Chapter Twenty-Four

Building Blocks and AMREX Get A Few Licks In


    You know as well as I do that Building Blocks and Amrex were going to get its two cents worth in on this FRUA discussion. 

    I have confirmed one of these posts is a Building Blocks client who was cajoled by Denise to come on FRUA to put a positive spin on what Alysha was saying.  Their names are David and Lynn Muth, and they live in Western New York (My old stomping grounds ... I apologize sincerely!). They left their email — with their post.

    What particularly galls me about the Muths post is they witnessed a family literally lied to and put through hell in Russia by both Building Blocks and Amrex.  How they then came over and posted this trash is beyond me.  Another starry-eyed client shilling for the system.

    David Muth, writing as “Been There and Done It” on March 28. All Hubbardisms in full view for those who know to see.

As long as someone who has been there recently has spoken up I’m going to stick in my two cents!

I just returned from Blago after spending 18 days there.  This whole Internet thing was in a real spin while I was there.  As far as I’m concerned, and this is one man’s opinion in a world full of six billion people, just like the rest of the opinions posted here. [HUBBARD SPINNING POINT ALERT!]

Blago was great, the people were great, the hotel was great and the food was great!!!!

I this life most of what you get out of it is what you put into it, and that starts with your attitude.

All of you who went through an agency signed a contract and in that contract it was spelled out clearly where the money goes…believe me I had 18 days to review it.  I will admit it doesn’t spell out the exact amount that goes to each party but shame on me for signing it.

    It only took them until they got to Amur to review their contract? Why feel good about this? 

    They should have had many, many, many issues if they had truly comprehended what they were signing. Were they reading the same thing I have a copy of from three different BBAS clients? Portions about signing away rights to sue, holding BBAS harmless from the LIES they were knowingly telling clients?

My wife and I knew full well what we were getting into and I never eve heard of this chat site until we got to Blago.  There are people that our agency set us up with to talk to but we passed due to my first statement about opinions. [HUBBARD SPINNING POINT ALERT]

    I can guarantee you the Towells were not of the BBAS clients that Wendy set them up with. Denise did her job well didn’t she with these closed minded specimens.  Evil Internet! Evil People! DLH KNOWS ALL.

You need to have a mind of your own and do research that will give you facts, not opinions. [HUBBARD SPINNING POINT ALERT]

    David Muth is more ignorant that even I thought possible! He and Lynn are the perfect BBAS see nothing, know nothing, pay everything without question client right here! Where does Denise sucker people like this into her sphere?

There are sites on Blago itself.  I had a map and history before I left.  Checked weather reports and know how to dress based on a weather report. 

    What a researcher! Ain’t that hard. Go to Google! Just dial it up on the Weather Channel’s site. Chose your country, chose your region and voilà!

My agency also sent me information covering every issue that has been posed as a question here. 

    BBAS was soooo resourceful to waiting parents. Soooo resourceful in their medical information. 

    Was the info they received the garbage culled from Dr. Downing’s site?  That’ll tell you everything you need to know!  Just don’t ask about RAD, FAS/FAE, ADHD, ADD, SIDS and drug addiction!  Those DO exist in PI kids!

            Which makes me question why all the questions????

We had a very good experience in Blago and returned with a new member of our family who we love.  Without the help of the people in Blago who work very hard and care very much this would never have happened.   My hat is off to them and their drive to help these orphans. [HUBBARD SPINNING ALERT!]

    HUUUURRRRLLLLLLL. Like all that cash every Amrex family has given to Tatyana has reached “the orphans”? How much did that little boy cost them again?  

    Tatyana Dmitriyeva, Denise Hubbard and Marina Zhakarova are out to make money.  THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!  How many times does this have to get said for people to open their eyes? 

As far as the cost to stay in Blago, I stayed in the Ubileyna and it was fine.  I’ve stayed in hotels a lot worse than that in the States for a lot more money.   I challenge anyone to find a driver here for $5.00 an hour and take your wife out to dinner for $12-16.  You can not do it even at McDonalds.

    What is David Muth on about? We’ve eaten at McDonalds with our kid for far less than that.  

    Must not know about their Value Dollar Days Meal Deals. Or else he’s a Burger King or Wendy’s fan.

As far as an independent adoption, good for you and good luck!  If you do not speak fluent Russian or could hire an interpreter (then you have the same problem that the above accuses others of).  I do not see how you could be successful.  

    That is correct. Mr. Muth does not see too much other than the zeros in his bank account from being ripped royally off by Denise Hubbard posing as an “Adoption Professional.”  

    He is totally and utterly clueless.  Must have had a sign on his back that said “We Are Bending Over NOW.  Please kick us here.” Of course he doesn’t know how anybody could be successful – he never tried.

You will also be in Blago a lot longer than 18 days and for me, no matter how you slice that oinon, I can not afford to be there 6+ weeks.

Well that is my two cents and cheers to the excellent people of Blago who made my stay one that I will never forget and will miss them for the rest of my life.  Thanks Ladies!!!!

    GOOD GOD — even retyping this crap made me cringe. Written like a perfectly good, brain-drained, broke and post-adoption-euphoric adoptive parent. 

    Did Denise pay this addled soul to post this to counteract Alysha’s posts? And to downplay the one client’s experience with a severely mentally disturbed child from the Baby Home in Amur?  Glad the Muths were pleased.  Take it up with the Denise Hubbard Rah-Rah Liars Club. 

    Another example of how the blind don’t want to see is the following by “Happy Blago Mom” on May 2. The usual “don’t rain on my hazy parade” attitude is again in evidence. One wonders if they even had any questions about where their money was going, what it was being used for or even if they cared, as long as they received their child.  

    Sucks to be you if you lost your referral, but she got her perfect daughter, all bought and paid for, maybe with that nasty case of rickets.

We adopted our daughter in Blago in May 2001, a long time before all of the accusations listed.  We found the staff in Blago to be nothing but wonderful.  Tatyana was very business like in the beginning, before our adoption was complete, but once it was, she became very loving to all of us especially our daughter.  The orphanage was clean, and kids were happy and all well loved.  I just feel that the talk above has given a bad spin on adoptions from this region.  The only bad part of our entire experience was the flight from Moscow…

When we went to Blago in May 2001, the news of the death of the child in New Jersey had just been received.  There was even a reporter from the NJ Register staying at the Churin with us.  He was a very nice person who had the children’s best interests at heart, but do you think that him being there with a photographer could have something to do with the region changing to two trips and not waiving the ten days???

    For the record the reporter’s name is Matthew and the newspaper was the Newark Star Ledger.  The story about the Viktor Matthey ran in the Sunday Oct. 28, 2001 edition.

    It is the law regarding two trips and having the families stay in Russia for their 10 days. It is up to the judge to waive the ten days, not Amrex, Tatyana or the agency they paid. Amur was not doing this as they should have at the time, so laws were being broken by all involved in the adoptions.]

I didn’t even know about this thread before today and cannot believe what I am reading.  I received an email from a prospective parent who I responded to about Blago from another list about adopting from there and she mentioned the negative attention that the area has and this thread. 

I do realize that the negativity is only about 2 or 3 posters, but that is what everyone is remembering about the region.  I wish it would stop.

This is a wonderful region to adopt from. The orphanage was great, Tatyana was great, the Churin was great and the people were very nice.  If you have personal opinions about the agency YOU CHOSE TO USE that is your problem. 

I for one would never do an independent adoption from any foreign country.  I do not speak Russian and would end up spending well over $20K on my own.

That’s not my expertise, but it is someone’s, and I thank God everyday that they were there to help our daughter and us find each other…

    It’s everyone’s problem, when money isn’t reaching children.  It’s everyone’s problem when abject corruption is blithely ignored. It’s everyone’s problem if a corrupt agency is bilking its clients and idiots like the woman above continue to gloss over these obvious glitches and is LYING to paint a rosy picture of a child selling operation.

    It is a service that she paid for, however. But because she decided to turn a blind eye, she missed out on the RAD case girls in one room of the orphanage.   

    Poor woman. Her little blissful child buying trip was being rained on. Oh so sorry!  She actually believed that her adoption was aboveboard, that her money had actually gone towards her daughter’s orphanage. 

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