Through my recent under graduate work I have come to realize what my own views on teaching are. Children are affected by their environment. Creating an atmosphere in my classroom that encourages positive growth and development is vital to students. They need to feel completely safe, physically, emotionally, and socially, before they can focus on learning. I will be a model for my students. By seeing myself treat each of them with the same respect, I hope to encourage them to do the same with each other. When learning students need to understand the relevance of the material. Where can they apply this information outside of the classroom? Helping them to learn effective problem solving skills is one way that I can ready them for the real world. I want to help them develop themselves in a way that would make them effective and positive influence in the world. These children are the future. They need to learn how to become an effective citizen, whom can weigh the outcomes of their actions. To create an atmosphere of learning and cooperation I want to challenge the students to encourage each other. To do that I will provide them with many hands on activities and group work. Cooperative learning is key in my classroom because teamwork is key in the real world. There is so much diversity in schools today. Cooperative learning is a way for the students to help as well as learn from each other’s unique experiences and backgrounds. As well as having the students work together the parents and teacher should work together to make their students education effective. Open communication lines between parents and teacher is key. Daily or weekly take home folders that are accompanied by a personalized note from the teacher are a great way to open these lines. When the students return the folders the parents will be able to respond back to the teacher. Although many parents work during the day they should be encourage make time at some point in the school year to visit the classroom. When a parent is able to attend during the school day they should be included and made a vital part of the activities planned for that day. With a rise on the importance of technology students should use it and see it used daily. Technology is not meant to be a burden. By starting students on technology while they are young they will be more comfortable and able to adapt to using it in their lives. Standards are set and aid teaching by giving them goals to work to. Standards provide a place to go with our teaching. Without them we would not know what to teach. Having a goal gives teacher an opportunity a plan their lessons in a way that leads to these goals. Teaching should be done many different ways to accommodate the diversity of learning styles present in a classroom. Assessment should be the same way. Pen and paper assessments are fair as long and the students will be able to be authentically assessed also. Student portfolios are one of the ways to show a balanced example of a student's work ability. With the decision to become a teacher I am making the choice to become a major influence on my students. One teacher can completely change a child’s outlook on life. I still remember a select teacher of mine that influence my own decision to persuade a teaching career. "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." ~Henry Brooks Adams
Please refer comments or questions to Heather Hossenlopp |