Home:(585) 493-2847
E-Mail: Ken.Golde@SIM.ORG

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ken.golde

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are you doing now?

A: We are in the process of raising prayer and financial support in preparation for our return to Niger. We are working on scheduling meetings, If you can assist, please send us an email: Ken.Golde@SIM.ORG

Q: When do you anticipate going to Niger?

A: We have a target for 2015.

Q: Where do you live?

A: We have a great mud hut, it even has a roof! Just checking to see if your really reading. We live in the Western part of Niger, West Africa in the city of Niamey. It is the Capital city of Niger and has about 700,000 people. We anticipate living in a SIM house. It similar to a house you may see in the US. It is built with concrete blocks and has a metal roof.

Q: How do you get around?

A: We would like to purchase a used vehicle. We also would like to ship over Ken's motorcycle. Depending on where we live, walking is the best method of getting around.

Q: What do you eat?

A: We have found a variety of similar things to eat here as we had in US. We can purchase potatoes, rice, ground beef, and many other food items we are familiar with already. However, the shape, size, texture, and flavor are sometimes different from what we had expected. We purchase flour and sugar in 50 Kilo bags (approx 110 lb). We do have to take precautions when preparing our meals. All fruits and vegetables must be washed in water and Clorox solution to kill any parasites and bacteria. Our drinking and cooking water must also be filtered. We have had opportunity to eat some African meals, which have been very good. Send an email and ask some of the details sometime.

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