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Help Desk

- Great list of Microsoft annoyances and "How to fix them".
- Technical support forums, reviews, and top 10 list.
Bud's Win 95/98
- Tips and Troubleshooting.
CNET Tech Help

- What's important, avoid the upgrade mistakes, and 24 Hour Tech..
Computer Hope

- Free computer help for everyone.

- Technical support forums
Expert City 

- Computer related help for $14.95.
(theLinkpage ****)
- Detailed database of file extensions & programs that use them.
Free Answers 
- Free search engine based answers to your Technical questions.

- Free online training.
Hardware Hell (theLinkpage *****)
- Guides for computer upgrading, building, and understanding.
- Maintenance, problem solver, outstanding "Jargon Buster".
PC 911 

- How-to articles, freeware, tips, and tricks.
PC Forest 

- Windows information, system tweaks, and downloads.
PC Mechanic 

- Very good all around site, and very well organized.
PC Pitstop
- Help to get your PC in top form.
PC Support Advisor 
- Acticles and tutorials.
PC Tech Guide 
- General computer information.

- Free technology help.
Tech 24 

- Online computer help.
Toms Hardware Guide - HowTo  (theLinkpage *****)
- Not just tips and trick, but how to....
Virtual Dr.
- Outstanding solutions to common problems for Unix to windows XP

Bugs, Glitches, Patches, and Fixes

The Complete Troubleshooting Guide
- What can you do when your machine becomes possessed?

Net Mechanic
- Put your Web page to the test.

Microsoft Software (alphabetical listing)
- Samples, add-on, and patches.
Win Files Bugs and Fixes
- Information about "bugs" and fixs.

Virus and Worm Information

F-Secure - Virus information and Hoaxs
- virus: The industry standard.
CA Virus Information
- Virus information
CERT Coordination Center
- protecting your system against potential problems
- One of the worlds leading Anti-virus Companies.
Symantec's Norton Anti-virus
- One of the worlds leading Anti-virus Companies.

General Resource Links

About Focus on Windows - Software, drivers, and Windows.
Acronyms Archive - Said to be the ultimate acronym archive.
Epinions - Product Reviews.
FOLDOC  Free On-line Directory of Computing.
HowStuffWorks.com - Outstanding how things work page.
Tech Bargains - Bargains, coupons, and rebates.
Tech TV - Directory and technology sites.

Webopedia - Online Dictionary for computer and internet terms.
WhatIs.com - Explore the TechTarget Network.

Specialized Search Engines

Bottom Dollar - Price search engine.
LOOKOFF  - Link page to search engines that find the best price.
Price Watch - Very good price search engine.
Reseller Ratings - Online business reviews and ratings.
Review Finder - Review locator.

Magazines Online

Magazine Rack
- Magazines Online

Vender Links

theLinkpage.NET -Vender Links
- Hardware and Software Companies.

The point is not to get the most links, but the BEST links!

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