 (t)
writer.at.heart415@gmail.com Posted: 2/2/10 (t)
writer.at.heart415@gmail.com Posted: 2/2/10 (t)
writer.at.heart415@gmail.com Posted: 2/2/10 (t)
writer.at.heart415@gmail.com Posted: 1/1310 (bb)
reshischachma@gmail.com Posted: 7/20/10 (as) recheck in 6 mo
Posted: 7/20/10 (as) recheck in 6 mo
Posted: 11/6/09 (st)
<suri.teller@gmail.com> Posted: 11/1/09 (carolsolm)
Rachel bas Sarah.......................................................
Shoshanah Rochel bas Leah..................................
Posted: 9/23/09 (carolsolm)
rePosted: 7/20/10 (as) recheck in 6 mo
Chana Malka bas Shoshana .................................
Yehudit bat Chana....................................................
Ruchama Chava Baila bas Chaya..........................
Golda bas Chana.......................................................
reRePosted: 7/20/10 (as) recheck in 6 mo
Posted: 9/23/09 (ae) recheck in 6 mo (alan's sister)
RePosted: 11/1/09 (bs)
RePosted: 9/23/09 (bb) (lf) recheck in 6 mo
Sheindel Gitel bas Eidah Adinah............................
Hilella bas Mirella........................................................
Naama Bracha bas Devorah...................................
Esther Rivka bas Chana Miriam............................
Devorah bas Zelda Malka......................................
RePosted: 9/23/09 (nr) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 9/23/09 (carolsolm) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 9/23/09 (lf) rrecheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 9/23/09 (lf) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 9/23/09 (lf) recheck in 6 mo
Esther Basha bas Malka Faiga...............................
Aliza Malka Breindel bas Yehudis Bracha............
Chaya Duba bas Breindel......................................
Amelia bas Emma.......................................................
RePosted: 11/1/09 (lc) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 11/1/09 (lc) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 11/1/09 (lc) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 11/1/09 (lc) recheck in 6 mo
Chana bas Loolee..................................................
Shana Hendel bas Esther.......................................
Yospie bas Chana Itka...........................................
Simcha Leah Chaya bas Rivka...............................
RePosted: 11/1/09 (ae) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 9/23/09 (lf) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 9/23/09 (lf) (ae) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted ****** (sw) (rr) .
Leebe Tova bas Chaye / Chana...............................
Rochel bas Reva / Rivka.........................................
Fayga bas Reva / Rivka ..........................................
Ruth bas Dora / Dvorah..........................................
Aliza bas Shoshana Adina........................................
RePosted: 2/27/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
RePosted: 7/31/09 (ae-rh) recheck in 6 mo
This Website was designed & built by Rivkey Nimchinsky.
The Rochester Tehillim Group was founded by Brenda Sokoloff.
Special thanks to Alan Entenberg for donating the space where this website resides.
© copyright 2002-2010 / RN