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About Me
For Sale in Florida!

That's me on the left. Not a very good picture...but I'll put a better one in there soon hopefully. The guy next to me is Doug.

About Shawn Malone

Hey Everyone!! Thanks for coming to my web page. This section is about me!! But before I get rambling on about myself, I have to thank my friend eBaum for helping me put this together. Thanks man!!

Well if you know me, you'd know that I'm a very original person to say the least. I'm from Webster, NY. That's right on Lake Ontario, north of Rochester. I'm 25 years old...have grey hair. You know I had to point that out because if I didn't, someone else would. I work full time. Right now I'm working for an internet company. It's not as great as it sounds. It's a very entry level job, but I know my stuff. Let's see, I work with computers but my major was Physical Education when I attended MCC. I love sports and am self taught in computers. I'm thinking of going back to school, but we'll see what happens. I like to go out a lot. My favorite hang outs are The Roost, Woody's, Flag's...and on a occasional Friday night, you'll catch me sitting around watching my buddies Doug and Jon bowl at Empire Lanes. Let's see....I just moved out on my own back in October of 2001. I live with a buddy of mine, Dan, that I worked with at Xerox. If you look, you could probably find some pictures of him on one of my picture links. I also have every side job you could think of. I do everything to work sporting events, to working on a golf course. Gotta love working outdoors! Except when you are looking for golf balls and you get attacked by a swarm of yellow hornets....that wasn't fun. Oh well...that's enough about me. If you want to, write to me and say hi....or tell me that you have been in love with me for years and never had the nerve to say anything or something like that. Ha ha.