Christen Poulsen
Ane Margrethe Jensdatter
Peder Christen Christensen (Peter C. Hammer)


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Dorthe Marie Katrine Jensen

Peder Christen Christensen (Peter C. Hammer)

  • Born: 11 Nov 1840, Norre Onsild, Randers, Denmark 82
  • Marriage: Dorthe Marie Katrine Jensen on 6 Aug 1869 in Denmark
  • Died: 28 Mar 1912, Upland, Franklin Co., Nebraska at age 71
  • Buried: Upland Cem., Upland, Franklin Co., Nebraska

bullet  General Notes:

Original homestead
Pedar was decorated by King Christian during the Seven Year War in Denmark.
Pedar, his wife and two children, Jens and Anna Christina, came to the U. S. in 1883. The ship they were on was carrying a cargo of matches, an export Denmark was well known for, and the ship caught fire and burned at sea. The passengers were transferred to another ship. Peder's brother, Jens, had immigrated a year or two earlier and had a homestead near where Upland is now located. He had a dugout where Pedar's family lived with him for the first winter. The railroad went through that winter to Holdrege and Dorthe boarded railroad men. All they had to burn for fuel that first winter was corn stalks and sunflowers. Someone had to sit by the stove and feed it in order to keep the fire going. In the spring, they made a dugout on their own forty-acre homestead and moved into their own home. Their land cornered on Jens' farm. Peter and Dorthe lived on this farm until they died, but they built a frame house, a barn, and other outbuildings. (Written by Nora Welsh Hammer):

Name: Pedar Christen Christensen took the name of Peter C. Hammer after he arrived in the United States.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

• Immigration: From Denmark To United States, 1883.


Peder married Dorthe Marie Katrine Jensen, daughter of Jens Caspersen and Dorthe Nielsdatter, on 6 Aug 1869 in Denmark. (Dorthe Marie Katrine Jensen was born on 27 Jan 1840 in Hjermind, Viborg, Denmark 83, christened on 22 Mar 1840 in Hjermind, Viborg, Denmark, died on 3 Nov 1915 in Upland, Franklin Co., Nebraska and was buried in Upland Cem., Upland, Franklin Co., Nebraska.)

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