Publisher Bo Bolton is ad manager for The Monroe Journal. He has one part-time saleperson, Judi Burns. Bolton and Mrs. Burns sell display advertising to businesses in Monroe County and surrounding counties. Jane Martin is the inhouse sales representative for display advertising.
The Journal's local column-inch rate is $5.52. The retail advertising deadline for Thursday's Journal is Tuesday at 5 p.m. The deadline for The Journal Plus, a Tuesday publication, is Thursdays at 12 noon. Advertisers can take advantage of a $2 per column-inch rate in the Plus if it is a pick up from The Journal.
Our classified line ad representative is Sue Kelley. The classified line rate for The Monroe Journal is $4 for the first 25 words or less and 10 cents for each additional word. The deadline for classifieds in 5 p.m. Mondays. Personal ads are free in the Plus.
For more information about advertising in the Journal, contact Bo Bolton, Jodie Bolton or Jane Martin at (334) 575-3282 or Fax (334) 575-3284.
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