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We will be posting
2003 Website Awards Awards

Computer Pages
- Hardware, Software, Drivers, Trouble shooting, Tips and tricks.
- Programming, Operating systems, Guides, and you got it - More!

Gaming Page
- Online games, Guides, Reviews, Strategies, and Cheat codes.

- Remote controlled hobbies.

Kids Page
- Links for kids, Games, Information, Study aids, Learning tools.

Just 4 Fun
- Jokes, Art, Poetry, Recipes, Oddities.

Home & Garden
- Guides, Projects, Repairs, Ideas, Examples, and How-to.

Link Pages
- Web site ratings, Links to other link pages.

Information Page
- Sports, News, Weather, Employment, Government links.

How Things Work
- Fun facts, find out how "stuff" work, gadget history

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The point is not to get the most links, but the BEST links!

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2003 Website Awards -

Received on:

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Thank you, Lady JJ

Received on:

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Thank you, Lady JJ

Received on:

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Thank you, Lady JJ

Lady JJ's Awards and Design

Received on:

Sunday, June 22, 2003

Thank you, Peggy Sue

Peggy Sue's Corner

Computers ] Modifications ] Contact ] Gameing ] Hobbies ] Links ] [ Information ] [ How Things Work ] [ Kids Page ] [ Just 4 Fun ]

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