We fly out of Austin Straebl (Greenbay)
or Outgamie (Appleton) airports and a $50 2-way airport fee will be charged.
We strongly recommend getting a vaginal cytology/progesterone tests to
ensure proper timing of ovulation. We will provide multiple breedings when
necessary (normally provide 2). Frozen Semen is
available from Flyer at this time. Release fee is $60 to be paid
BEFORE semen is released to your veterinarian for insemination.
The bitch owner WILL pay
for any veterinarian charges relating to the breedings. $50 (nonrefundable
breeding fee) is due at the time of the breeding and the balance is due with
the signing of the litter registration. Four puppies constitutes a
litter. 1/4 of the stud fee is charged for each puppy up to four.
ALL Bitches MUST have OFA and CERF clearances and be negative for
Brucellosis. Choctaw Retriever Kennel will
cooperate in every way to achieve the breeding of your bitch and look
forward to working with you.
Choctaw's Rowdy Racer "Rowdy"

Weighs 62
lbs. and 25 inches at
red wavy water resistant coat
bite and full dentition
sweet gentle loving personality
house dog
(pedigree) |