Indian Art

Big Foot's little son Waub-O-Jeeg was soon listening to war songs and battle stories, looking forward to the day when he could join a war party. When he was about eight years old, he was with his father's hunting party near Sioux territory. One morning they heard shots directed toward their lodge. Big Foot came out of the lodge and in a loud voice called out his own name in the Sioux language, demanding to know if his half brother, Wabasha, was there. The firing stopped instantly and out stepped his tall elder brother who extended his hand. Big Foot invited him into the lodge. As the Sioux chief bent to enter, he felt a blow on his shoulder. It was little Waub-O-Jeeg hitting him with a war club. Wabasha picked up his little nephew in his arms and complimented him on his bravery.
