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Writer's Workshop


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Alternative Energy Persuasive Essay


Ancient Civilizations Thematic Essay Unit


Catherine Called Birdy by Karen Cushman


Class Calendar


"Charles" by Shirley Jackson Short Story


Mysteries of Harris Burdick


History of the English Language




NYS English Language Arts Exams Review


Painting Pictures in Poetry


SHEroes Memorable Women in History


Teacher Resources


Writer's Workshop





[Organizing the English Notebook]  [Writer's Notebook]  [Word Study] [FCAs] [6+1Traits of Writing] [Student Handouts] [Teacher Resources]


Welcome to the English Writer's Workshop.  It is here that you will learn to love the art of writing and painting many wonderful pictures using words.  Below are some of the important characteristics that help to make our writer's workshop successful.


Organizing the English Notebook

Cover of the 3-Ring Binder

  1. Name (first, last)

  2. Homeroom number

  3. English

  4. Decorate to fit your personality

5-Tab Sections Inside the Binder

  1. Writer's Notebook

  2. Word Study

  3. Class Notes

  4. Quizzes/Tests

  5. Portfolio

Project Folder

  1. Label the cover: Name, Homeroom number, and English

  2. Hole punch and put in the back of the 3-ring binder

Writing Utensils

  1. Blue or black pens

  2. Red Pen (variety colored pens are optional)

  3. Pencils

  4. Highlighters


Writer's Notebook

(Ralph Fletcher & JoAnn Portalupi)

The Writer's Notebook is one of the sections in the English 3-ring binder.  This section is used to collect ideas for writing, rough drafts, and editing practice.  This section is used nearly every day in the classroom. 

Student Handouts


Word Study

Word study is another section in the English notebook.  Good writers use many words.  The more words you know the more interesting your writing becomes.  Word study consists of concepts such as spelling rules, vocabulary, and studying Greek and Latin root words.  Students practice using these words in their writer's notebook.

Student Handouts

Web Sites Resources



Focus Correction Areas


It is important that students feel comfortable sharing what they write.  Good writers share good ideas and focus on areas of improvement.  Examples of focus correction areas (FCAs) are: narrowing ideas, organizing paragraphs, and capitalization of proper nouns.  Usually there are three FCAs for each writing assignment, however, when we work with rough drafts for major writing projects, the FCAs may change with each revision.



6 + 1 Traits of Writing

(Ruth Culham)

There are 6 + 1 traits of good writing: ideas, voice, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, and presentation.  Focusing on these traits when writing will help students become better writers.


Teacher Resources

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