T able of Contents



Chapter One                     How Not to Choose an Adoption Agency

Chapter Two                      Meeting in Person

Chapter Three                   Summer 1999: Some Hints and Clues

Chapter Four                     Enter Anguel

Chapter Five                      Enter Cyril

Chapter Six                       The Whitwells

Chapter Seven                   Formalities

Chapter Eight                    The Kick Inside

Chapter Nine                     Shivers

Chapter Ten                       Linda Wright

Chapter Eleven                  A Conversation With Rob and Sue Corrigan 

Chapter Twelve                  Welcome to Russia. Have A Nice Day

Chapter Thirteen               Meeting Cyril

Chapter Fourteen              Court

Chapter Fifteen                  Feverish Anticipation

Chapter Sixteen                 Eyes Opened Wide

Chapter Seventeen             The Best Days of Cyril’s Life

Chapter Eighteen               New Dawn Fades

Chapter Nineteen               Not Even With A Whimper

Chapter Twenty                  Good Night, Sweet Prince

Chapter Twenty-One          Linda Wright and Yekaterina

Chapter Twenty-Two           Nasledstvo

Chapter Twenty-Three        One Day in Moscow

Chapter Twenty-Four          Linda Wright, Yekaterina and Moscow

Chapter Twenty-Five           Home, Home Again

Chapter Twenty-Six            The Truth Shall Set You Free

Chapter Twenty-Seven        Watch What You Say, Comrade

Chapter Twenty-Eight         No Closure

Chapter Twenty-Nine          The Release and Our Decision

Chapter Thirty                     Bulgarian Misrepresentations

Chapter Thirty-One             We Lose Our Faith For Good

Chapter Thirty-Two              The Whitwells Go to Russia

Chapter Thirty-Three           The Cases Go Underground

Chapter Thirty-Four             Back Channels

Chapter Thirty-Five              The Sordid Tale of the Tape

Chapter Thirty-Six                A Veiled Threat

Chapter Thirty-Seven           The Corrigans Caught in the Trap

Chapter Thirty-Eight            The Cases Get Filled In

Chapter Thirty-Nine             The Phantom Child

Chapter Forty                       Movin’ On Up

Chapter Forty-One               The End Approaches

Chapter Forty-Two                Signed and Sealed ... but Not Delivered

Chapter Forty-Three             The Corrigans’ Summer of Discontent

Chapter Forty-Four               September 2, 2000

Chapter Forty-Five                Don’t Let The Door Hit Your Ass On The Way Out ...

Chapter Forty-Six                 The Final Pecuniary Insult

Chapter Forty-Seven             The “Lurking Bulgarians”

Chapter Forty-Eight              The Ball in our Court

Chapter Forty-Nine               Another Dead Baby?

Chapter Fifty                         Dennis Kaselak Speaks

Chapter Fifty-One                 The Truth Gets Out There

Chapter Fifty-Two                  The Corrigans’ Winter

Chapter Fifty-Three               The Corrigans’ Continuing Process

Chapter Fifty-Four                Early 2001: Russia, Amrex and Happy BBAS clients

Chapter Fifty-Five                  The Corrigans’ Get Their Daughter

Chapter Fifty-Six                   The Hague Meetings I

Chapter Fifty-Seven               The Law Weighs In

Chapter Fifty-Eight                Busted in Bulgaria (with a little help from the Cases)

Chapter Fifty-Nine                 Edmund, Candace and the Penns

Chapter Sixty                         Candace, What Has Become of You?

Chapter Sixty-One                 The Hague Meetings II

Chapter Sixty-Two                  Two Roads Closed Off

Chapter Sixty-Three               Denise Has Her Say

Chapter Sixty-Four                 Denise Feels Our Pain

Chapter Sixty-Five
