Tampa, Fla. - (Nov. 10, 2000) - Jessie Coleman, a freshman at King High School's International Baccalaureate program and former student at Dowdell Middle Magnet, is one of 22 students in the United States selected as a Student Argonaut for the "JASON Project XII: Hawaii" expedition team.
Each year, students who have demonstrated leadership skills, and interest and ability in science and technology are selected to travel with scientists and a production team to remote locations around the world. Jessie was selected when she was a student at Dowdell Middle School's Environmental Studies and Technology magnet program.
The JASON Project was founded in 1989 by oceanographer and discoverer of the RMS Titanic, Dr. Robert Ballard. It is a supplemental Earth science, geography and environmental program tailored for students in grade 4 through 9 and their teachers. The project involves a year-long expedition on which leading scientists and researchers conduct field work in a variety of Earth science disciplines.
Jessie will travel to Maui, Hawaii January 25, 2001 for JASON XII, where she will work with Ballard and a team of argonauts and researchers exploring the Hawaiian Islands. They will investigate the geologic phenomena of volcanoes, both on land and in the sea, and compare volcanic events on Earth with others throughout the solar system. The expedition will be broadcast at the Florida Aquarium, and other sites across the country.