Chapter Twenty-Three

Tatyana Blows Up!


    As I have mentioned, this thread on FRUA was not going unnoticed by the powers that be.  It was being read in Alpharetta.  It was being read in Medina.  It was being read in Blagoveshchensk, Amur Russia by none other than Tatyana Vladimirovna Dmitriyeva, just as she has been avidly reading this website.

    I do think that Tatyana was being very harshly judged. Yes, she is, by most accounts, a greedy woman. 

    At the same time, she got her job done and placed some children with American families. She definitely earned some of the money she was pocketing from these adoptions. 

    But she wasn’t the only person who was an operator on the line. There was someone at the local MOE in Amur, there was her boss Sasha in Moscow, there was Val in Moscow, there was Serg Nickols and Marina Zakharova in Alpharetta and then there were the various American agency directors who beguiled unsuspecting clients into adoptions.    

    The process had become even more convoluted than when Daniel and I adopted Cyril.

    But Tatyana wasn’t going to let Alysha off so easily for upsetting the apple cart on FRUA and on the ground in Russia. She and Alysha confronted one another after Brian had arrived and in front of the Towell’s newly adopted children.  Their court date had gone well and the Towells were all set and ready to go to dinner when Tatyana knocked on their hotel room door.

    At first, the conversation went well, but in her hand Tatyana was holding a huge stack of papers — nearly 40 sheets.

    And what did this stack consist of? The FRUA Amur/Blagoveshchensk thread.  The time had come for Tatyana to step out of the “kind and caring Russian facilitator mode.”

    When Alysha was safely home with her four children and had time to settle in to family life, she posted the following to the still-continuing thread. I feel it is best to let Alysha tell this tale in her own words. She posted the following on Feb. 23.

Hello everybody.  Sorry to scare all of you but things got a bit ugly just before I left so I didn’t get a chance to visit the board or email anybody…I am home …with my kids…I saw things I never wanted to know about…


Tatyana and I had a show down at my hotel, the Druzba.  I told her that when I got home I would post the “short” of our conversation.  While I only believe part of what she said, I will tell you what went on.


She claimed not to be affiliated with Amrex, whereas 3 weeks before she said she represented them and a few other agencies.  So I don’t know what to make of that.  I’ll let you guys decide. 


Then she claimed not only to me, but [to] another couple that Amrex paid her by the hour.  Well, I [retorted] with, “How exactly is it that they pay by the hour when there is no on here to check [it out]?”  I then stated that I knew she was paid by the child.


She then changed her story and admitted that she was paid by the child, but claimed it was only about $500 to $600 per child.  And she said that included the taxi rides.  I don’t buy it, but I said I would tell it like it happened, and that is what she said.  Although, her story changes too frequently for my taste.


She then said she had no idea how Amrex gets a hold of all those videos and medicals.  I told her I knew she knew something as when a video of my kids was lost in the mail, my agency responded, “Don’t worry, Tatyana will get a new one” and it came a few weeks later.  So I told her [that] and she said she never “touches the videos” and that an “Amrex person from Moscow” comes and gets them.  Once again, she goes from not knowing to knowing a little.


I told her I believe she tried to appeal my case and that I wanted to believe she wasn’t a part of the Amrex scam, but that I had been lied to too much to go for it.


She is genuinely worried that I have ruined her reputation. She was furious with me and all she did was fuss in front of my children, I might add.  Which I didn’t appreciate.  If she genuinely cared, she would have asked to speak with me alone and let my husband watch the kids so they didn’t have to hear our argument.  Although my daughter went to sleep while we were talking.  It apparently didn’t bother her.


[Tatyana] doesn’t have a great rapport with kids in my opinion.  The only nice thing she said the whole time I was there in Blagov (which was six weeks) was that my daughter was pretty.  I was nice and told her “thank you very much.” 


Anyway, back to the rest of the conversation. 


I am sorry for calling her a rat [as an aside, Alysha wasn’t the person who originally labeled Tatyana as “a RAT” on this thread  - it was CP] and a witch, although it mostly because it wasn’t very Christian-like.  Even Jesus when he threw the merchants out of the temple didn’t call them names, so I will try to avoid that in the future.


However, she told the orphanage director that I had written bad things about her on the Internet, which we all know isn’t true.  I love the orphanage director and she does the very best with what she has.  I couldn’t have done better myself.  Fortunately, the orphanage director, upon spending so much time with me, came to disbelieve Tatyana.


I confronted Tatyana with this, and she had no comment, so I guess I didn’t apologize to her face, nor did she apologize to mine.  I guess we are even.


I will say I think she is going to clean up her act, so if you want to adopt the easy way (independently), I guess you could use her as a translator.  But I wouldn’t adopt without using an attorney as well for safety purposes.

    Of course, the follow up posts in response to Alysha’s revelations were full of the usual “But Amrex did a wonderful job for us” variety. What was particularly galling were the posts that followed up, from people Alysha had met while in Blagoveshchensk, people she had given information to during her stay, dissing her and her information.  

    It is incredible to me to see the blinders and the Post Adoption Amnesia set in over people’s eyes.  Most just don’t want to see, and once they don’t want to see, they are always blind and lead others down the same faulty path.

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