The Nacerima

Topic: Culture

Grade: 7th-8th


Objectives and Materials


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Objectives and Materials:

Objective: Students will be able to...

1. Identify the characteristics of Nacerima culture.

2. Compare and contrast American and Naceriman culture.

3. Create a generalization of how different cultures address human needs.


1. Construction paper and markers.

2. Nacerima article (Miner, Horace. Body "Ritual Among the Nacerima," American Anthropologist, vol 58:3, 1956).

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I Anticipatory Set-Ask:

1. On a piece of scrap paper, write down three things that you associate with going to the doctor and...

2. Why should you trust a doctor?

3. Discuss answers.

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II Class Discussion on Nacerima Article-Ask:

1. What do the Nacerima use charms for?

2. Summarize the Nacerima's view of the body and illness?

3. What would a Naceriman think of he or she was examined by an American doctor?

4. How does science differ from magic? Do they serve similar purposes?

5. Magic and rituals are important aspects of Nacerima culture. How important is magic and rituals in American culture?

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III Closure

Group Activity--In groups of five ask:

1. Construct a timeline that demonstrates they actions and decisions an American and a Nacerima would take to cure an illness.

2. Are there any similarities?

3. What is the purpose of these actions or decisions?

Hand out materials.

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IV Evaluation-Ask:

1. From our discussion and the group activity can we come up with a generalization about the relationship between culture and human problems/needs?

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Michael Fantauzzo/