Unfortunately you can not import weapons from other
build engine games into Duke Nukem 3D. The registered version comes with utilities to
import graphics and sounds, but importing a weapon would require coding.
3.5. Will The Duke Nukem 3D Editor Be Able To Edit
Other Build Games?
Yes, but you won't be able to do much at all. The different games
have different sector tags and ways of defining what the sectors do. You could do
some very basic editing, but nothing interesting. You may be able to
import some graphics and/or sounds if the formats are compatible.
3.6. Who Programmed The Build Engine?
The Build Engine was programmed by Ken Silverman. It is owned by 3D
Realms. They have agreed to license it to other companies for their games (See section 3.3
above for a partial listing).
Return to Index]

4. The People Behind Duke Nukem 3D
4.1. Programmers
Name |
Other Apogee/3D Realms Game(s) |
Todd J Replogle |
The Thor Trilogy, Monuments Of Mars, Dark Ages, Duke Nukem I,
Cosmo's Adventure, Duke Nukem II |
4.2. Artists
Name |
Other Apogee/3D Realms Game(s) |
Stephen A Hornback |
Major Stryker, Cosmo's Adventure, Duke Nukem II, Rise Of The Triad
Chuck Jones |
Rise Of The Triad |
James Storey |
Rise Of The Triad |
Dirk Jones |
Rise Of The Triad |
4.3. Musicians
Name |
Other Apogee/3D Realms Game(s) |
Lee Jackson
Bobby Prince |
Rise Of The Triad |
4.4. Level Designers
Name |
Other Apogee/3D Realms Game(s) |
Richard Gray |
Blood |
Allen Blum III |
Duke Nukem I, Duke Nukem II, Major Stryker, Cosmo's Cosmic
Adventure |
[Return to Index]

5. Cheats
5.1. Secrets
This is a listing of the secret and bonus areas
from each level. DO NOT read any further unless your really stuck. O.K. - I warned
you! If your like me I don't like to leave a level until I have discovered ALL the
secrets and/or secret levels (Especially the Secret Levels!).
EPISODE 1: LA Meltdown
5.2.1. Episode 1 Level 1-HOLLYWOOD HOLOCAUST (8
Total Secret Areas)
1. Underneath the "Innocent" sign (located outside) is an
RPG. To get the RPG, you need to do quite a bit of jumping. First, jump onto the
brown crate in the street underneath the sign. Secondly, Jump from the brown crate to the
inclined ledge which is next to the crate. Finally, jump to the ledge just underneath the
Innocent sign. Take note, the secret isn't the RPG, but the ledge underneath the Innocent
sign. (It's possible to trigger the secret for the end-game count and not obtain the RPG).
2. There is a hidden apartment near the Innocent sign. To reach it
you must jump on top of the brown crate located below the Innocent sign. Jump to the
inclined ledge. Finally jump into the middle window to find the hidden apartment which
contains a box of ammo for the RPG. Be aware, you are not credited with finding the secret
apartment unless you move close to the couch inside the apartment. That is what triggers
the secret. Another way to enter is jump on top of the parking sign located near the
burning dumpster. From there, jump onto the inclined ledge below the windows. The final
step is to jump into one of the two windows.
3. Inside the hidden apartment there is a door that is being
covered by a poster. Open that door in front of the "Attack Of Bleached Blonde Biker
Bimbos" sign. Inside you'll find a bottle of steroids.
4. To reach some
full armor and health, you can use a hidden lift in the main lobby. Push a button on the
cash register located in the theater's main lobby. Pressing the button will open a hidden
door. Next, you'll need to find the hidden lift which is located directly below the door
you just opened. The lift is just to the right of the "Attack Of Bleached Blonde
Biker Bimbos" poster. You won't see the lift, just activate the platform and up you
5. There is a secret area inside the projection
room that contains an RPG. All you have to do in order to open the door is jump on top of
the projector and the secret door will automatically open. Inside you'll find the RPG and
an alien hiding inside the door.
6. There is a hidden room with a door in the
Projection room. To open it, stand to the left of the fire extinguisher and press your use
key. Inside you'll find a box of shotgun shells and.... you guessed it - more aliens!,
This secret can also be reached through the ventilation shaft. This other entrance is
found in the bathroom wall vent cover above the bathroom stalls. Shoot or kick the vent
cover to enter the ventilation shaft up to the hidden room.
7. While in the projection room, turn on the projector switch and
watch the dancer appear on the screen. Do you see that crack in the screen? Take your
new-found RPG and blow a hole into it to reveal another secret area behind the screen
itself. (God your a stud-muffin, do you always have that effect on the ladies?) For those
that are aiming challenged, you can also use a pipe bomb to open the hole in the screen.
Here you will find a jetpack (needed for the other secret area and bonus area), shotgun
ammo, and aliens.
8. The final secret area is in a hidden apartment room next to the
theater marquee, behind the palm tree. The easiest way to get there is to jump down on the
building ledge before you cross the small bridge that leads to the end of the level Nuke
button. Walk around the ledge until you reach the front of the building next to the palm
tree. Jump on top of the palm tree and go through the window into the secret
"red" apartment. Inside you will find a RPG, chaingun, and pipe bombs (and a
pretty cool cable TV show!) If your jumping challenged, use your jetpack to fly through
the window.
Bonus Areas
After finding secret #3, go out one of the windows
next to the wall poster onto the sloped building ledge. A healing atom can be found here.
This bonus can also be reached by jumping onto the "parking sign" and reaching
the ledge from there.
A holoduke can be obtained inside the bathroom
ventilation shaft by blowing away the wall. The wall you'll want to explode is the inside
wall where it makes a 90° right angle. A pipe bomb or RPG (at a safe distance) will be
needed to get this bonus.
By playing the Duke Nukem arcade game in the arcade
you open a secret door. Walk up to the game and try using it. Duke will say a great
one-liner which lets you know the door opened. It is located to the right of the Duke
arcade machine. If you decide to jump into the small alcove, and the door closes, there is
a toggle switch inside that will open the door from the inside. (This is one of my
favorite DukeMatch hiding spots!)
Jump onto the trashcan outside the arcade entrance while facing the
wall, You'll see an alcove open above you with a small medkit, box of pipe bombs, and a
pair of night vision goggles. (Tell me you didn't shoot the garbage can in a fire-fight
with an alien trooper!).
While you are on the exit bridge turn on your jetpack and fly up as
high as you can. Once you reach the top you'll see two gun turrents mounted on
opposite walls. Take both turrents out as they do register in the enemy count at the end
of the level. At the top you will see a hidden alcove that was guarded by one of the gun
turrents, which contains two boxes of shotgun shells and a jetpack.
Misc Info - You can enter the front of the theater
by shooting through the ticket booth window once you find the RPG.
[Return to
5.2.2. Episode 1 Level 2-RED LIGHT DISTRICT (8
Total Secret Areas)
1. Inside the Forbidden Videos & Books there is a hidden
holoduke and healing atom. To reach this secret go to the back left corner of the
bookstore, behind the counter, opposite the security monitor. Jump on top of the bookshelf
to get the healing atom. Reveal the hidden door by pushing against the wall in the corner
to find the holoduke.
2. Inside the Forbidden Videos & Books are several book cases.
The middle bookcase along the wall conceals some pipe bombs and armor.
3. Walk down the dark hallway past the locked door in Forbidden
Videos & Books, follow the corridor to a small passageway to the right of the
elevator. There you will find a healing atom, alien trooper and a pig cop. This secret is
easier to locate when using the night vision goggles.
4. There are two ways to access a hidden area in the sewers, which
contains steroids and a holoduke:
A.) Use the blue key card to demolish the building opposite the key card switch. Pick up
the yellow key card in the wreckage and locate a manhole cover which is found in the
demolished building. Use a RPG or a pipe bomb to blow-open the manhole cover. Jump into
the manhole and follow the sewer to the end, take out the Octabrain. At the end if you
look to your left you'll see an inclined area. This ramp leads upwards to the bathroom in
the strip club. Here you'll find the holoduke and steroids. Unfortunately, you cannot
enter the strip club from the sewer because the door is locked.
B.) The alternative way to locate this secret is enter the only stall in the strip club's
bathroom. The back wall of the stall is a locked door which can only be unlocked from the
bathroom side. Once you open the door you'll be at the top of the secret ramp which leads
into the sewer, the goodies will be on a shelf to your right.
5. Near the back left corner of the dance area is a couch. By
standing on this couch you'll open a door on the right-side wall behind the dancers. The
door only stays open for a very limited amount of time so you'll have to hurry to make it
before the door closes. Inside you'll find a chaingun and a box of chaingun ammo. (There
is a toggle switch which opens the door in case it closes while you are inside).
6. There is a ventilation shaft on the right-side wall in the dance
area. You'll have to shoot the vent cover and use the table to jump into it. This
passageway leads to the backstage area. As you crawl through the shaft you will pick up a
healing atom and a box of pipe bombs. The backstage area leads to the level exit.
7. A pair of night goggles can be found backstage on the ledge next
to the lever that operates the curtains. To get there up there you can jump from the ledge
leading to the attic or use a jetpack.
8. The Backstage attic will have two wooden crates. Look at the
wall behind these wooden crates. It has a small illuminated area. This is actually a door.
Swing open the door to reveal a medkit.
Bonus Areas
In the back of Forbidden Videos & Books are
peepshow viewing areas. Each peepshow section contains an item. The items can be revealed
when a garbage can is shot (or kicked) at, or it can be found by opening the peepshow
monitor. The wall at the end of this hallway can be blown apart to reach the bathroom on
the other side (of course you can always walk through the door, but that's not fun!).
When you are inside the bathroom at Forbidden
Videos & Books using the dryer will cause a door to open in the middle of the bathroom
(between the hand dryer and the stall) revealing a pair of night goggles.
Outside (directly opposite where you started), go toward the
"bar" building and use the inclined ventilation shaft (next to the burning
garbage can) to access the ledge to the left of the shaft. Here you'll find ammo and some
[Return to
1. After lowering the electric chair (where you
start Level 3) with a switch in the control room, crawl into an area behind the electric
chair to find a shotgun and some ammo.
2. Shoot the 2 stained glass windows in the church chapel and push
the face on the chapel alter. This causes the cross to turn upside-down and open a door
behind the stained glass window on your left. Take out the Octabrain and enter the door
which leads you through a tunnel where you can pick up a chaingun and see a
"DOOMED" space marine.
3. In the chapel, stand against the back wall,
right in the middle. Face the alter and look up to see a button switch above it. Shoot the
switch causing a platform under you to raise you into the rafters. Here you'll find armor
and a dead monk hanging from the rafters. Shoot the monk and collect a healing atom.
4. The jail cell with the toilet has a bed. Push against the bed to
reveal a crawl space. Inside the crawl space you'll find RPG ammo.
5. In the outside gun turrent area there are small inclined ledges
on either side of the locked door. Jump onto one of the ledges, then onto the flat level
where the turrents are. Jump onto the ledge above the locked door and walk through the
wall to find some healing atoms.
6. Follow the turrent gun's ledge all the way
around and locate a crack in the wall above the spot where you picked up the red key card.
Shoot the wall with an RPG or use a pipe bomb to reveal some steroids and another wall
crack. Shooting the second crack reveals a secret passage into cell block 1.
7 & 8. Cross the bridge outside the
holographic head room and open the panel at the end. This reveals a map, and two alcoves,
one to your right and one to your left. Jump onto the railing to reach them. The left-side
alcove contains pipe bombs while the right-side alcove contains a healing atom. They each
count individually as a secret at the level's end.
9. Inside the submarine, there is a hidden door on
the wall behind the crate. Inside this room you will find the ship's reactor core and a
10. At the door between the submarine and the gun turrent area, you
will find a switch on a ledge to unlock a door. Jump onto the ledge, crawl and hit the
space bar to open a small alcove containing night vision goggles.
Bonus Areas
In the room where you can witness an execution, there is a
different color wall that opens to reveal a holoduke (on your left as you face the
electric chair).
In the rotating gear room, jump onto the short gear and then onto a ledge to pick up some
health. Here there is also a secret wall that opens to reveal night vision goggles.
In the holographic head - central control room, look for the vent shaft cover. Shoot-out
the cover and crawl into the ventilation shaft. Here you'll find some armor. Don't go too
far or you'll fall into the corridor opposite the rotating gears (Falling is BAD, shooting
aliens is GOOD).
At the very end of one of the cell block halls there are some
yellow C-9 canisters. Shoot at the canisters to cause them to explode revealing some
health and another way back to the cell with the bed.
One of the jail cells contains a poster with a blue background. Walk through the poster to
a hidden underground passageway containing a pipe bomb. Use the pipe bomb to create
another passageway to the submarine.
[Return to
1. At the beginning of the level, underwater near the sub, look for
an underwater cave. There is an octabrain at the opening of the cave. Follow the tunnel
all the way to the end. You will see pipe bombs and more Octabrains. When you come out of
the water you'll be in a secret area with barrels and a cocooned woman. Blow up the wall
behind the barrels to get out.
2. Stand on top of the sunken sub and walk through the fire burning
on top. This causes a secret place to open inside the sub. Re-enter the sub, go to the top
to collect some armor and a Medkit.
3. Go to the ledge that overlooks the sunken sub and has the blue
access card. Both of the alcoves that have a mounted gun turrent have secret doors. Only
the one on the right counts as a secret in the end-level count. Jump to the right alcove
& open the secret door in the back on the right-side wall and you'll find RPG ammo.
(The alcove on the left cannot be reached without a jetpack. The level designer assumes
you cannot have a jetpack without using a cheat code. Once you jetpack over, the hidden
door is on the left wall near the back. Inside the wall will say "How did you get
here?") Near the front of the hidden room on the right wall open another hidden door.
It contains a holoduke.
4. After you enter the structure using the blue access card walk to
the part were the hallway begins to bend. The wall on your right opens to reveal an
elevator leading to a room of alien troopers and a chaingun.
5. In the processing area take the conveyor belt past the small
slime pit. Crawl off the conveyor belt into the slime and open the wall on the left side.
The back wall of the landing opens where you can collect the chaingun ammo.
6. After the red toxic area the conveyor belt brings you to a room
with two cylinders. Activate the blue circuit switch on the wall to open the cylinders.
Jump in the left cylinder to get some healing atoms.
7. In the flood area, once the water level is raised, there is a "V" shaped
rock, the right side leads to a cave that you have to jump to. Go to the rear of the cave
and jump onto a small ledge to get RPG ammo, a Medkit, and a shotgun. (TIP - This is very
dark, you may need to use your night vision goggles).
8. Rock Wall - I After jumping off the right side of
the "V" shaped rock, on to the landing, you will see a crack on the wall to your
left. Blow the wall open with your RPG or pipe bomb to reveal a small cave and an alien
9. Rock Wall - II Once inside the small cave you will notice another
crack on the wall, blow this open too. Collect a healing atom and see another crack in the
wall to your left.
Rock Wall - III Blow open yet another crack on the wall of this cave for the last
secret in this area and a shortcut back to the start of the level.
11. In the control room with the large door, to the right of the
switch that operates the water level, there is a secret door and crawl space. Duck to
enter the crawl space to get to some shotgun ammo and scuba gear.
12. After going through the double doors and the rotating gears,
you'll come to a place where you travel through the tunnel with the flow of water. Keep an
eye on the right-hand side wall for a crack. Blow it open using a pipebomb or RPG. Inside
you'll see a Medkit and a transporter. Use the transporter to reach a secret area with
aliens and RPG ammo.
13. At the start of the green tunnel look for the source waterfall.
Right above it is a ventilation fan. Shoot the fan out and jump on the ledge on the
right-hand side of the room. Inside you'll find two healing atoms.
14. In the sewer rapids area (your moving pretty fast) stay to the
left side of the wall, the last lighted part of the sewer before the end there's a small
bump-out area. There's also a crack in the wall. Blow the wall open using a RPG or
pipebomb. This will reveal some aliens, ammo, and also contains the secret exit to level 6
Bonus Areas
After you pass the rotating gears you are in an
area with two black wall panels. The upper-half of the wall in the back right corner is
transparent. Go through it to collect the armor and scuba gear.
Under the water in the flooded area, you can blow open one of the
walls in the center to reveal some goodies.
[Return to
1. The large room facing the fire pit area has a wall on the left
that has a secret door concealing some steroids.
2. In the ceremonial fire pit room, jump into the fire surrounded
by high stone walls on all sides. This will transport you to a locked room by the rope
bridge. On the ledge there are two healing atoms. You'll also notice some aliens have just
transported in.
3. In the secret room mentioned above in #2, jump on to a stepping
stone. Use it to reach an alcove in the wall to your right. Collect the RPG ammo.
4. After climbing up along the lava falls all the way to the top,
shoot the weak spot in the wall to open a long passageway with a variety of ammo. The area
at the far end of this passageway is the actual secret that counts at the end of the
Pressing the switch at the top of the lava falls opens a passageway leading to a secret
cave. Follow the passageway until you come to a large bon-fire with some healing atoms and
a girl dancing wildly. Duke also tells you what's on his mind!
6. On the wall to the right outside entrance to the spaceship, there is a secret door
leading to a small plateau and a healing
Bonus Areas
After you enter the "blue key" door,
there is a dark area to your left. If you use the night vision goggles, you
will see "Go with the flow" written on the wall.
Go up the winding stairs in the cave area where you can
hear chanting, you will come to a landing with a window, You will find health
and armor on the ledge.
From the area described above, go down until you reach
a small spring waterfall. Jump into the waterfall and behind it you will find
a chaingun.
In the ceremonial room with fire, press both red hands
on the wall. A door will open to reveal an RPG.
From this area described above, jump onto the
alcove where you will find a pair of night vision goggles.
From the beginning of the lava area, go to your right
(The side with the shrink-ray). Use a jetpack to fly into the cave with the
shrink-ray. On the wall you will see a message "You are not supposed to
be here - LevelLord".(This is reminiscent of some Quake levels)
After you first come upon the spaceship, you'll
come to the part of the level in which you must jump from pillar to pillar. If you look at front of the first
pillar you'll see the "Dopefish Lives" message. (This message is near the
bottom, the easiest way to see it is put the game in "God mode" -
Jump down, and once you
reach the bottom, begin looking for it on the pillar).
As you face the huge ship door the wall behind you in the right
corner is actually a door, open it and follow the path up until you reach the healing atom.
[Return to
1. After you obtain the blue keycard in the room with
the 2 force fields, go back into the room with the slime pond. The grate on
the bottom will now be open. Swim through the grate opening into an area that
contains various ammo and powerups.
2. In the large room with pillars, you will
find a fan in the ceiling above the ramp. Shoot the fan and use a jetpack to
reach the hidden items.
3. In the control room near the large bay doors, a section
of the wall to your right will open to reveal some armor.
4. After the rocket has been launched, underground you'll
arrive at a room with a lot of computer monitors. One monitor will open to
reveal some healing atoms.
[Return to
EPISODE 2: Lunar Apocalypse
1. From the starting point as you enter the
larger room, turn left and there will be an alcove with a monitor. Stand near
the monitor and quickly turn-around. A small niche will open behind you. Jump
into the opening to obtain some RPG ammo.
2. In the room with several monitors near the starting
point, one of the monitors is a secret door opening to a small room with alien
troopers and a healing atom.
3. In the room with the blue keycard, kick or shoot the vent
cover and jump into the vent ducts. Jump up a couple of levels to get a pipe
bomb and you will
exit at the corridor.
4. To solve the puzzle of the 4 switches, turn
the 3rd switch from the left, and the 2nd switch from the left to enter the door
behind you. There is a portion of the floor and wall that is well lit, this is
actually an elevator. Use the elevator to go to a lower area to obtain a
shrinker and armor. Find the opening in the wall and follow the passageway to
a lift that will take you back to the area of the 4 switches.
5. In the outside area with the center column,
fly up to the alcove on the left with a jetpack and get the atomic health. You
will hear a door opening, jump down, take the elevator back to the 1st floor
(HURRY!!!) immediately to your left as you exit the elevator, you'll see a door
opened at the corner. You will find chaingun ammo.
6. Use your jetpack to fly up the center column after the
force-field is de-activated (It de-activates after you solve the switch
puzzle). Near the top you will see an enforcer patrolling
a small room. In that room is a healing atom and a devastator.
Bonus Areas
The area where you use the blue keycard access, there
are 2 monitors, one with a picture of the Earth and one with a picture of the
Moon. The monitor with the Earth's picture will open to reveal a holoduke.
The room that has the blue keycard has a panel next to the
boxes where the blue keycard sits. Open the panel to reveal a pool of water
(Did you get the scuba gear in this room?), swim to the bottom to find the
chaingun. There is a connecting passageway that contains night vision
Misc Info. - Some people forget to turn around
when starting this level. Behind you is a transporter to the green space
shuttle which is docked. The transporter will take you aboard the shuttle
where you will find steroids and a RPG.
[Return to
1. After you pass the strobeing
corridor, you will enter a room that has a yellow on/off switch. The walls
have a metallic texture. As you enter the room from the corridor you will see
on your left a different texture of a small door. Open the door to obtain some
pipe bombs.
2. Jump into the small alcove as described
above, there is another hidden door to your left. Open the door and there is
another secret room containing armor and shotgun ammo.
3. When you enter the beige corridor, you will
see a "Earth Defense System" emblem on the wall. Jump into the
emblem to find a medkit.
4. The first dark room you come to on the
other side of the beige corridor has an armory access and a computer terminal
with blue sloping lights. In-between these two is a metal door that will open
to a small room containing a freeze thrower and a holoduke.
5. As you go up a ramp to the second dark
room, there is another metal door directly opposite where you enter from. Open
it to reveal chaingun ammo and a healing atom.
Bonus Areas
In the room where secrets #1 and #2
are located, you will find another small metal door on your right just before
you enter the beige corridor. Open this door to obtain night vision goggles.
In the large "Green" room where the
end-level Nuke button is, there is a gun turrent. Destroy the turrent and use
your jetpack to fly up to the gun turrent alcove. The rear wall panel will
open to reveal some pipe bombs.
[Return to
1. Enter the yellow keycard door and go
up the ramp to the top level. As you enter this room to your right is a metal
door with a light in the ceiling above it and a camera (Near the illuminated
First Aid access). Open this door to obtain steroids. In the upper corner is a
switch, shoot the switch and QUICKLY run to the other side of the room. Enter
a lowered column and Scotty will beam you onto the the Starship Enterprise!
(O.K. - I realize Scotty is not part of the Starship Enterprise, but it sure
sounds better than "Hey ensign, beam me up").
2. Go to Piccard's quarters and operate his
console, now get ready..........." REALLY Ready" for this room!
Bonus Areas
In the first large room you enter,
go to your left towards the armory. The panel on the left wall before the
armory will open for a freeze thrower.
In the same room, go to the elevator on your
right. There is a panel on the right-hand side before the elevator that opens
to reveal some pipe bombs.
After you open the yellow keycard door, go up
the ramp, open the door and you will see a large metal panel in front of you.
This panel will open to a room with a devastator.
In the first room you enter near the starting
point, take the elevator to the right which leads to the lower level. Go down
the ramp to the metal door. On the other side of this door you will see a
console on your left with shotgun ammo and a button that raises a map. Go
behind the console and open a wall panel to get a shrinker.
Before you get to the end-level Nuke button
you will enter a red room with rotating walls. Use your jetpack to get 2
healing atoms on the top ledge of the wall closest to the blue column (Access
is through a lower level, the upper level has a room that allows you to view
this area only).
[Return to
1. In the room with the electric arcing
pistons, search the middle of the wall opposite the electric pistons to enter
a secret area tunnel.
2. If you turn left upon entering the tunnel
you'll find a health pack, use your jetpack to fly up to the top to another hidden
tunnel. Here you will find pipe bombs and an exit back to the
main room.
3. If you turn right upon entering the tunnel
you will go down and find a bonus area with 2 healing atoms. You will see a
small red tunnel, to get to the the tunnel, access this area by jumping into one of the
electric arcing pistons where you'll find a chaingun. Opposite the tunnel is a wall with a different texture. This is secret #3 containing
chaingun ammo.
4. In the room with the rotating water paddle,
there is a monitor. Walk in front of the monitor to hear a door opening.
QUICKLY run across the room opposite the monitor to see a secret room opened
containing a freeze thrower and ammo.
5. On the third level of the central complex,
enter the room immediately to your left containing alien troopers and eggs.
The column in the corner of the room will open for some armor.
6. Also on the third level of the central
complex are double doors. Enter the hallway through the doors and fly up the
first ledge you come to. On the right is a crack in the wall that can be
exploded to reveal RPG ammo.
7. The same ledge to your right has a circular
vent cover. Kick or shoot-out the cover to kill an enforcer (WOW - What a
Bonus Areas
See #3 above
In-between the electric arcing pistons is a
Return to Index]
1. After opening the door and going past
the Earth Defense Forces emblem, open the next large door you come to and
crouch down. There will be a small passageway on your right, in the door jamb,
with a healing atom.
2. Upon exiting the corridor with the neon
blue light strips you will enter a large room with panels that will open to
reveal a look at outer space. Over your left shoulder as you enter the room is
a door up on the wall. This door will open once you activate it by stepping on
the ramp in the 2nd section of this large room. Use your jetpack to fly up to
find RPG ammo and atomic healing.
3. In the second section of this room, before
you get to the ramp, turn to your right and go up the sloped wall. Enter the
vent shaft to find an RPG and armor.
4. In the room with the blue keycard and
BattleLord bosses, there is a set of monitors in the back of this room. The
lower right monitor will open to reveal a small secret room with a trip bomb
and atomic health.
Bonus Areas
After killing the two BattleLord bosses at the
end-level Nuke button turn around from facing the Nuke button. Near the
ceiling on you right is a switch. Shoot the switch and a door will open to
your left just below the level of the platform your on. Jetpack into this room
to access a SECRET LEVEL (Spin Cycle - See Level 10).
Misc Info - For all the sick puppies like me
out there - Once you find secret #1 you will notice a switch inside this
passageway. let the enforcers and/or alien troopers come after you. Hide in
the passageway and once the aliens are on the door, press the switch and they
will squish like bugs. When the door opens you'll have alien taffy stuck to
the door !
Return to Index]
1. Get into the Supply Door and straight ahead
between the armor suits is a secret door containing a medkit.
2. Once you enter the main door with the
Tiberius Station sign, on the wall to your right is a crack. Explode the wall
open to find a vent passageway leading to all other areas. In the vent shafts
you will find shotgun ammo, and pipe bombs.
3. Enter a false wall in the dark corridor
opposite the drinking fountain. The corridor is located between the 2
elevators. Here you'll find pipe bombs.
4. Open a hidden room next to the
"Danger: Radioactive Material" door. If you look closely this wall
indents from the normal wall to the left of the door. Inside is chaingun ammo
and steroids.
5. In the toxin pool at the waters level, go
to the middle of the left-side wall. A room will open with RPG ammo.
6. Do the same for the right-side wall to get
2 healing atoms.
7. After crossing the bridge in the toxin
pool, use the lift to get up the next level. Before you open the door and
cross the bridge to the red keycard access, you will see a crack on the wall
on your left. Explode the wall to reveal a jetpack.
8. Once you defeat the BattleLord in the red
keycard access room, you will notice a vent cover to the left of the door you
entered through. Shoot or kick the vent cover and crawl into the vent shaft.
Go to the first vent cover on your left that you come to. Kick or shoot out
the vent cover and QUICKLY use your jetpack to fly to the small door that just
opened in the corner wall near the ceiling. Here you will find an RPG. (If you
missed this on your 1st try, fly back to the vent shaft (turn your jetpack off
so your touching the vent shaft floor) and the door will open again. It is
"touchplate" activated).
Bonus Areas
The room with the blue keycard has 2 small
metal doors next to the monitors, each of them opens. One reveals a holoduke.
When accessing secret #8, you will find a
medkit and freeze thrower ammo.
Return to Index]
1.Drop through the red shaft in the Crews
Quarters, shoot at the vent cover across from you to open it. Operate the
switch on your right as your facing the vent cover, QUICKLY run across the
pool to a small opening across from you to your right (It is lit up). As you
face the pool of water, go to the corner column and open a small area to get 2
healing atoms. Go back to the small, illuminated opening and operate the
switch there. You can either try to access the vent cover opening once the
movable walls pass by you or you can go back to the red shaft area. If you go
to the red shaft area, operate the switch again, go straight ahead through the
vent cover opening (This is the recommended way especially if your not fast
enough - Otherwise it's Duke jibs all over the place!).
2. On the other side of the vent cover
described in #1, you will be on a ledge over-looking a moon chasm. To your
left is a set of monitors, open the panel for a health pack and chaingun ammo.
3. From the same ledge, there is a cave below
where the gun turrent is. Use your jetpack to fly into the cave (You can jump
to this area but it's not recommended, you know, with Duke's knee problem and
all). Once your in the cave you will find a shrinker and a secret door that
will teleport you into the yellow keycard corridor. "May The Force Be
With You Young Skywalker".
4. In the Blue light corridor, enter the vent
shaft on your right and take this shaft until you are between the 2 chasms.
Shoot the top of the vent and get on top of it. You will see a secret cave to
your left.
5. Follow the yellow rotating gear to access
the room with the red keycard. The panel to the right of the card will open to
reveal a holoduke and freeze thrower ammo.
6. Once your in the reactor room, turn on the
lights. You will see 2 alcoves behind the wall partitions of the reactor pool.
Jump up into the left alcove for trip bombs and devastator ammo.
7. The alcove on the right in the reactor room
has RPG ammo.
Bonus Areas
In the blue strip light corridor, you will see
a portion of the floor that has sunk-in. This activates the earthquake that
destroys the rest of the corridor. If you REALLY need pistol ammo, BEFORE you
step on this portion of the floor, use your steroids, jump over the sunken-in
part of the floor and pick up your ammo. Did I mention... run like a Mother!!!
Before you get to the yellow rotating gear you
will see a crack on your left near the ceiling of this corridor. Explode the
wall open which allows you to get back to the central corridor without having
to use the red keycard.
Jump into the vent located before the Reactor
Door (Yellow keycard) to get a healing atom.
Bathroom Stall on the left has a RPG behind
the toilet
Vent shaft located just before the 2nd Crews
Quarters door (Where the BattleLord is) has a healing atom.
Return to Index]
1. You will see a map panel as you approach
the striped blue building between the Alpha and Beta corridors. Open the panel
to reveal 2 healing atoms.
2. Explode open a crack in the wall at the
Alpha train waiting area to get a devastator and small health packs.
3. In the Alpha section when you pass through
the earthquake area, you will come to a door there. Open the door and go to
your right. In between the medical table and the water tubes is a metal
textured wall that opens and allows access to the weapons you see on the
bottom of the water tubes (This is duplicated on the left side of the room
4. In the Gamma Transport train waiting area,
check the map panel which opens for a shrinker and trip bombs.
5. In the Gamma Sector, enter the vent
straight ahead of you as you exit the lift. Follow the vent shaft and enter
the room on your left. On the left side of this room is a crack on the wall,
explode the wall open to reveal a secret area containing pipe bombs.
6. In the Beta train waiting area is a vent in
the ceiling above the map panel. Use your jetpack to fly up the vent for 2
atomic health power-ups.
7. After jumping out the black monolith, to
your left is a crack on the wall near the ceiling, explode the wall open to
reveal a passageway to a SECRET LEVEL (Lunatic Fringe - See Level 11).
Bonus Areas
After you exit the Alpha train,
immediately to your right is a cubicle with freeze thrower ammo.
In the operating room where the blue keycard
is, jump into the various ducts where the protozoid slimers have just emerged
from. You will find armor, atomic health, and ammo.
1. Opposite the underwater tunnel you start
from is a red hand print on the wall. press the hand print to open the center
column for a healing atom.
2. Solve the switch puzzle on the map panel
opposite the red column with the green rotating shaft (Turn all the switches
on except the middle switch to the right). The red column will now lower
itself, jump on the column to get a freeze thrower. You will hear the sound of
a door opening, QUICKLY jump off the red column and go to the other column on
the waters edge to a secret alcove with a RPG.
3. Explode the wall open in the hallway with
the BattleLord for a medkit.
4. When fighting the OverLord, if you get past
him into his control room, a wall facing the door where the OverLord came from
will open for a medkit.
Bonus Areas
Jump into the middle level waterfall
for a secret ledge containing a healing atom.
The picture of Saturn in the hallway where the
BattleLord is (See secret #3), will open to reveal shotgun ammo and a health
A wall opening in the large green room before
you meet the BattleLord has a pool. Swim to the bottom for a RPG, medkit and
follow the tunnel for a devastator.
Secret level is accessed from level 5 - No
bonus areas
Secret level is accessed from level 8 - No
bonus areas
EPISODE 3: Shrapnel City
1.Upon entering the Sushi Restaurant there is
a ceramic figurine of a Japanese woman, to the left of this figurine is a
false wall that you can jump into for a small health pack.
2. Search the Exotic Girl poster in the middle
of the corridor for a shrinker.
3. Explode open the crack on the wall in the
last room on your left as you go down the corridor to reveal shrinker ammo and
2 health packs.
4. Search the price list chalkboard to the
left of the fluorescent BAR sign for armor (Make sure you jump into the
cubicle so it will be counted as a secret).
5. In the sushi bar room, there is a bloody
hand print on the partition wall to the right of the sushi bar. Press the hand
print to open a small room around the corner to your right for a freeze
6. Opposite the hand print is a cupboard at
ground level. Open the door and crawl into the cupboard to get night vision
goggles. Turn on the night vision goggles to read a message on the left panel
to access pipe bombs and chaingun ammo.
7. In the kitchen, search the wine bottle
storage rack next to the entrance door for RPG ammo.
Bonus Areas
When you first start the level, turn to
your right and open the black window in the middle to get a devastator.
Before you reach the top of the ramp to enter
the Sushi Restaurant, jump over the white partition wall to get a pipe bomb
and healing atom. Use the pipe bomb to open the crack in the wall to reveal a
pool of water, swim to the bottom to get chaingun ammo.
When you first enter the Sushi Restaurant
there is a Dukai Sushi sign (Get it? - Duke-Eye Sushi), stand in front of this
sign and a small alcove to your left will open for shotgun ammo and a small
health pack.
Break the large vase next to the price list
chalkboard (In the dark corner), get the night vision goggles and activate
them to reveal Duke's secret message for lovemaking.
Shoot the fan on the ceiling to the left of
the Karaoke stage, fly into it using your jetpack and follow the vent ducts to
the maintenence room to find steroids on a ledge.
Jump into the Exotica sign to the right of the
Karaoke stage to teleport back to the outside entrance.
Use the microphone to hear Duke's rendition of
the Steppenwolf's song "Born to be Wild".
Above the floor level cupboard (See secret #6)
is a vent cover. Shoot the cover to access a trip bomb in the vent shaft. This
can also be accessed by shooting out the fan on the left above the stove in
the kitchen.
Next to the blue keycard is a cash register.
Operate the cash register to reveal several teleporters that will take you to
various places within the level.
In the kitchen, open the back wall in the
middle of the stove to get a jetpack.
Jump into the kitchen sink to access the pool
outside. Swim to the bottom for 2 health packs.
1. Open the ATM machine in front of the bank
to reveal a small room with a chaingun.
2. In the blue keycard area, operate the
switch on the desk. The painting behind you will open to reveal a devastator.
3. As soon as you enter the bank there is a
dark wall to your right (Where the crouched pigcop is shooting at you). High
on the wall is a button switch, shoot the switch to open the hanging telephone
behind you to reveal a holoduke.
4. At the security guard desk before you enter
the secured area door is a painting behind the desk. Open the painting for
health packs and a jetpack.
5. From the red keycard platform jump onto the
middle gear and walk around to your right until you see a red crack on the
wall near the "Gamma gear". Explode the wall open to get atomic
Bonus Areas
From the top step of the bank, jump
onto the ledge below the black windowed building - Follow the ledge for armor,
a trip bomb and a healing atom. Where you pick up the healing atom, jetpack
across the street to the opposite ledge for shotgun ammo and a RPG.
Misc Info - To access the gear room and solve
the puzzle you must turn the middle switch on the desk to "on"
(Leave the other 2 off). Turn the switch mounted on the orange pedestal to the
3rd position from the left.
1. Shoot the seaweed underwater near the
waterfall with a RPG or Devastator. Enter the hidden cave to get a health
pack, devastator ammo and scuba gear. Swim up to the waters surface to get
more health packs, pistol ammo, shrinker ammo and a devastator.
2. On the ledge with the blue keycard, jump
into the false wall to the left of the keycard (No powerups).
3. After exiting the yellow keycard door to
get to the roofs level, turn to your right to enter a small cave with a
healing atom. Open the rear of the cave to reveal a jetpack.
4. Fly to a ledge on the right-hand side of
the Alley Cat Lounge building where you will find a chaingun. Open the secret
window from the ledge to get chaingun ammo.
5. Push the yellow "Hard Hat Area"
sign inside the red keycard room, a crate door will open around the corner to
the left to reveal 2 health packs.
Bonus Areas
At the starting point there is a rock
column in-between the small and larger waterfalls that contains shotgun ammo.
Once you are on the roof of the white building
where the yellow keycard access is opposite the Alley Cat Lounge sign , an
assault commander will come out of a cave opposite you. Jetpack into this cave
for RPG and devastator ammo.
On the same white building roof but opposite
end where the yellow keycard
There is a ledge on the white building near
the yellow keycard door just below the roof. On the shaded ledge (Opposite the
waterfall) you will find a healing atom, walk around the corner on the ledge
to find a shrinker.
On top of the Alley Cat Lounge sign is a
healing atom.
There are 2 crates on the floor opposite the
"Hard Hat Area" sign. Jump in-between them to find RPG ammo.
1. Explode the crack on the right-side wall
open as you exit the sewer tunnel for a freeze thrower.
2. In the kitchen area with the blue keycard
is a knife on the countertop to your left as you enter the room. Check the
pantry underneath the knife for a healing atom.
3. In the CEO office, open the painting to the
right of the red keycard for devastator ammo.
Bonus Areas
When you enter the brown walled room
(The room before the kitchen where the blue keycard is), activate your night
vision goggles and look at the dark wall to your left to see " Under the
Knife". A reference to secret #2.
In this same room before you enter the doorway
to the small office, check the wall to your left for a health pack and
devastator ammo.
Open the cupboard to the left of the red
keycard for RPG ammo and a jetpack.
Blowing a hole in the wall to the left of the
blue keycard gives you access to the elevators without using the blue keycard
Jump on the ledge with the "Quake"
sign causes an earthquake to which Duke exclaims "I ain't afraid of no
Quake" (A reference to ID's game called Quake, released around the same
time as Duke Nukem 3D).
1. Go behind the cash register area at the
starting point and operate one of the cash registers. QUICKLY run to your left
to the snack vending machine near the blue keycard. The vending machine will
be open to give you 3 healing atoms.
2. Jump into the Earth screen facing the
spaceship movie set for a jetpack and shrinker.
3. Use your jetpack to search the crates just
below the top level for a devastator. These crates are opposite the Stage 17B
4. Jump into the Duke Nukem 3D billboard where
your helicopter crashed. Access is through the 3D Realms Logo in the lower
right corner for atomic health, a freeze thrower and devastator ammo (The
secret won't register unless you enter the cubicle where the freeze thrower
Bonus Areas
In the snack vending machine room,
activate your night vision goggles and look at the wall opposite the phone to
see "Push the Register, Not the Snacks" referencing secret #1.
In the stage room accessed by the blue
keycard, shoot out all the vent covers and search the vent ducts for RPG ammo
and access to the crate next to the Stage 17B sign that has a healing atom.
To the right of the Earth in the spaceship
movie set is a crack on the wall that can be exploded for a healing atom.
Behind the monitor in the small room accessed
by the red keycard is a door that opens for RPG ammo.
On the Moon movie set opposite the USA sign is
a ledge containing a healing atom.
There is a switch on the USA sign in the Moon
movie set, active it to open a room next to the USA sign and access the the
SECRET LEVEL - Tier Drops (Level 10).
Misc Info - DO NOT go down the stairs to the
end-level Nuke Button if you plan to go to the Secret Level without saving
your game first.
1. At the first station, search the Lunar
Apocalypse poster for a chaingun.
2, Jump onto the red left condom dispensing
machine next to the phone for a holoduke.
3. Walk on the train track towards the second
station, explode open the crack on the wall to your right. The crack is
located to the right of a box on the wall with lights around it. The opened
wall contains a healing atom, devastator ammo and steroids. The box itself
contains a devastator.
4. In the second station search the "No
Loitering" sign above the mailbox for a cubicle with RPG ammo.
5. From the mailbox, go to the dark stairway
and search the wall to your left just as you enter, to access a secret room
with freeze thrower ammo. At the Galaxy map there is an alien switch to the
right. Press the switch to open another area for RPG ammo and a devastator.
The girls in this room "are just there for the ride".
6. Lower the left bookcase in the red keycard
room by jumping from the top of the left bookcase to the top of the right
bookcase. The left bookcase will lower to reveal a room with RPG ammo and
health packs.
Bonus Areas
At the top of the stairs in the blue
keycard station is a wall with fire. To the left of the fire is a dark room
with a healing atom and devastator ammo. Activate your night vision goggles to
see "TellTale Footprints", now turn around and look at the stairs to
see the BattleLord's footprints leading to secret #5.
In the red keycard access room, explode the
wall to the right of the right-hand side bookcase to gain access back to the
train track area.
1. In the apartment next to the
"Guilty" sign, search the painting above the sofa for a freeze
2. Shoot all the bottles in the same room (A
pipe bomb should work nicely) and jump into a false wall behind the bottle
shelf for a medkit.
3. Enter the 1st door on your left as you
enter the KTIT radio station building at the top of the stairs. Go through the
red curtain in the broadcasting room to access the rear stage with freeze
thrower ammo and atomic health.
4. Open the door in the KTIT monitors room to
access the red keycard. This also counts as a secret area.
Bonus Areas
Blast open the crack in the wall of the
apartment where secrets #1 and #2 re to gain access back to the starting
In the same apartment room, use your night
vision goggles and look at the dark wall to the left of the crack, it
says" Blast the Bottles" referring to secret #2.
Use the microphone in the KTIT broadcasting
room to listen to Duke say why he always listens to KTIT radio!
1. Search the wood panel wall on the 2nd floor
bar area for a medkit, scuba gear and RPG ammo.
2. In the same room, search the wine rack for
a holoduke.
3. Jump into the fountain near the swimming
pool between the 2 flaming urns. You will be transported to a South American
jungle. Go straight ahead and you will see a bloody handprint on a wall. To
your right is a freeze thrower. Press the handprint and get ready to meet Dr.
Jones (Indiana Jones that is! - You do remember what happened when Dr. Jones
tried to take the golden idol don't you? !!!)
Misc Info - In this jungle behind the palm
trees is the entrance to the SECRET LEVEL - Freeway (Level 11) Use a pipe
bomb, RPG, or Devastator to clear the palm trees away to access the secret
level Nuke button.
Bonus Areas
In the receptionist desk area with
mailboxes, is a disconnect switch just inside the doorway. Operate the switch
to open the wall on the opposite side of the room to the left of the security
monitor. Inside you'll find night vision goggles.
Underwater in the swimming pools shallow end
(Opposite the diving board) is a crack on the wall that can be exploded to
open a passageway back to the washroom to get atomic health.
There is a vent shaft in-between the two rooms
on the second floor. Enter the vent duct to get a shrinker.
Take the stairs (Not the elevator) to the
second floor. Go to the corridor to the right where you'll see fire
extinguishers on the middle of the wall. Shoot at the fire extinguishers so
that the wall explodes open. You will be able to access 2 healing atoms on the
black granite ledge. Continue around the corner of the ledge to get Devastator
In the dark corridor next to the entrance to
the pool, is a very dark corner wall. Activate your night vision goggles to
see "Behind the Fountain" referencing secret #3.
In the bar area (See secrets #1 and #2) the
wood paneled refrigerator doors open to reveal health packs.
Opposite the end-level Nuke button is a crack
on the wall. Explode the crack open to allow you to get back to the starting
To defeat the Cycloid Emperor, jump up onto
the ledge surrounding the football field. Using a RPG or Devastator, look up
to see a "Duf Beer" air balloon. Once the balloon explodes you'll be
in power-up heaven! (Hint: If you strafe and crouch the freakin one-eyed idiot
can't hit you) Now it's time to relax for some R & R ;)
1. Open the corner wall with lighting on
either side in the Alpha area for devastator ammo, pistol ammo, and a shotgun.
1. Go to the end of the freeway that has a
concrete faced building (Not the black granite building). Jump up to the left
ledge and search the window at the far left of the building. The window opens
into a room with a freeze thrower.
2. On the upper level freeway, search the
window in the alcove opposite the blue keycard access. This window opens to a
room with a shrinker and devastator ammo. Go to the top of the stairs and blow
open the door to re-enter secret room #1.
3. Blow open the crack in the door behind the
blue keycard for freeze thrower ammo and a chaingun.
4. Search the bookcase near the blue keycard
where the ceiling has collapsed for devastator ammo.
5. In the building with the conveyor belt,
jump into the black and yellow striping on either side of the granite column
for a secret room with pipe bombs.
Bonus Areas
Behind you at the starting point is a
wall under the water with a crack on it. Explode the wall open to reveal
atomic health, a shotgun, and ammo.
Near the blue keycard access building is a
building with black windows that has collapsed. Jump up onto the sloped
building and find a hole in the middle. Jump into the hole to get devastator
ammo, a jetpack, shotgun ammo and a health pack.
In the room where the blue keycard is,
go to the window next to the large bookcase. Jump down onto a ledge with
lights to find 2 healing atoms.
Follow the conveyor belts in the blue keycard
access building to a metal crusher. Crouch inside the crusher to see a
flattened "Terminator" ala Arnold Schwartznegger's film. Duke
exclaims "Terminated".
Misc Info - The overturned police car near the
red cardkey access is in reference to an old show "Car 54" - Car 54
where are you ?
5.3. Other Things To Try
A slow, but easy way to get health is to drink some water. In
order to do this you'll need to kick or shoot at a fire hydrant, a toilet, or a urinal. That will
cause it to break and water will spill out . Stand close to the water and drink
pressing the open button or key. This also works with water fountains or
decorative fountains in parks, etc on various levels.
A great way to obtain 10 health points is to use the bathroom. All you
have to do is stand next to a toilet or urinal and press the open button or key. This will
cause Duke to say "Ahhh... much better" and give you 10 health
points. Note: You will not be able to do this again until you have taken more
hits to decrease your health point level.
The laser trip mines can be set off with the RPG,
Devastator or another
Return to Index]

6. References Found Within Episode One
6.1. Movies/Songs
In the level one bathroom a telephone number is on the wall by the
urinals. Is the number purely random and just to generate an obeisance? Nope, the number,
867-5309 is from a song. The song is called "Jenny" by Tommy Tutone.
"Jenny" was a song about a guy who saw Jenny's number on a bathroom wall and
kept bugging her.
There are three lines that Duke says that are references to Evil
Dead 2 and Army Of Darkness. First, one of the level setting is "Come get some".
Another is, sometimes when Duke picks up a weapon he says "Groovy". Finally,
often he says "That's gotta hurt," when he hits an enemy with RPG. In addition
to saying these lines, Duke uses a raspy voice similar to that of Evil Dead 2 and Army Of
In level three near the end you'll see a sunken submarine. If you
look close enough you'll notice the name of the sub is USS DALLAS. That is a reference to
Tom Clancy's movie/book "The Hunt For Red October". The central US sub hunting
for the soviet sub "Red October" was called the "USS Dallas."
Level three takes you to a prison cell. In one of the prison cells
there is a poster of a girl. However, the poster is transparent and you can walk right
through it. That reveals a hidden tunnel which leads out of the prison. Following the
tunnel is a great deal of sewage. This is a reference to the movie/book "The
Shawshank Redemption." Stephen King was the author of the book. The movie stared Tim
Robbins and Morgan Freedman.
Often times through out the game you'll see a girl trapped in some
slime. She says "Kill Me" which is a reference to the movie "Aliens."
The voice of this character is that of Colleen Compton, one of two female employees at
Apogee/3D Realms.
See the individual level listings above for
more references.
6.2. O.J. Simpson
In the beginning of level one a large billboard style sign over
looks the area. The sign reads "Innocent ?" which is a reference to how some
people feel on the O.J. Simpson verdict.
The TV at the far end of the bar in level two shows a famous chase
scene. On the TV is O.J. Simpson's white Bronco being chased by a police car.
6.3. Other Computer Games
Perhaps the most unexpected reference you'll see is the space
marine. He can be found behind the cross in the level three chapel. To get there, first,
shot the glass to the left of the cross. Then, activate the switch on the altar. This will
cause a hidden door to open behind were the glass once was and also turn the cross upside
down. When you go through the door you'll soon be attacked by an octabrain. Once you
defeat the octabrain, you'll be able to continue walking down the hidden tunnel. At the
end is a person caught in green slime and also with his legs cut off. Duke's reaction is
"That's one DOOMED space marine." Clearly a reference to ID's DOOM, which is
probably the best known 3D action game.
In level 5 there is a "Dopefish Lives" message on the
bottom of the first pillar leading up to the space ship. The Dopefish a character that
originally appear in the Commander Keen series. Those games were put out by Apogee and ID.
A good argument can be made that Apogee and ID's claim to early fame was the Commander
Keen series.
See the individual level listings above for
more references.
Return to Index]

7. Ways To Obtain This FAQ
7.1. E-Mail
E-Mail me at sdudek@frontienrnet.net
and request a copy.
7.2. Newsgroups
I'll post it to alt.games.apogee and comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
at least twice a year.
7.3. World Wide Web
Here's a list of few sites you can find it at:
If you have the FAQ at your site and wouldn't mind it listed here
please let me know. My E-Mail Address is: sdudek@frontiernet.net

This page is maintained by SteveDude himself.
Duke Nukem 3D and all related graphics on this page are © 1996 3D Realms Entertainment,
Garland, TX USA. 3D Realms Entertainment is a division of Apogee Software, Ltd.
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