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DIXIE RACERS 7 Dixie Racing Club Atlanta Georgia 1998 1/8 and 1/10 Scale GAS ELECTRIC

R/C Cars Info Page Personal page with emphasis on electric cars. Pictures links and chat/trade board. Home of the Hobby Planet Racing Club track.

Santa Paula R/C Club Santa Paula R/C Club Calendario de Carreras Campeonato Fotografías Web Sites de Interés

Springfield Radio Controlled Car Club The Springfield Radio Controlled Car Club Official Web Site.  The best place to find Radio Controlled Car Racing Information.  Site Re-Launch.  You can still check the Race Programmes.  LE FastCounter

The FrenchSaint-Rambert Club RC Model Car section Welcome to de Wonderful world of RC Model Car Saint-Rambert Club RC Model Car section Off road 1/10 180 rue de Saint Cyr 69009 LYON Bus Access 2 or 20 : Bus stop Montee Masson The track and the V.I.P of the club The news of the race : result

The New Station No.27 Info for beginners. Info on HPI cars and my Tamiya TGX.

The Nitro RS4 Stop Information on building hopping-up and tunning the HPI Nitro RS4.

The Off-Road R/C Page The Off-Road R/C Page

The R/C Authorities The R/C Authorities

Tri-Cities R/C Offroaders WELCOME R/C RACERS TO THE TRI-CITIES WASHINGTON'S R/C OFFROADERS WEB PAGE. .  OCTOBER FAST RESULTS TOURING CARS Craig Ricci1stHPI Mitch Lewis2ndYokomo Curt Anderson 3rdTamiya Jim Bise4thYokomo Darren Shank5thExpress Kenny Nelson6thSchumacher

Uncle Joe's R/C World of Indiana TheBigOnesClubInformationLinksDirectionsRaceReportsRacingActionRacingFlyers Welcome to R/C World Of Indiana.  R/C World of Indiana is one of the premier radio controlled off-road racing tracks in

Uppsala Racing Club Sweden Welcome to our homepage on the Internet Read / Write in our Guestbook Abstract The club was established May 1996 and was given the name Uppsala Racing Club URC. The club has approximately 60 members. The number of licensed drivers are increasing

Valley West Off Road Club Valley West Off Road Club This site best

Väst-8 R/C Club "Last updated 98-07-29 You are visitor number at Väst-8 since 96-06-24. Swedens largest Miniracing Club Väst-8 is a non-profitable club which is occupied with remote controlled cars. You will find us in Göteborg Sweden near Volvo"

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