On-Line Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

We have made our product documentation available on-line for both existing and potential customers; they provide excellent insight into our products. (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Also, some files are arranged for booklet printing.)

512K SIMM Upgrade User Manual

CoCo3 RGB/SCART/HDMI Installation Manual

DOS Adapter User Manual

DriveWire 3 User Manual

HDB-DOS User Manual

IDE CompactFlash User Manual

miniFLASHminiFLASH User Manual

NitrOS-9 ROM Kit User Manual

Pro-Tector+ User Manual

PS/2 Keyboard Interface User Manual

SDProto User Manual

SuperDriver User Manual

SuperIDE User Manual

TC^3 SCSI Controller User Manual

uSalt Installation  Manual


We've collected a list of Frequently Asked Questions for our products that customers have asked over the years. Feel free to read them -- they can save you time and frustration and assist in your evaulation of our products.

SuperDriver FAQ

DriveWire FAQ


TC^3 SCSI Controller FAQ

IDE CompactFlash Adapter FAQ

NitrOS-9 ROM Kit FAQ

Software Downloads

Tech Notes and White Papers

Here you can find software updates for various products we offer.

miniFLASH Disk ImageminiFLASH Disk Image

We've collected some useful information about CoCo related topics.

Installing and Configuring NitrOS-9 and HDB-DOS

ROM OS-9 Into Your CoCo

OS-9 System Extension Modules

Sector Size Issues with OS-9

Using Large Drives With HDB-DOS

Schematic of the CoCo 3

American vs. Korean CoCo 3

DriveWire 3 Candidate Specification


Cloud-9 ● 3749 County Road 30 ● Delano, MN 55328 ● info@cloud9tech.com