Military Spec Sheet Numders
Mil-D, R, M=Devices, Ribbons, Medals
This is from a Air Force Guide
to Air Force Heraldry as of 05/2022
Using Colors in Emblems
The colors of an emblem often have significance but that is
always secondary to the symbolism
of the emblem. The colors of the Air Force, ultramarine blue and
Air Force yellow, should
appear in the design; the blue represents "the sky", the primary
theater of Air Force operations,
while Air Force yellow represents "the sun" and the excellence
required of Air Force personnel.
A note of caution, ultramarine blue, while it represents the
sky, is not a light blue; an ultramarine
blue shield or disc is fairly dark and requires charges of good
contrast. A rule of thumb when
assigning color to design elements is to use colors that
contrast: dark on light, light on dark.
Heraldry divides colors into two categories: metals (gold,
yellow, gray, silver, and white) and
colors (i.e., non-metals – reds, blues, greens, etc). The
cardinal rule of heraldry is no metal on
metal and no color on color. The positive and negative
association of twelve colors appears
below for field personnel who are considering the design of
organizational emblems.
RED (heraldic
GULES). Positive: blood of life, boldness, Christ, courage,
hardiness, liberty,
magnanimity, passion, patriotism, planet Mars, sentiment,
strength, valor, warmth (of fire), and
zeal. Negative: anarchy, blood (spilled), danger, death
throes, Satan, fire (burning), passions,
revolution, war, and wounds.
ORANGE (heraldic Tenne).
Positive: ambition, benevolence, earthly wisdom, endurance,
flames, hospitality, marriage, pride, and strength. Negative:
malevolence and Satan.
GOLD (heraldic metal OR). Positive: honor, majesty (royalty),
mystic aspects of the sun,
riches, and wisdom. Negative: idolatry.
YELLOW (also heraldic metal OR).
Positive: constancy, dissemination, divinity, elevation of
mind, excellence, highest values, honor, illumination,
intellect, intuition, justice, light, loyalty,
magnanimity, riches, ripened grain, sun, supreme wisdom and
wisdom. Negative: cowardice and
BROWN. Positive: the earth and lesser nobility. Negative:
Barrenness and poverty.
GREEN (heraldic VERT). Positive:
adaptability, auspiciousness, gladness, fertility of fields,
freshness, hope, immortality, joy, love, life, nature,
prosperity, sympathy, vegetation, planet
Venus, wisdom, and youth. Negative: disgrace, envy, jealousy,
lividness, madness, opposition,
and sinisterness.
BLUE (heraldic AZURE). Positive:
(light blue) calm seas, charity, cold, constancy, daylight,
devotion, innocence, planet Jupiter, justice, loyalty, piety,
sincerity, sky, thinking, and truth.
Negative (dark blue): doubt, discomfort, night, and stormy
PURPLE (heraldic PURPURE). Positive: empire, humility,
jurisdiction, love of truth, loyalty,
memories, planet Mercury, nostalgia, patience, power, rank,
royalty, sacrifice, and spirituality.
Negative: martyrdom, mourning, penitence, regret, resignation,
and sublimation.
BLACK (heraldic SABLE). Positive: constancy, dignity,
determination, divine doctrine,
fertilized land, humility, mighty, night, prudence, regality,
planet Saturn, sophistication, sorrow,
and starkness. Negative: death, despair, evilness, grief,
morbidity, nothingness, penitence,
sickness, sin, and void.
GRAY (heraldic metal ARGENT).
Positive: discretion, humility, maturity, penitence,
renunciation, and retrospection. Negative: barrenness,
depression, egoism, grief, indifference,
inertia, neutralization, old age, and winter.
SILVER (also heraldic metal
ARGENT). Positive: charity, chastity, clear conscience, faith,
moon, innocence, purity, and test of truth. Negative: blank,
cold, ghostly, spectral, and void.
WHITE (also heraldic metal
ARGENT). Positive: daylight, innocence, perfection, purity,
truth, and wisdom. Negative: same as for silver above.
Chapter 4: Processing Air Force Emblems
The commander of an active organization desiring an emblem or
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