The Long Nine: Buffalo Shoot & Long Range

Results from May 5th Rifle Shoot: Here

We will shoot the first Saturday of the month.

Time: 12:00 Noon to 12:30 PM sight in, Match 12:30 PM to 3:00 PM

Note for up-coming shoots: Next Shoot is June 2
We will have 2 stages set up at the same time that will be fired at the same time. One will be the lever action pistol caliber rifle stage and the other for single shot and big bore lever guns. The open class will be shot on the same stage as the pistol caliber lever action rifle stage. Hopefully this will move things along faster. We will try to shoot the stages twice for the match if time permits. The time will probably not be a problem for the lever action pistol caliber stage. More than likely we will be able to shoot 2 stages for the match for the pistol caliber and open class repeaters. Everyone's cooperation and help is needed to move things along.


Weapons: Any metal cartridge rifle of design that is pre 1900.


Sights: Period tang sights or period barrel sights. Front sight may be a period sight including spirit level with interchangable inserts, globe and post or blade.


Ammunition: Smokeless or Black Powder or Black Powder substitute.
All ammunition must be loaded with LEAD bullets with a velocity of less than 1500 feet per second.



A. Big Bore Single Shot Smokeless: example of rifle: Sharps, Browning High Wall, Trapdoor Springfield, Remington Rolling Block, etc. Must be a rifle cartridge. ex. .45-70, .40-65, .38-55 etc. Always start with Chamber empty.

 B. Big Bore Single Shot Black Powder or Substitute: same rifles and cartridge as A.
Always start with Chamber empty.

C. Big Bore Lever Action Rifle smokeless: examples of rifle: Marlin, Winchester etc. Must be a rifle cartridge. ex. .45-70, .40-65, .38-55, .444 Marlin, 30-30, .35 Remington, etc. Magazine may be loaded all the way. Start with an empty chamber. All rounds must be loaded into magazine, no single loading into the chamber.

 D. Big Bore Lever Action Rifle Black Powder or Substitute: same rifle and cartridge as C. Magazine may be loaded all the way. Start with an empty chamber. All rounds must be loaded into magazine, no single loading into the chamber.

 E. Pistol Caliber Lever Action Rifle Smokeless: Any SASS approved Stage rifle and caliber. Magazines may be loaded all the way. Additional rounds must be loaded into magazine and not directly into chamber. Start with empty chamber.

 F. Pistol Caliber Lever Action Rifle Black Powder or Substitute: rifle and cartridge same as E. Magazine may be loaded all the way. Additional rounds must be loaded into magazine and not directly into chamber. Start with empty chamber.

 G. Open Class Repeaters: Any pre 1900 design rifle and ammunition of pre 1900 design. Ex. Krags, Mausers, etc. Calibers: .30-40, 7 MM, pre 1900 design. No more than 5 rounds may be loaded in the magazine. Start with an empty chamber. All rounds must be loaded into magazine, no single loading into the chamber. Pre-1900 stripper clips are ok.

H. Small bore single shot: Any pre 1900 design rifle and center-fire ammunition of pre 1900 design.



Course of Fire and Rules:

Course of fire will be a total of 12 rounds per stage.

If time permits a second 12 round stage could be shot. If a second stage is to be fired it shall be included in the cost. No additional fee.

A time limit of 4 minutes per 12 shots will be enforced .

Targets: Distance: between 50 yards and 125 yards.

Size: No smaller than 10 inches for close targets and larger for longer distances. The bigger the better. Shooter have more fun when hits are recorded. This is not a bull's-eye match. The timer or a shoot off can determine the winner in case of a tie. The winner is the shooter with the most hits, time is only used to break ties.

 Cost: entry fee of $2.00 per course of fire. A shooter may shoot as many times as he/she is willing to pay for and in as many different class as they want as time permits.

 Shooting position: The shooter may use any shooting position and may use shooting sticks if they so chose. Examples: prone, kneeing, standing or sitting.

Recoil pads or "Shields" are ok.

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Single Shot & Big Bore Lever Action






