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School Tours

 Dowdell Middle Magnet School . . . .

courtyards filled with blooming beach sunflower; a nature trail designed to attract migrating birds; a pond with cattails, cypress, arrowhead, and myrtles - home to families of turtles and water birds; a planned xeriscape garden; a greenhouse full of cuttings from around campus, waiting to be replanted in areas of need . . . .

This description only begins to represent the exterior of Dowdell Middle Magnet School of Environmental Studies and Technology. What happens inside our hallways and classrooms is even more amazing! The students at Dowdell are lead on their academic adventure by well- trained and innovative professional educators - educators who are committed to finding the most effective strategies to present the curriculum to their students.

At Dowdell, we are looking to recruit the student who loves science, who enjoys the outdoors, who expresses concern about litter, clean air, and water, who will commit themselves to making a difference in our community through service learning, and who, most importantly, strives to do their best academically!

If this sounds like an opportunity for your child, please come and see what Dowdell has to offer to you and your child. Campus tours are given each week, by appointment only, on Tuesday and Thursday between the hours of 8:00 - 10:00 AM. Tours last approximately 15-30 minutes. To schedule your tour, please call Dianne Stevens or Mrs. Ferrell at 744-8322.

And, remember, Every Day is Earth Day at Dowdell!


1208 Wishing Well Way
Tampa, Florida 33619
(813) 744-8322
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