
Steve Dude's Duke Nukem Page


Build Tutorials
Duke Cheats
Duke FAQ's
Hot Links

Steve Dude's Duke Nukem Page Site Copyright © 1998-1999.
Any print or electronic reproduction is prohibited without expressed written permission. Duke Nukem® is a registered trademark of 3D Realms

Site material designed,and maintained by SteveDude himself. Art work is original using JASC Paint Shop Pro. Images not original to me are used by permission.

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     Well I finally made the transition from old "Under Construction" pages to new "Not-So-Under Construction" pages. If you've been to this site before you can really appreciate the difference! I'm still haggling with my ISP to get the "Files" download section to work. I have an incredible collection of files to offer to all you DUKE fans and I'm frustrated at the lack of help I'm getting. ANYONE that knows FTP - Please e-mail me to discuss what I need to do to get the public to download my files. Anyone with this knowledge and is willing to walk me through this would be greatly appreciated AND I will make sure all the credit, glory, honor, etc, will be bestowed upon you at this web site.

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     Talk about delays! My computer system has been on the "blink" for months now. After reformatting my Hard Drive several times and reinstalling EVERYTHING - I am now further behind than before! I lost my backup media (Syquest SparQ Drive) which had all my web developments on it. Needless to say the custom art work I've been working on is lost until I get the time to create the art work again. The good news is I just ordered a Dell P-III 500 MHz system. All site updates will be delayed until my new system arrives.

On my list of quick-fixes are:

Cleaning up the "Home" page layout (Fixing my alignments,new art work, etc.)

Fixing my ISP link for FTP so you can actually download something for your efforts 

Near-future fixes (1 -6 months)

Redesigning my custom art work & buttons

Adding all the available download material .

Future Plans:

Post the tutorial section complete with screen shots

REMEMBER - You can always e-mail me for help or requests for file attachments for my Duke Stuff.

Lastly - I've been spending time with Unreal® and it's editor UnRealEd®. Man is it really cool. I have alot to learn yet about the editor but let me say this, BUILD got me started with level creation. Once you learned about tags it was relatively easy to build a level due to the ability to see what you were doing in 3D mode. UnrealEd® is an easy to use, sophisticated editor with outstanding lighting effects. I'll definitely be creating levels with it soon. My plans are to keep the Duke Site as long as there is interest for it (Great games never die!)

For those of you who have e-mailed me with requests and I have not responded - I apologize. As stated earlier my system crashes wiped out everything and there are some Duke Fans I was not able to respond to. If you're one of them - drop me a line in about 2-3 weeks (I should have my new system by then) Thank You!!!     

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  Sorry it's been 2 months since I first posted this page. Can't seem to get away from other things to finish this up. I have been working on some custom art work for my "buttons" on the previous page. Needless to say they will look really cool when completed & posted. I will be changing the look of these pages. I've experimented with different things and decided against frames. Some sites drive me crazy with their use of frames. I'm going to keep the inter-face clean & simple to navigate. I hope you like it.

On this page will be all my goodies that I have collected on my vast search for the best Duke-ing programs on the Net! I promise to have something here for everyone - experienced dukers and beginners alike.

I will have a "rated" collection of maps plus a few of my own. I promise to have the best single and Duke-match maps available. I HATE cheesy map makers that just make maps to post them. I won't waste your time when you come back to this site, I won't have the quantity of some sites but I'll definetly have quality maps (Including my own - hee hee).

Lastly, look to this site for Build FAQ's, MAP templates and general help. You can always e-mail me if what is posted does not meet your needs.

Thanks again for your patience, I'll have more again in the near future.