Chapter Twenty-Two

Where Did All That Money Go?

You may find yourself in another part of the world…

And you may ask yourself ‘How do I work this?’

And the days go by…

Into the blue again after the money’s gone

–The Talking Heads


    While Alysha visited her new son and daughter at the orphanage everyday, she was able to speak with the orphanage director privately about the orphanage and its operations. 

    On Jan. 17, Alysha steered the conversation towards donations and the amounts solicited for the orphanage by Tatyana and Amrex. Had Ludmilla really received the $1,000 or even the $6,000 per child that Denise Hubbard said they must pay to the orphanage?

    Alysha posted this to the FRUA Blagoveshchensk/Amur thread the next day, on Friday, Jan. 18. This was to cause quite a stir and have Tatyana go through the stratosphere as she printed out every page.

Hello everyone…I am in Blagoveschensk and for all your informational purposes yesterday the orphanage director struck up a conversation with me about Tatyana. 

It just so happens [Ludmilla Ivanova] wasn’t aware of many things.  She told me that the largest orphanage donation in 10 years was 10,000 rubles, which is about $325.  It is on the books and she said I can bring the proof of this back with me to Moscow for the authorities…

It is possible to adopt independently from this region, but at the moment, I wouldn’t start up with Amrex …due to the orphanage director not being too pleased with Tatyana’s actions. 

For those of you traveling…make sure to give your $1,000 donation in cash and in person with the director being the recipient.  I promised her I would convey this as it was very upsetting for her to learn that she was also in the dark on this subject.  She is a very kind woman and she is ready to help rectify the problems here.

    Well, that was a stunner to the board, especially those who had already adopted and couldn’t believe that their agency foreign fees weren’t going towards their “intended” purpose. Surely this ABTOWELL was just posting this to stir up trouble for hard-working Tatyana in Amur.

    ACHI CP popped in.  He and Alysha had been corresponding privately and he had asked her to tell the orphanage director that his daughter was doing well.  

    He was stunned to learn that the money he had deposited with Tatyana’s help in December had not gone towards the orphanage. Alysha wrote on Jan. 25, 2002: “CP I told the orphanage director about your daughter and she was pleased although Tatyana …left no donation for your child so the director was very pleased with your gifts.”

    CP was incensed.  On Jan. 25 he shot off a quick post: “BUT …now one thing is really bothering me…are you telling me that a RAT and/or offspring …pocketed the orphanage donation??? I am really pleased to hear that the orphanage director is making their address and phone numbers public.  During our adoption, we had a (nameless RAT) person keeping the same info topsecret.”

On Jan. 31, CP described how he had donated the money towards the orphanage with Tatyana’s help:

Tatyana took me to a building to deposit our orphanage donation.  I don’t know the address, but I do remember being taken through the back entrance.  The hallways were old, dimly lit and the floors were uneven.  I asked her where we were and she said it was the City Health Department and that is where the orphanage donations were accepted. 

I was led into a small room where there were a couple of ladies and a man making some type of entries, by hand, in some ledgers.  Behind them was a small window with bars on it.  I handed a lady the donation in rubles, she counted it and gave me a receipt and then handed it back to the person behind the bars.

Tatyana asked what name the donation should be under and I started to tell her which FRUA chapter and she said, “Never mind. We will just put it in your name.”  As we were leaving that room, a lady stopped us so I could sign some papers.  These were the inventory sheets of the clothing and vitamins we took to the orphanage. 

I know I had seen the lady before in what appeared to be her own office back in the orphanage.  She was a medium height, young, blonde and very well dressed.

    That was all fine and dandy; Alysha’s advice seemed to be percolating to some of the readers and lurkers out in Russian adoption land; some who posted were ready to travel and categorically stated that they would definitely hand the cash over directly to the orphanage director.

    From a freezing Internet café in Blagoveshchensk, Alysha followed up on Jan. 26:

Yes CP I am telling you someone pocketed your donation along with mine and too many others to mention.  I am sure now you understand why I am so furious.  I think all adoptive parents who have lived through this process must be at least 98% wonderful people.  To have someone do this to the children who suffer and are left behind makes me livid…you can understand my need to expose them to the government so something can be done. I am trusting that the agencies back home know nothing of this in this region as this would be even more appalling. 

All of this info I have gathered over the past 2 years has been…upsetting but being here and having it confirmed to me makes it all the more real.  I beg all of you who come after me, please, for the sake of the children who wait, bring your orphanage donation in hand.  Do not give it to anybody but the orphanage director…Please do not give it to anyone else.

There are too many untrustworthy people here and we must cut their greedy hands out of the loop.  I will stop at nothing to quit this cycle.

Ask the director when you are here is there something they need that you can shop for.  She will give you a list.  I bought a huge stack of underwear the other day for it was needed badly.

    Tatyana, reading this from her fortress in Amur, was hopping mad at being called a rat.  Her good name and honest reputation of being a caring, helpful woman were at stake!  How would she keep duping all these stupid Americans and maintain her highflying lifestyle by selling her countrymen?

    Alysha and CP had a point.  I came across an adoption account (scroll down until you come to “Journey of Love” by Alison B. Harbour) by a woman named Chrystal Tapp, who worked as a software engineer for Microsoft. 

    In March 1999 she signed on with an Amrex agency named Heritage Adoption Service, Inc. out of Portland, Oregon. That August 1999 she received a referral for a baby boy in Blagoveshchensk, Amur.

    That December, Chrystal and her father, along with three other Amrex families from Miami, Atlanta and New Jersey, traveled to Amur to adopt seven children, six of whom were at the Amurskaya Oblast Baby Home in Blagoveshchensk.

    Chrystal told the reporter how, when her 18-month old son was first brought out to her, she was shocked at his small size and thinness. He could not stand unassisted. She mentioned that the diet he was fed consisted “of a watery form of mush and cookie styled crackers” — almost exactly what Alysha had described.

    This adoption took place in December 1999. Alysha traveled in January 2002, two years later. Not much had changed in Amur with Amrex, had it?

    Chrystal was allowed to see her son for five days, an hour each day.

    She gave “gifts” of shampoo, conditioner, pens, scarves and other small clothing items to the orphanage staff. The gifts were not mandatory, but “encouraged” by Heritage Adoption Service, Inc. Chrystal also “gave” (allegedly ... I do think the reporter got this amount wrong) to the Ministry of Education $15,000 for her son’s adoption.

    One startling thing this article mentioned was that three children adopted from Amur that December had rickets, including Chrystal’s son. A boy being adopted by the Atlanta couple had “treatable non-contagious tuberculosis.” One of those seven children would be dead by October 2000, and he and both his brothers also had rickets.

    With all those American dollars flowing into Amur, carried by adoptive families or sent in by their agencies, where had the majority of it gone? Amrex and its member agencies crammed children from Blagoveshchensk into the pipeline. If each family was paying Tatyana and Svetlana $6,000 or more, why hadn’t that money been used for the orphanage? 

    There is no excuse for rickets and the poor diet the children were still being fed.  The only stomachs being filled were those of the facilitators and their intermediaries.

    Alysha was relentless. Her next post on Jan. 27 was a classic. 

To the person who asked about Tatyana.  No I do not deal with Tatyana or Svetlana while I am here.  You must understand they are part of the problem and I wouldn’t befriend them if I had to.  I do have an address for Tatyana at home and I will get it to you when I get back.  But God only knows why anyone would want that witch’s address and phone number for anything other than to ask what in the world did you do with the orphanage donations?

    BTDT again popped in, adamantly stating that their funds had gone to the orphanage director and directly into the bank. BTDT never came out and said that they were an Amrex family, so I am willing to believe what she says about the donations.  On Jan. 29 she posted:

I personally know of many couples that have given their donations directly to the orphanage within the last couple of years, ourselves included.  We went with an orphanage representative to the bank and saw that our money was deposited directly into the orphanage’s account.  These donations that I speak of have all been well over $325 and there are receipts to prove it.  There were no foreign fees involved in these adoptions, so no money was kept by the faciliator.  The latest couple to make a donation directly to the orphanage left Blago just before you arrived.

    Alysha, in her response to this thanked BTDT for the info about the bank. But she asked, “Were the couples you speak of taken to the bank by Tatyana? I asked the orphanage director if the people at the bank were suspects also …By the way BTDT, I have a receipt for $6,000 donation from the bank but, no, the orphanage didn’t get my donation either.”

    On Feb. 1 BTDT responded, this time not as positive as she was in her previous post.

I don’t have an actual address before me.  I would have to locate receipts and then have it translated, or talk to the other couple that just went. It is possible that we went to the same place CP went, although  we were told it was a bank, not the Health Department.  I suppose many of the buildings look the same, but this one did have bars at the teller windows.  If there were ‘rats’ involved in this transaction, then they were all throughout the building.  Everyone knew why were there and a number of people were involved in our transaction.  Of course, this was two years ago.  We saw Ludmilla before we went and she was well aware of the donation we were making.  She never said anything later about not receiving the donation, so we ‘assumed’ she did get it.

    Publicly Alysha continued to admonish the Blago/Amrex adopters to keep quiet and that categorically Amrex and their agencies were, to some extent, circumventing Russian adoption laws. She cautioned them they would be told what a bad person she was by Tatyana, so to be prepared. 

    She again begged them to make the donation in person. On one of her last posts from Amur, Alysha told people simply “Adoption in Russia is free. I hope one day that many people will be able to adopt for the true amount it takes to do this and that Americans won’t be robbed blind by agencies and red tape. If we do have to fork out ridiculous amounts of money that orphanage will receive it, not a bunch of greedy rats.”

    Greedy rats, greedy agency directors, sick, malnourished children — it’s a nightmare that never seems to end.

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