The expression

"Hammer Down Gang", 

the name we call ourselves, 
evokes many opinions...

     In the days of early ham, (amateur operation), enthusiast had to construct and maintain their own equipment.

      In those days, it was common to see a pole pig and other transformers in the corner of a ham's shack and wires running everywhere to supply the enormous current necessary to light the filaments and supply the other currents and voltages in the quart sized vacuum tubes used in their radios and transmitters. 

     In their operation, it was not a foregone conclusion that their transmitters would fire when it came their turn to talk.  Therefore, when they brought the hammer down in their exciters those contacts sounded like hammers as they were engaged to power the very large envelopes.  If all went well their tubes glowed not unlike mercury vapor lights.  It was an exhilarating experience as the large tubes did their job. 

     So, when the transmitter was in operation they would talk their F.C.C. allotted time before un-keying.  The phrase "While I have the hammer down,” was commonplace and meant something.

      There are those hams in operation today that have accepted and mimic the practice from association with the old time hams of verbose conversation and practices.  This is not bad or nefarious but rather very unlike eye to eye conversation with them personally or conversation with others on the radio today, the day of off the shelf VOX operated equipment.

      Point being, "While I have the hammer down,” I sincerely hope everyone enjoys this bit of nostalgia.  See you on the radio. 

 Leon, WD8POF

 God, Guns, & Guts

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