C. L. White Studio
home of the art work of Craig L. White




Societies were the basic structure that composed Native American tribal life. From childhood, boys were involved in "age-graded societies, progressing to more responsibility as they got older.

In the War dance as in other organizations there were several important offices: The War Leader, Head Singer, Water "Boys", Head cook, tail Dancer, and Whipman.

This piece represents an officer of a Lakota warrior society around 1900-1920. In his office of whipman he must dance the opposite direction of all the other dancers, insuring that all get up and dance out of respect to the songs and the person being honored by these songs.

His ceremonial dress is very typical of this period. The long underwear, originally dyed red, is U.S. Army issue andater repeated use faded to pink. His porcupine and deer tail roach; a warriors headdress. The armbands, kneebands, and the strip of decoration at the bottom of his breechcloth are porcupine quill work, while beadwork covers his vest, cuffd, moccasins, and pipe bag. The anklets are skunk fur, a symbolic item of apparel. The feather circle on his back is called a Crow Belt of feather bustle and is probably the most important piece of his clothing.



Home | History of Craig's Art Career | Links | Rice Paddy Grunt |Whipman | The Drum | Gift Giver | The Trickster | Camp Tender | Gourd Dancer | Those Cheyenne Girls | Gourd Clan Warrior | Return to Earth | Commache Singer | Toes East, Toes West | 8 Seconds | The First Special Forces | Monk's Blood | The White Buffalo | Moose | Santas | What's Up Mama | Bison | Cardinals | Blue Jay | Old Solitaire | Fisherman | Alpha Female | Native American WaterColors | Hudson Bay Trapper | A Meeting of Cultures | Beaver Man | Night Singer | Pen & Ink Drawings of Vietnam |



Craig L. White; 702 West Main Street; Thorntown, IN 46071