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CAFL Control Algorithm
DOS Bootsector
DFP Project
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Recursive Logistic Eqn
RF Electronics Projects
Wind Chime
Weather Page
This software portfolio page contains a list of some of
the more interesting programs I have written. Some are written about in
more detail than
others. To the really motivated, if you want more details and executables, contact me.
If you want to compile any yourself feel free to download them from the FTP site.
The source code is available via FTP at ftp://ftp.frontiernet.net/pub/users/erickclasen/public_ftp/C/ and ftp://ftp.frontiernet.net/pub/users/erickclasen/public_ftp/BAS/
respectively for C files or BASIC files.
Most of them are simple command line utilities,
however a few are quite complex. They are sorted categorical, BASIC and
C. Then listed
alphabetically. The BASIC programs I compile with the Power Basic
compiler. The C programs are compiled with Borland 3.0 or GCC depending
on the target.
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Date Size Program Description
01/30/2004 117 allasc.bas - Creates a file with all of the ASCII characters outputted to it. 01/20/2004 166 ASC.BAS - Takes a number as input displays ASCII character associated with that number. 10/25/1999 95 ASCII.BAS - Improved version of ASC.BAS. 03/02/2004 265 ASSEM.BAS - Allows writing machine code to a binary file, very crude assembler. 10/18/2004 136 BENCHM.BAS - PC speed benchmark, input a number N, runs spinloop to N, shows how long it ran. 01/23/2003 534 benchmark.bas - More sophisticated benchmark based on Multiply and Divides to test math ability of PC and BASIC compiler generated code. 01/30/2003 1,926 ca1c.BAS - First Cellular Automata Program, shows Graphical Representation of Cellular Automata, input your own value into program from 0-255. 02/10/2003 2,073 CA2.BAS- V2 Cellular Automata Program, shows Graphical Representation of Cellular Automata, screensaver version. 02/11/2003 2,775 CA2a.BAS- V2 Cellular Automata Program, shows Graphical Representation of Cellular Automata, adjustable sizes. 01/30/2003 1,961 CA2c.BAS - V2 Cellular Automata Program, shows Graphical Representation of Cellular Automata, adjustable sizes, colored pixel logic. 02/25/2003 3,025 CA2rev.BAS- V2 Cellular Automata Program, shows Graphical Representation of Cellular Automata, adjustable sizes, colored pixel logic, reversed colors. 01/26/2003 1,459 CA3.BAS - V3 Cellular Automaton Iterative 01/30/2003 2,158 CA3c.BAS -V3 Cellular Automaton Iterative, screensaver version color. 01/31/2003 2,362 CA4C.BAS - V4 Cellular Automaton Iterative, screensaver version color, uses list of most interesting pictures to display. 03/11/2003 3,315 ca4ci.bas - V4 Cellular Automaton Iterative, screensaver version color, uses list of most interesting pictures to display, inverted colors. 01/31/2003 2,339 CA4CII.BAS - Upgrade to V4 ca4ci. 02/17/2003 3,179 ca4cir.bas - Random starting number version of V4 Cellular Automaton. 03/11/2003 3,624 ca4ciRV.bas - Random starting number version of V4 Cellular Automaton, reversing color based on 2nd oldest cells. 03/11/2003 3,361 CA5CI.BAS - Final Version of Cellular Automaton demo . 03/11/2003 3,178 ca5cir.bas - Final Version of Cellular Automaton demo, random start. 04/26/2004 1,450 CALEN.BAS - Creates a calender that is printable. 02/17/2003 2,837 CArndst.bas - Test version of Cellular Automaton with random starting numbers. 02/10/2003 1,995 cellauto.BAS - Initial Test version of Cellular Automaton . 01/29/2003 1,745 CELLAUTOC.BAS - Initial Test version of Cellular Automaton with color. 11/03/2004 1,720 CMDCALC.BAS - Calculator for the Command Line, Final Version. 11/01/2004 1,108 CMDCALC1.BAS - Initial version of the Command Line Calculator. 03/18/2000 1,778 COMPAND.BAS - DFP processing, PowerLaw Compandor for audio file. 03/13/2002 1,082 CR.BAS - Data encryption program 02/12/2004 1,075 CRA.BAS - Data encryption program 02/13/2003 2,829 crack.bas - Simulation of a crack in a solid metal using,Cellular Automaton modelling. 11/02/2004 1,520 daycalc.bas - Calculate the days between two days and calculate day from any date by counting a number of days. 02/12/2004 1,094 DCR.BAS - Data De-encryption program works with CR.BAS 02/12/2004 1,094 DCRA.BAS - Data De-encryption program works with CRA.BAS 03/18/2000 1,904 DFP.BAS - Digital File Processing and Analysis for Audio WAV files. 10/08/1999 1,445 DFPMENU.BAS - Menu program for,Digital File Processing and Analysis for Audio WAV files. 03/18/2000 1,539 DFTVIEL.BAS - Logarithmic view of the Fourier transform of an Audio WAV file. 03/18/2000 1,345 DFTVIEW.BAS - Linear view of the Fourier transform of an Audio WAV file. 03/18/2000 4,352 DFTWAV.BAS - DFT Discrete Fourier Transform engine for processing Audio WAV files. 02/18/2005 1,614 DFTWAVG.BAS - DFT Discrete Fourier Transform engine for processing Audio WAV files, with averaging. 12/08/2003 3,747 DFTWAVT.BAS - DFT Discrete Fourier Transform of Floating Point Text file. 03/18/2000 2,358 DISTANL.BAS - Distribution Analysis of Audio WAV file. 01/12/2005 186 DIVISORS.BAS - Calculate the divisors for a given number, useful for converting floating point to integer math. 04/03/2002 2,371 dst.bas - Standalone Distribution Analysis of an Audio WAV file. 01/23/2003 485 factor.bas - Input a number and this program gives the factors of that number. 01/22/2003 354 factorB.bas 01/13/2005 372 factorC.bas 01/13/2005 726 factorCA.bas 01/24/2003 531 factorD.bas 01/24/2003 578 factorE.bas 01/27/2003 790 factorF.bas 02/04/2003 942 factorG.bas 02/03/2003 578 factorGA.bas 02/12/2003 1,625 factorH.bas 03/18/2000 2,284 FBANK.BAS - DFT Discrete Fourier Transform filter bank, for wavelet processing of Audio WAV files. 03/02/2004 121 fillfile.bas - Creates and fills a file with an inputted number. 02/25/2005 2,473 FIR16.BAS - 16 bit FIR filter for Audio WAV files. 02/25/2004 2,172 FO3.BAS - Line Editor, works similar to EDLIN. 03/18/2000 1,173 HARMNZR.BAS - Product Mixer (Harmonizer) for Audio WAV files, Doubly Balanced Mixes the audio. 03/18/2000 1,748 HPFA.BAS - Preset High pass filter for Audio WAV files. 03/18/2000 1,105 HSPACE.BAS - Audio WAV file Headroom measuring program. 02/24/2004 192 inkeyasc.BAS - Test file to key input into a test text file. 07/16/2004 939 LABELRUN.BAS - Prints out labels on tractor feed labels, enter data and quantity and it prints out a run. 02/24/2004 44 LOF.BAS - Returns the length of a file. 01/10/2006 249 lp1.bas - Test code to implement the floor function in BASIC code. 03/18/2000 1,711 LPFA.BAS - Low pass filter for audio WAV files that loads coefficients from a configuration file. 11/07/2003 389 macorder.bas - Creates a batch file of DOS commands by recording them, basically a macro builder. 10/28/2004 349 MEMDUMP.BAS - Dumps a block of memory to the screen via peek command, like the DOS DEBUG tool does. 09/09/1999 1,160 MENUB.BAS - Page 2 of menu for DFP program. 01/06/2006 3,084 MNTDYA.BAS - Lunar cycle calculator. 01/31/2006 2,788 MNTDYB.BAS - Lunar cycle calculator. 01/31/2006 3,872 MNTDYC.BAS - Lunar cycle calculator. 03/18/2000 1,115 MODLTR.BAS - Modulator, simulates AM modulation of 2 Audio WAV files, part of DFP package. 01/04/2006 1,978 MOONCYC.BAS - Smaller file for Lunar cycle calculator. 01/06/2006 2,938 MOONCYC2.BAS - V2 Smaller file for Lunar cycle calculator. 01/04/2006 1,991 MOONTDY.BAS - Lunar cycle calculator for todays date. 11/08/2004 483 NSHELL.BAS - Program that generates a prompt shell. 02/26/2002 1,750 PARLL.BAS - Program to parse data for GPS data into a CSV file. 02/25/2004 1,193 parseml.bas - Parses mailing list into the format to print on tractor feed labels. 03/02/2004 1,444 parseml2.bas- V2 Parses mailing list into the format to print on tractor feed labels. 02/22/2002 747 pcr.bas - Key Code File data encryption. 02/22/2002 743 pdcr.bas - Key Code File data DE-encryption. 11/19/2002 207 PHI.BAS - Program to demonstration the calculation of the golden ratio. 03/23/2004 659 postproc.bas - Program to replace commas after they have been removed by preproc. 03/23/2004 663 preproc.bas - Program to replace commas with a hidden tag, postproc then reverses this procedure. File parsing utility. 10/20/2004 24 PWD.BAS - Prints out the Present Working Directory, like the UNIX PWD.EXE. 08/08/2007 99 RANDGEN.BAS - Basic random number generator. 01/12/2005 422 RAWFC.BAS - Raw file compare. Compare a file as cmd line arg to file of same name in subdir temp. 04/22/2003 1,248 REACTION.BAS - Tool to measure a persons reaction time. 02/25/2005 94 RECORD.BAS - Record a message typed at the command line to a logfile with time and date. 10/07/1999 1,073 RIIR.BAS - RIIR Filter for 8bit Binary file, Audio WAV file. 02/26/2004 461 RMRCVR.BAS - Rcvr link for linking two PC's together via a common network drive. "Remote Command Line" 03/01/2004 539 RMXMITR.BAS - Tx link for linking two PC's together via a common network drive. "Remote Command Line" 03/21/2002 56 RND.BAS - Random number generator. 03/28/2002 258 RND2.BAS - Random number generator, with graphics. 04/25/2002 562 rnd3.bas - Random number generator, with graphics. 09/02/1999 593 RNDBLDR.BAS - Randomized file builder 8bit Binary file. Builds a white noise Audio WAV file. 11/20/2002 310 ROOTS.BAS - Demo of deriving square root via Newtons method, showing intermediate results. 01/20/2003 760 rsm.bas - Demonstrates a simplistic machine language.The simplest programming language for a register machine, INC and DEC-JMP. 07/25/2002 372 RSOUND.BAS - Random Sound generator for the PC speaker. Sci-Fi like sounds. 11/21/2002 635 RTI32A.BAS - Newtons method, find square root of positive integer number, int32 math. 11/20/2002 325 rtint16.bas - 16 bit root calculator demo. 11/21/2002 488 rtint32.bas - 32 bit root calculator demo. 02/16/2005 7,555 SEISMO.BAS - Downloaded this, it supposedly is the interface for Radio Shack Multimeter with RS-232. 03/18/2000 1,908 SINGEN.BAS - Sine Wave Generator 8bit Binary file, Audio WAV file signal generator program. 10/14/1999 216 SINX.BAS - Sine table generator. To generate a lookup table to put into computer code. 12/30/2002 400 spherspi.bas - Spherical Spiral graphic demo. 03/18/2000 1,718 SQGEN.BAS - Square Wave Generator 8bit Binary file, Audio WAV file signal generator program. 03/18/2000 1,936 SWPGEN.BAS - Sweep Frequency Sine Wave Generator 8bit Binary file, Audio WAV file signal generator program. 02/26/2002 557 T.BAS - Parse LAT & LONG, ALT(ft.), TIME, MPH, LEG DIST(ft.) from GPS file into CSV 03/18/2003 3,148 TM1.BAS - Initial bulletin board using a shared network drive program. 11/10/2006 9,430 TM4a.BAS - Final text and file share with remote command line bulletin board using a shared network drive program. 02/10/2004 9,282 TOOLCAT.BAS - A cataloging utility for programs that a frequently used. 03/18/2000 1,866 TRIGEN.BAS - Triangle Wave Generator 8bit Binary file, Audio WAV file signal generator program. 03/18/2000 1,586 TVFIR.BAS - Transversal Finite Impulse Response Filter for 8 bit Audio WAV file. 02/21/2005 1,986 TVFIRP.BAS - Transversal Finite Impulse Response Filter for 8 bit Audio WAV file, adjustable parameters. 03/18/2003 2,119 txtmsg.bas - Text messaging via a shared network drive program. 03/18/2000 1,398 USMPLR.BAS - Undersampler for 8 bit Audio WAV file, copies a WAV file by dropping N samples, N is user input value. 07/17/2003 3,756 VERLOG.BAS - Final ,Mini Version Archive for a directory, sequential numbers files with notes that are logged. 04/11/2003 1,971 VERLOG1.bas - V1 Mini Version Archive for a directory, sequential numbers files with notes that are logged. 04/11/2003 1,958 VERLOG2.BAS - V2 Mini Version Archive for a directory, sequential numbers files with notes that are logged. 03/18/2000 1,681 WAVIEW.BAS - A viewer for the output files created by the DFP analysis program. 12/08/1999 1,526 WAVIEW2.BAS - A viewer for the output files created by the DFP analysis program. 02/24/2004 469 XTYPE.BAS - XTYPE prints all characters out from a file. Nonprintable characters are shown as \ N where N is the ASCII representation of the character. 04/28/2004 3,622 `.BAS - Backtick Tool- Dos Change Drive and Dir Simultaneously. ` driveletter:\dir to go directly to directory on that drive. ` directory jumps to that directory bookmarking current directory. ` 1 brings you back. `` cd's to root.
Date Size Program Description
10/03/2006 4,109 cafl1.c - Simulation of Control System based on CAFL(Celullar Automata-Fuzzy Logic) Algorithm. 01/19/2006 10,859 cal.c - UNIX Cal program, downloaded, did not write. 02/07/2006 10,217 cat1.c - Spin 1 of YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning) program, remote control via serial port. 02/14/2006 27,045 cat2.c - Spin 2 of YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning) program, remote control via serial port. 02/14/2006 32,137 cat3.c - Spin 3 of YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning) program, remote control via serial port. 02/23/2006 34,936 cat4.c - Spin 4 of YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning) program, remote control via serial port. 03/10/2006 36,240 cat5.c - Spin 5 of YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning) program, remote control via serial port. 03/10/2006 36,360 cat6.c - Spin 6 of YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning) program, remote control via serial port. 12/04/2006 36,385 cat6a.c - Final Version of YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning) program, with correct serial port timing. 02/14/2006 7,886 cattest.c - Simulator for YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning), simulates Radio via another PC on serial port. 02/07/2006 3,907 cattest1.c - Final Version simulator for YAESU HF Transceiver CAT(Computer Aided Tuning), simulates Radio via another PC on serial port.
02/10/2006 2,937 comsend.c - Test program for TX and RX via serial port, barebones serial interface.
02/06/2006 326 convtemp.c - Test program to convert an INT to a BCDINT format, used for development of catX.c programs. 09/28/2006 1,530 datacon.c - Converts a hexidecimal data file into a decimal file for import in MS Excel file. 01/14/2005 673 factord.c - Shows how many factors a number has, goes up to 20. Prints N and number of factors for N. 01/14/2005 1,218 fe1.c - Shows how many factors a number has, goes up to variable amounts. Prints N and number of factors for N, printing only values that have greater numbers of factors. 02/03/2006 200 filecopy.c - filecopy < inputfile > output file. Does a basic copy of one file to another using pipes. 10/03/2006 5,377 flgc.c - Fuzzy Logic Control Algorithm simulation. Uses 3 by 3 control matrix. 10/03/2006 7,800 flgc2.c - Fuzzy Logic Control Algorithm simulation. Uses 5 by 5 control matrix. 01/27/2006 8,769 lc1.c - Lunar Calender program works like UNIX CAL only it starts the month on the new moon. 09/20/2006 15,568 lc2.c - Lunar Calender program works like UNIX CAL only it starts the month on the new moon and shows symbols for new and full moon. 03/07/2006 5,304 looptst.c - Benchmarking program, makes the PC loop X amount of cycles and measure how many milliseconds it takes to do it. 01/11/2006 7,552 lp1.c - Lunar phase and position calculator 01/12/2006 8,845 lp2.c - Lunar phase and position calculator. 01/17/2006 15,387 lp3.c - Lunar phase and position calculator, with Sun data. 01/24/2006 19,856 lp4.c - Lunar phase and position calculator, with Sun data. 01/24/2006 21,372 lp5.c - Lunar phase and position calculator, with Sun data. 01/24/2006 25,538 lp6.c - Lunar phase and position & Solar position calculator DOS Version. 01/24/2006 34,824 lp7.c - Lunar phase and position & Solar position calculator DOS Version. 01/25/2006 41,612 lp8.c - Lunar phase and position & Solar position calculator DOS Version. 01/27/2006 43,930 lp9.c - Lunar phase and position & Solar position calculator DOS Version. 01/10/2006 4,886 lphase.c - Downloaded Lunar Calculator for research. 04/05/2007 684 mmToIn.c - Converts Barometeric pressure mmHg to inHg, from the command line. 10/25/2006 792 racktest.c - Test program for Height Select menuing that tests for Alpha and 0-9 values. 03/12/2007 10,042 sched.c - Interpret the command line argument 1 for the scheduled time, then sit in wait state. Also displays UTC time. It can be ran to see what time it is in UTC time. It also can be used as a timer for pausing batch files & etc. 09/20/2006 1,041 template.c - Generic template for writing C files. 02/09/2006 3,354 termpoll.c - Barebones terminal polling program used for research to make tp1 and the code for the CAT programs. 10/26/2006 3,180 testcrc.c - Program that test the CRCCCITT, bare version. 01/12/2007 4,743 timer.c - Timer program creates a timer that counts off seconds based on the PC's timer ticks. 11/01/2007 13,593 tp1.c - The fully functional terminal emulation program based on polling of the serial port. Also sends files across the port using pipes. 10/13/2006 28,744 wxstat.c - Sunrise & Sunset, length of day, suns position, season and low, high and normal average for a given day in this location. 10/05/2006 25,841 wxstat1.c - Initial version of Sunrise & Sunset, length of day, suns position, season and low, high and normal average for a given day. 07/12/2006 2,121 zr1.c - Time difference calculator, enter start and end time gives duration.
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Original Build Date:11-10-2007
Last updated