As Published maps are designed to match the original published maps as much as possible. Colors, labels, symbology, and patterns are matched as closely as possible. All geological data located on the map itself is included, if possible. As Published maps are generally lower priced than Enhanced maps. As Published format maps include:
Attitudes (bedding, foliation, etc) as points (8 inc. type, subtype, strike, dip, dip direction, label)
Small structures (folds, slickensides, etc) as points (12, inc. type, subtype, axis trend, axis plunge, axial plane strike, axial plane dip, vergence, label)
Faults as lines with point annotations (13, inc. type, name, strike, dip, dip direction, down to direction, L-R lateral, length, accuracy, certainty,
Contacts as lines with point annotations (8, inc. type, strike, length, accuracy, certainty)
Folds as lines with point annotations (14, inc. type, subtype, trend, plunge, strike, dip, vergence,
Rock units as polygons and lines (15, inc. name, lithology, environment, period, subperiod, age(Ma), tectonic unit, label, original label, covered label, certainty)
Complete explanation of each rock unit from the original descriptive text (3, label, line number, description)
Alteration as polygons, lines and/or points (7, inc. type, subtype, strength, label)
Radiometric age dates as points (13, inc. type, age, ±, lithology, material dated, reference)
Fossils as points (8, inc. type, name, age, sample number, reference)
Map area outline as lines (4, inc. type)
Mineral data as polygons, lines and/or points (10, inc. type, subtype, name, accuracy, product, value)
Mining data as polygons, lines and/or points (6, inc. type, subtype, name, product)
Geochemistry (trace elements) as points(8+, depending on original data)
Mapping sources as polygons and lines (3, Geologist, scale, source)
Errors and inconsistencies in the original map as points(type, result, and source)
Cross-sections as georeferenced raster images
Correlation chart as raster image
Enhanced format maps: These are compiled from multiple sources, starting with the As-Published version, if available. Thus, I typically add detailed maps from theses, guidebooks and other publications, better isotopic age-date and fossil data, open pit outlines, and grade or GT contours. In some cases I do limited bedrock photogeological mapping and field checks. Enhanced version maps have standardized formats for the various tables and are optimized to facilitate analysis, especially where adjacent maps have been combined into one. Their formats are completely consistent with each other. I strive for no loss of detail compared to the original source material. Enhanced maps contain all the content of the As-Published map, and also have the following additions:
Map edges are spatially matched to adjacent maps
Rock map units shown as lines are converted to polygons, and put in the same table as the rock polygons
Alteration map units, lines and points are converted to transparent pattern polygons
Alluvial units are re-interpreted using aerial photographic techniques
Labels, colors, alteration patterns and annotation schemes for all tables are standardized
Cross-sections are edited to match the Enhanced format map color and label schemes.
Generalized lithologies are added (i.e. "sandstone" added where "litharenite" is the only lithology described)
Additional fault characteristics are interpreted from the map pattern (primarily down-to directions)
Intrusive and major unconformity contacts are identified and named
A special custom correlation chart reflecting the Enhanced format color and label schemes
Table containing the general descriptions of the enhanced labels
Corrections, updates and/or additions to all tables are made from accompanying text, other publications or data. In mineralized areas, a great deal of additional detailed mineral information may be included
Multiple quads purchased at the same time can be merged into single map files at no extra cost
Data structure for all tables is standardized
Topographic contour lines in feet and meters are included (contoured from USGS DEM)
The following is also provided with any map license:Proprietary geology Windows symbol font (~150 geology map symbols) and geology Windows text font (standard text, plus 22 geology age characters)
Display software for cross-sections, description text, correlation charts, and geologic text font (Mapinfo only)