All patterns, kits, photographs, and web pages on this site are copyrighted. Our patterns are not sold by any other business and are uniquely available through Bolines LLC.
All Rights are Reserved.
Nothing may be copied in any way. Patterns and kits may not be used for commercial purposes including but not limited to:
- Selling finished items which used the patterns or kits
- Teaching classes which use these patterns or kits as the focus of the class
- Photographs of these designs may not be used on any other website
Privacy Policy
The only information that we collect from this site is order information that you provide. We do not ever sell or give this information to anyone else for any reason. We value our privacy and we protect yours.
About Us
- Name and Address:
Bolines LLC, 6 Pepperwood Court, Towanda, IL 61776
William and Rebecca Boline - What we do:
We sell high quality quilting fabric and unique quilting patterns and kits at quilt shows. We also sell our products at our warehouse store. It is located at 414 Olympia Drive, Bloomington, IL 61704. Check the Warehouse Page for for more details. - Phone:
309-808-2179 or 888-214-3819 - Email: - Orders:
We accept orders through the mail, on the phone, by email. - Designer:
Rebecca Boline, B. S. Education, M. Ed. Instructional Design, former public high school math teacher, former corporate technical trainer and technical instructional designer.