*- Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where's the nearest ATM (cash machine)? In
Birchwood at the Ed’s Cafe & Espresso right on Hwy. 48 and at the Dairyland
Bank downtown..
2. Where can a fishing license be bought? At the Lil’
Bit Bait Shop. Turn left on Hwy. 48. 1/4 mile on left. Also at The Store in Edgewater and at Seasonal Power Toys in Birchwood.
3. Where can live bait be bought? Minnows, nite
crawlers, and leeches can again be bought at the Lil Bait Shop.
4. Are we assigned specific boat docking space?
Somewhat. Each cabin is assigned one slip. On the North Dock, our slip is the
last one on the right going out on the dock. Our pontoon is probably there. Any
slip not having a 'reserved' sign or a boat lift can be used. A map showing assigned slips is posted on the boathouse door.
5. Are there restrictions on boat speed? No.
Are there restrictions on water skiing times? 10 AM
- 5 PM.
Are there restrictions on motorized trolling? No.
Are there restrictions specific to lake Chetac regarding fish possession
limits or size of fish? Yes. Lake Chetac is in the ceded territory and therefore the walleye limit is based on
the number of walleye speared by the Indians. Check posting at the boat landing.
In general:
Northern -->May 3 - March 1. Limit of 5 in the bag. No minimum length.
Walleye --> May 3 - March 1. Limit of 2 per day and 3 in the bag. 18"
Panfish --> Open all year. 25 in total. Only 10 can be bluegill. No minimum length.
Smallmouth Bass --> May 3 - March 1. May 3 - June 20 'catch & release'
only if in Northern Zone. 5 in total (bag limit).
Largemouth Bass --> (See smallmouth bass)
Remember to check local regulations when fishing lakes other than Big Chetac.
6. Having pizza delivered? We’re not aware of anyone
doing this. However, our address is 2181 N Ol Hays Road ( look for 2 white
7. Forgot your meds? Nearest pharmacy is the
Marshfield Clinic Indianhead Center in Rice Lake. 1020 Lakeshore Dr.
715-236-8103. Affiliated with the Lakeview Medical Center.
8. Where's the nearest sand beach? You'll enjoy
Doolittle Park on Birch Lake. You can get there by boat by traveling south (left) and entering the narrows. Its at the far end of
Birch Lake. Otherwise you can go there by car by going back to Birchwood and turning right on Cty. ‘DD’ and
follow the signs.
9. Where can I get boat gas on the lake? At Birch
Lake Resort. Thru the channel and on left. $4.00/gal.? The Store in Edgewater
has non-ethanol gas 87, 89, 91 octane.
10. What do I do with fish guts? Place them in a
plastic bag and store them in the freezer in the fish house till ready for disposal in the dumpster across the road.
Place in dumpster on Wednesday nite or Thursday morning.
11. Where can I get life preservers and cushions for use in the boat?
Try the boat house
down near the dock. Storage #8 is ours. Still others can be
found beneath the seating in the pontoon. Make sure everyone chooses a preserver
that fits them.
12. Are there any spots on the lake where I'll do damage to my lower unit
(prop)? Things are pretty predictable on Lake Chetac. Steer wide on the points. There are some stumps
near the shore but they're visible. A rock pile is in the "bull pen" area, a sand bar comes off
the point to the right, and another rock pile is at the far south end. White buoys mark these.
13. Should we leave left-over food in the refrigerator?
In general, no. It's a nice thought, but in reality people don't eat other's leftovers. Exceptions could be canned / sealed goods.
14. What about left-over bait? Give it to some needy
fisherman. a.k.a. - Joe
15. Can Joe control the rain? No, he can't!!