Successive Mulitiplication Simulation

written by Teresa Carrigan

Run model in your browser



Allow the user to specify digits to right and left of the decimal point, and convert both sides to the base. Note: the integer part would be treated separately from the fraction part.

Allow the user to specify the precision of the answer in the new base. The current model assumes that seven places past the radix point is sufficient, and the quiz only checks for the first four places past the radix point matching.

Allow the user to input a decimal fraction, and then display the corresponding digit pattern.



"ask max-one-of stack with [stack-name = "done" ] [ xcor]" was very useful in finding the right-most turtle of breed stack. The stack-name was used to indicate the state of the turtle.

"set heading towardsxy-nowrap to-x to-y" was used to guide the remainder to the correct place in the stack at the bottom.




Applets on this website were written by Teresa Carrigan in 2004, for use in computer science courses at Blackburn College, with the exception of the Fireworks applet. The applets made with NetLogo require Java 1.4.1 or higher to run. The applets made with NetBeans require Java 1.4.2 or higher to run. Applets might not run on Windows 95 or Mac OS 8 or 9. You may obtain the latest Java plugin from Sun's Java site.