Inbound ore boat heading to the Duluth harbor. Taken outside Jeff's office door at SMDC.
Photo taken by Jeffrey Nast in Duluth MN on January 5, 2004.
Knife River |
Solar Conditions |
I received my Technician License on 2/25/2002 (my birthday!). On 04/29/2003 I got my first radio, a Kenwood TH-D7A(G). Prior to this I relied on the generosity of my son Ted KC0MKU to let me borrow his ICOM T2H HT. My other son Andrew KC0MKT has purchased a Yaseu VR-7X HT and is enjoying the use of 6m/2m/70cm bands. The three of us are members of ARAC and ARRL. Since then I have earned my General Class exam (11/03/2004), 5 WPM code and General upgrade (11/02/2005) and Extra Class License (03/07/2007). On 11/10/2004 my lovely young bride earned her Technician Licencse. Now the whole family is licensed!
Since my upgrade to General, a number of radios have been purchased or given to me over the past few years... For the base station, I bought a Kenwood TS-520S from Paul KB0P in Ishpeming MI. Since then it has grown:
Our home is on top a hill near Knife River MN. Being about 400 feet above Lake Superior we have a beautiful view of Lake Superior and the surrounding North Shore area. My beautiful young bride Diane KC0TIU and I built our home from the ground up with the help of family and friends. It is also a great place to plant antennas! Once I get my two sons through elementary and secondary school and now college (read $$$$), I'll be able to invest more into Amateur Radio.
I am also very active in our church as a leader (Senior Commander) for a boys ministry program called Royal Rangers. In a nutshell, Royal Rangers is the Christian version of Boy Scouts. See Minnesota District and National Office web sites for more info. I am also active in the Royal Rangers FCF North Star Chapter (Frontiersman Camping Fellowship). My given names are "Web Weaver" and "Dot Com" and my chosen name is "White Raven". I was PLTC/DTC Camp Commander for 8 years, and when there are enough trainees I assist with JTT. There are four Hams in our outpost with hopefully more on the way soon. Needless to say all this activity keeps me running!
Every summer we take a vacation out west, mostly to backpack with the young men that came up through our Royal Rangers outpost. We have so far been to:
I have worked in the computer industry since 1978 and naturally have an interest in not only voice, but also digital communications, especially APRS. My computer background is hardware/software service for IBM Mainframes (water-coooled engines). Currently I am employed as a Senior Systems Administrator at SMDC Health System in Duluth, MN. My job responsibilities include UNIX Admin (IBM AIX, Linux), SAN Admin, AS/400 Admin and Tivoli TSM Backup and Restore.
God Bless and 73's!
White Raven (FCF Name) - Genesis 8:7, 1 Kings 17:2, Luke 12:24
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